Honduras People History Culture

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Gracias is a town in western Honduras - Photo by alex-s - CC-BY

Population 2006 ....................................................7,326,496
GDP per capita 2006 (Purchasing Power Parity, US$)........... 2,600
GDP 2006 (Purchasing Power Parity, US$ billions)................17
Average annual growth 1991-97
Population (%) ....... 2.0
Labor force (%) ....... 3.4

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Resources and links about Honduras

honduras , yuscar�n - Photo by chamo estudio - CC-BY

Total Area..................................................................43,278 sq. mi.
Poverty (% of population below national poverty line)......50
Urban population (% of total population) ............................... 45
Life expectancy at birth (years)..................................................... 69
Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births)........................................ 36
Child malnutrition (% of children under 5) ..............................18
Access to safe water (% of population) ..................................... 77
Illiteracy (% of population age 15+) ...........................................29

 Go to capital - Tegucigalpa City Profile - To Honduras History


Background Note: Honduras  __ A full national profile with history, culture, Honduras economy, maps and more. - illustrated - From U.S. State Department - http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/1922.htm

CIA - The World Factbook -- Honduras __ A detailed look at including Honduras history, culture, political structure, Honduras economy and many other topics. - From US Central Intelligence Agency - http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ho.html

Colleges and Universities - Honduras __  A list (2) of schools with direct links to each. - From Robert-Jan Bulter - http://www.bulter.nl/universities/ho.html

Country Profile: Honduras __ A general overview including Honduran history, political structure, culture, leaders, media, and more. "Honduran society is rife with economic inequality. Malnutrition, poor housing and infant diseases are widespread. Poverty, and the prospects offered by drug trafficking, have contributed to a virulent crime wave, conducted mainly by scores of youth gangs." - illustrated - From BBC - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/country_profiles/1225416.stm

Doing Business in Honduras __ "This page provides a snapshot of each country�s aggregate ranking on the ease of doing business and on each of the ten topics that comprise the overall ranking. Data is also provided for each country for all the 10 topics covered in the database." Starting a business, dealing with licenses, employing workers, getting credit, paying taxes and much more. - From doingbusiness.org/The World Bank Group - http://www.doingbusiness.org/ExploreEconomies/?economyid=86

Economy of Honduras __ "Economy of Honduras is the measure of economic activity in Honduras. It is one of the poorest countries in Latin America. The economy is based mostly on agriculture, which accounted for 22% of its gross domestic product (GDP) in 1999." An encyclopedic article about the economy of Honduras along with links to related materials. - from wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Honduras 

Ethnologue report for Honduras __ Web page dedicated to the languages spoken in Honduras. - From SIL International - http://www.ethnologue.com/show_country.asp?name=Honduras

Explore Honduras Tours - Main Page __ Travel website with valuable information for planning a trip to Honduras. - illustrated - From Explorehonduras.com - http://www.explorehonduras.com/

Honduras __ An excellent tool for anthropology and historical research. "Handbook Series sponsored by the U.S. Department of the Army between 1986 and 1998. Each study offers a comprehensive description and analysis of the country or region's historical setting, geography, society, economy, political system, and foreign policy." - From Library of Congress - http://countrystudies.us/honduras/

Honduras __ A good overview of Honduras, history, government, statistics and more. - illustrated - From Infoplease - http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107616.html
Honduras __ A guide to law, constitution/s, legal history, international agreements and more. - From Law Library of Congress - http://www.loc.gov/law/guide/honduras.html

Honduras __ "Honduras was the original banana republic and is still one of the least developed and industrialized countries in Central America. Despite its turbulent political history, the poor cousin of the region has barely registered on the Western radar, apart from its short role in the 1980s as a breeding ground for US covert operations." History, culture, statistics. - illustrated - From Lonely Planet - http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/central_america/honduras/


Honduras - Atlapedia Online__ Good overview of Honduras covering many topics. - From Atlapedia Online - http://www.atlapedia.com/online/countries/honduras.htm

Honduras Country Information __ You will find detailed information and a lot of it. There are learning games and information for teachers too. You will find history, people, population, government and more. - illustrated - From countryreports.org - http://www.countryreports.org/country.aspx?countryid=108&countryName=Honduras

Honduras Exports __ You will find charted exports information by industry, product and value in U.S. Dollars. Click on the little "+" icons for even more detailed information about each topic. - From intracen.org - http://www.intracen.org/appli1/TradeCom/TP_EP_CI.aspx?RP=004&YR=2005

Honduras Geography - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate ... __ "Honduras Geography - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics, ..." All that and more. - illustrated - From photius.com - http://www.photius.com/wfb1999/honduras/honduras_geography.html

Honduras: Geography, Maps and Information __ You will find a collection of resources including Honduras geography, maps of Honduras and links to related articles. - From about.com - http://geography.about.com/library/maps/blhonduras.htm

Honduras Map, Honduras History, Honduras Profile, Honduras Economy ... __ There is all of that plus links to similar information for most of the world. - From mapsofworld.com - http://www.mapsofworld.com/honduras/

honduras map and map of honduras information page __ An atlas style page chock-full of various maps of Honduras, statistics, and general information. - illustrated - From worldatlas.com - http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/namerica/camerica/hn.htm

Honduras Photos __ You will find galleries of click-to-enlarge photos of Honduras. Pictures of Honduras. - illustrated - From trekearth.com - http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Central_America/Honduras/

Honduras Photos, Flag, Map and Travel Information __ You will find several galleries of pictures of Honduras as well as an 'atlas' style summary with maps of Honduras and more. - illustrated - From pbase.com - http://www.pbase.com/world/honduras 

Honduras Video Clips __ You will find video clips related to the country. 'Caution' only a portion of the Honduras video clips have been reviewed by archaeolink.com. There may be material in others some would find objectionable. - From searchforvideo.com - http://www.searchforvideo.com/countries/honduras/

Maps Of Honduras __ You will find a wide variety of Honduras map resources. Select Honduras maps from MapQuest, Merriam-Webster, Perry-Casta�eda Library Map Collection and others. - From embassyworld.com - http://www.embassyworld.com/maps/Maps_Of_Honduras.html

Pictures of Honduras __ Here are several galleries of pictures of Honduras divided by topic such as flora, insects, sunsets, etc. - illustrated - From mongabay.com - http://travel.mongabay.com/honduras/

pictures of Honduras at picturesofplaces.com - honduras pictures ... __ "Honduras pictures including Copan, Grand Plaza, Ball Court, pyramids, tunnels, and more!" - illustrated - From picturesofplaces.com - http://www.picturesofplaces.com/CentralSouthAmerica/honduras.html 


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