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This Hebrew language page is presented as an additional supplement for Linguistic Anthropology General Resources.
Biblical Hebrew and modern Hebrew language and literature __ You will find a few free online lessons and additional resources. - From DaaT - http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/2518/heb_lang.html
Ethnologue 14 report for language code:HBR ( Hebrew ) __ Statistical and technical information about Hebrew. - From ethnologue.com - http://www.ethnologue.com/14/show_language.asp?code=HBR
Hebrew __ Good collection of resources. - From about.com - http://judaism.about.com/od/hebre1/Hebrew.htm
Hebrew Course Review __ A look at the quality of Hebrew courses being offered. "Some people collect stamps or license plates; I have been collecting and writing Hebrew courses for a few years. As of this time, I can’t say that I’ve studied them all. But I have reviewed them, listened to the tapes of all the short courses, and maybe this will help you (and save you time and money) in your decisions and investment to study Hebrew further." - From amerisoftinc.com - http://amerisoftinc.com/hebrew2.htm
Hebrew language __ "Hebrew ... is a Semitic language of the Afro-Asiatic language family spoken by more than seven million people in Israel with the West Bank, the United States, and Jewish communities around the world." You will find an encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_language
Hebrew language __ General overview of the Hebrew language stressing history. - From infoplease.com - http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0823155.html
Hebrew Language __ Major article dealing with many aspects of the Hebrew language, history and more. - From jewishencyclopedia.com - http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?letter=H&artid=485
Hebrew language, alphabet and pronunciation __ "The earliest Hebrew script was derived from a Phoenician script. The modern Hebrew script was developed from a script known as Proto-Hebrew/Early Aramaic. The earliest known writing in Hebrew dates from the 11th century BC." You will find an overview and links to additional resources. - from omniglot.com - http://www.omniglot.com/writing/hebrew.htm
Hebrew language homepage __ A virtual Language Lab. Online tutorials, audio lessons for 3 levels, biblical readings, video clips, puzzles and more. - illustrated - From utexas.edu - http://www.laits.utexas.edu/hebrew/
Hebrew Language - Resources on the Internet __ You will find a list of online resources about Hebrew Language and culture. - from amerisoftinc.com - http://amerisoftinc.com/heblinks.htm
Hebrew, some history! __ A brief overview with text links to information in greater detail. - From morim.com - http://www.morim.com/hebrew_us.htm
Hebrew Tongue Twisters __ You will find a collection of tongue twisters to practice. english translations are provided. - From Michael Reck - http://www.uebersetzung.at/twister/iw.htm
Hebrew for Travelers __ Select a category of words and phrases then submit what you want. - from travlang.com - http://www.travlang.com/languages/cgi-bin/langchoice.cgi?page=main&lang1=english&lang2=hebrew
History of Hebrew __ "As a nationality Hebrew refers to the ancient Israelites, but as a language Hebrew refers to one of several dialects of the Canaanite language. Hebrew (Israel) and Moabite (Jordan) can be called Southern Canaanite dialects while Phoenician (Lebanon) can be called a Northern Canaanite dialect." an encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_language#History
IPL Kidspace: Say Hello to the World __ Kids can say hello to the world in Hebrew, then scroll down for additional resources. - From KidSpace the Internet Public Library - http://www.ipl.org/div/kidspace/hello/hebrew.html
Judaism 101: Hebrew Language: Root Words __ "The vast majority of words in the Hebrew language can be boiled down to a three-consonant root word that contains the essence of the word's meaning." Learn how it works. - From jewfaq.org - http://www.jewfaq.org/root.htm
My Hebrew Dictionary __ "My Hebrew Dictionary - English to Hebrew On-Line Dictionary" Select a word category, click on the English and the Hebrew will show in graphic form. No need for the Hebrew font. - From dictionary.co.il - http://www.dictionary.co.il/index.php
My Jewish Learning: Overview: The Hebrew Language __ A general overview of Hebrew, ancient and modern. - From myjewishlearning.com - http://www.myjewishlearning.com/culture/2/Languages/Hebrew.shtml
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