Anglican/Episcopal Studies - Resources for Religious Anthropology Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
African Methodist Episcopal Zion - Amish - Anglican/Episcopal - Assemblies of God - Baptist - Christian Science - Eastern Orthodox - Jehovah's Witness - Latter-Day Saints - Lutheran - Mennonite - Methodist - Moravian - Old Catholic - Presbyterian - Roman Catholic - Seventh Day Adventist - Unification Church - United Church of Canada - The Way International - Worldwide Church of God
The links
provided here are for the purpose of having online material where you
can learn what each faith has to say about itself. While these
links are not about "religious anthropology" itself, having a
knowledge of what each faith believes, and what its internal dynamics
are, can be an important tool in many
studies of the anthropology of religion. The websites below all
identify themselves as Anglican. Whether they are in communion
with each other, or with Canterbury, is a part of their "internal
dynamics" and lends itself to the study of the anthropology of
In the review annotations, I will let the site speak for itself as much as possible. |
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The American Anglican Council __ Individuals, parishes and ministries affirming Biblical authority and Anglican orthodoxy. -
Anglican Belief and Practice __ "Both the Reformed Episcopal Church and the Anglican Province of America recognize the Thirty-nine Articles of Religion as one of their formularies. This was also true for both sides of the Evangelical/Catholic debate within nineteenth-century Anglicanism. The following is an articulation of the comprehension of Anglican belief and practice beyond and/or supplemental to the Articles of Religion, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Ordinal; it addresses the primary topics of Church, doctrine, sacraments, ministry, and worship." -
Anglican Catholic Church Original Province, Official Web Site __ News and information about the Anglican Catholic Church, resources, links to diocesan web sites. -
Anglican Church Of Australia __ Includes small collection of hymns and important documents, plus links to local parishes and dioceses. -
The Anglican Church Of Canada Welcomes You __ Official information and resource site for the Anglican Church of Canada. -
Anglican Church League, Sydney, Australia __ Articles and other online
Anglican resources, news, and information about the League. -
Anglican Church Music __ Information, resources and links for Anglican and
Episcopal cathedral and church musicians. -
Anglican Communion Web Site __ London based official site of the worldwide Anglican communion offers documents, publications, and global directories of affiliated groups. Custom in Canterbury Cathedral, the Mother Church of the Anglican Communion. -
Anglican Journal -- Canada's National Anglican Newspaper __ National newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada. -
Cathedral Church of the Advent __ This is the website for Advent Cathedral in Birmingham, Alabama, where you will find information and ideas from a more 'evangelical' side of the Episcopal Church. You will find many interesting theological articles as well as basic information about the cathedral and its activities. - illustrated - From Advent Cathedral -
Church Of England | Menu __ Home page, official Church of England website. Mother Church of the Anglican Communion. Liturgy, history, mission, social and ethical issues. -
The Episcopal Church, USA __ Anglican Global Relations. Mission Service. Companion Dioceses. The Anglican Communion. -
The Reformed Episcopal Church/Anglican Province of America __ Learn about the potential merger of two Anglican groups in the US. "...both the Reformed Episcopal Church and the Anglican Province of America are in the process of uniting." -
The Scottish Episcopal Church __ Home page of the Scottish Episcopal Church. A good overview of the church and its practice. -
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