Career Information, Advanced Educational Opportunities

 and Jobs in Archaeology and Anthropology

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Some of the jobs posted here may already be filled.  However, the material will give you some idea as to what is available in the US and around the world.  You will also find some university and graduate school information if that is your next step.
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Anthropology and Archaeology Careers--Advice from Northern Kentucky University __ You will find an advice page from Northern Kentucky University.  There are links for non-teaching jobs and a long list of midwestern (KY, OH, IN, IA) organizations with jobs and volunteer positions available.  You may be quite surprised by how wide ranging an anthropological career can be. - From Dr.Sharlotte Neely/Northern Kentucky University - __ You will find employment and volunteer opportunities, research announcements, and a whole grab-bag of additional and interesting information.  Well worth a visit. - From -

Archaeology in higher education __ Read about archaeological careers in academia and what is needed to follow such a career path. - From Council for British Archaeology -

British Archaeological Jobs Resource Website __ Here is a major resource about archaeological careers and work in the UK.  "Hundreds of jobs have been posted on the website and over 400 archaeologists have placed their CV's online."  This is the largest such resource in the UK and while you are here, check out "The Digger."  You will also find some great games such as "Beat that digger" which teaches you how to keep a crew at work - illustrated - From BAJR -

Careers in Archaeology __ This is an article about archaeological careers from K. Kris Hirst. - From -

Careers in Archaeology  __ A database of archaeological job openings. - From -

CBA Fact Sheet Number 1: Getting Started in Archaeology __ Find out what archaeology is, where archaeologists work, what they do, and the demand for their services. - From Council for British Archaeology -

Editor's Choice 

Something you may want to consider if you are caught up in the 'romantic,' 'exotic,' or 'Indiana Jones' vision of an archaeological career:

From Have Trowel, Will Travel

"But, if you are at the point where you want benefits, or you are tired of being at the mercy of a jerk, or you simply want to be able to rent an apartment and hang your hat for more than several weeks in a row, and it just isn't fun anymore, go back to school or get out of archaeology. Archaeology is one of those jobs that you'll never get rich in, not even if you go for an MA or Ph.D. and get a fulltime job. Archaeology is simply, to put it bluntly, not rocket science, it's not a medical profession, it's not professional sports, it's simply not perceived as "essential" and so it's never going to be funded like those sciences that are perceived as essential sciences, and if nobody gets well paid, neither will you. So if you don't love it, don't do it."

If you are seriously considering a career in archaeology in the United States, "Have Trowel, Will Travel" is an eight part series you need to read. -



FAQ-Career in Archaeology in the U.S. __ You will get a full run down of career and volunteer opportunities.  There is also an excellent set of links to related materials - From David L. Carlson -

Getting Into Graduate School - Archaeology   __ A series of four articles about getting into graduate school.  You will find good links to related materials. - From -

Have Trowel, Will Travel __ "The following list is of mid-sized to large archaeological contract firms, who have a regular, although inconstant need for field and laboratory technicians. The purpose of the list is to allow field technicians to network with these firms, and keep abreast of the contracts available."  there is really not much more I can say. - From -

An Hour in the Life: Stories from Archaeologists at Work __ A series of five stories about archaeological work and the minute by minute frustrations that sometimes occur. - illustrated - From -

Interested in becoming an archaeologist? __ Here is an introduction to an archaeological career for the younger student. - From Ask Dr. Dig - - Research, Science, Academic,... __ Just type "archaeology" into the keyword search box to access academic archaeological jobs in the UK. - From -

Jobs in Archaeology __ Find archaeological job listings for government, CRM, universities and museums. - From -


Jobs in Archeology Archaeology Vacancies and Careers EARTHWORKS __ You can post and view resumes and see what else is available.  For both UK and US. - From -

Museum Jobs - Useful Links __ Here you will find links and announcements of job openings worldwide. - From -

Non-Academic Careers in Physical Anthropology __ This site "...focuses on non-academic careers in applied anthropometry (public and private sectors), epidemiology, museums, zoological gardens, and forensic anthropology. There are a great many other non-academic professional careers available for appropriately trained individuals possessing graduate degrees in physical anthropology. Included are positions on the staffs of hospitals, regional primate centers, and private biomedically oriented research laboratories, to name just a few." - By Dr. Jim Moore -


SWA Job Opportunities __ If you are looking for archaeological work in the American southwest, you might just find it here.  Many listings for both paid and volunteer positions. - From Southwestern Archaeology -

Training in Archaeological Science __ "Over the past century, archaeology has provided many exciting opportunities for the application of ideas from the more traditional sciences, but it has also always presented new frontiers of its own which have led to highly original, and specifically archaeological, scientific research."   Learn what you need to know to be a part of the process.  They provide excellent points of contact for additional information. - From Council for British Archaeology -

Trivial Pursuits? - Archaeology __ Is an archaeological career no more than an entertaining pastime or is it serious work?  This remarkable article may provide an answer. - By K. Kris Hirst -


UK Archaeology Opportunities __ Just what the name implies, assistance in finding archaeological work in the UK.  You will find good links and additional information as well. - From UK Archaeology Opportunities -

What Can I Do With An Undergraduate Degree in Anthropology __ Well, for starters, just about anything you want.  Here are some more practical suggestions, including archaeological careers. - From University of Manitoba -

Yahoo! Groups : Shovelbums __ While I don't normally review Yahoo Groups as a website, you may find just what you are looking for at this one.  Job announcements and more. - From Yahoo Groups/Shovelbums -


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