Northern Plains Indian Tribes Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Northern Plains Indian Tribes
Apsaroke / Crow Indian Tribe - - Arapaho Indian Tribe - - Blackfoot Indian Tribe - - Cheyenne Indians - - Goshute Indian Tribe - - Paiute Indians - - Pawnee Indians - - Shoshone Indians - - Sioux Indians - - Ute Indians
Apsaroke / Crow Indian Tribe
Absaroke Indians of America __ "Better known as 'The Crow'
Indians – an appellation given to them by the White Man, either
derisively or as a mistaken translation of their Indian name that
actually meant 'Sparrowhawk' or 'Bird People' - the Absaroke were
originally part of the Hidatsa or Gros Ventre Tribe residing along the
Missouri River in North Dakota." You will find a good overview of tribal
history and culture. - From -
Apsaroke ___Three photos of notable chiefs from which you can
get a look at men's traditional clothing and adornments. - No text -
From unknown -
Apasaroke ___Not a long article, but one which offers a look
into the rivalry between two of the four warrior societies of the Crow
people. - Text only - From Jeffrey Thomas -
___Excerpt from a report by the Indian Congress in 1898. - Illustrated -
From the Omaha Public Library -
Constitution & By Laws of the Crow Tribe of Indians __ "This
is a copy of the Crow Constitution as proposed and approved Saturday,
July 15, 2001, by a vote of 670-to-449." - From Little Big Horn College
Indians __ An overview of the Crow Indians and Crow
mythology. - illustrated - From -
Language and the Crow Indian Tribe __ You will find Crow
language information and the culture, history and genealogy of the Crow
Indians. - From -
Nation __ "The Crow, also called the Absaroka or Apsáalooke,
are a tribe of Native Americans who historically lived in the
Yellowstone River valley and now live on a reservation south of
Billings, Montana." An encyclopedic article with links to related
materials. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
The Crow - Skilled Horseman of Montana __ "The Crow, also called the Absaroka, Apsaroke, or Apsáalooke, their name was given them by the Hidatsa, and meant "people [or children] of the large-beaked bird." A brief overview of people and history. - illustrated - From -
Crow Tribe
___Demographics and contact information. - Tribal seal image -
From the Crow Tribal Council -
Crow Visions
___The best way to access the information here is via the drop-down menu
box. Topics include warfare, ceremonies and societies. - Illustrated -
From Choo se, aka White Horse -
Cultural Heritage of the Crow __ A general overview of the
Crow nation with several links to additional material. - illustrated -
From -
Facts for
Kids: Crow Indians __ Many facts in the form of questions and
answers. - From -
___A 1908 photo of Hoop On The Forehead with a bit of
information about his life. warrior life. Click on the word 'Apsaroke'
in the title to pop open a smaller window with information about these
people as concerns their rivalry in war. - Illustrated - From Jeffrey
Thomas -
Native American Tribe - Crow __ Learn how the Crow dupped the railroad in this tale from the Old West. - From -
Official Website of
the Crow Tribe - Apsáalooke Nation Executive Branch __ "Crow
Executive branch of the Apsaalooke Nation is located in the Crow Indian
Reservation in the heart of Crow Country in Crow Agency, Montana,
approximately 50 miles south of Billings, Montana." Find information
about communities, population, Crow history, points of interest and
more. - illustrated - From -
Project Preserves Traditional Crow Site Names ___"Two years
ago Old Coyote and 20 other Crow elders began working with Little Big
Horn College general studies instructor Tim McCleary to document place
names and chronicle the stories behind them." Find out about this
project and why preserving the traditional Crow place names is
important. - 1 map - From Carrie Moran McCleary -
Welcome to Crow Country - Crow Tribe Overview ___Tribal facts
and information about the Crow Fair, the buffalo, Crow history, clans
and bead work. The 'Elders' section provides a gallery of enlargeable
photos. - Illustrated - From unknown -
Arapaho Indian Tribe
About the Arapaho Indians __ A general overview of the Arapaho. - From -
Arapaho ___An overview of Arapaho history with emphasis on the battles and massacres during the Plains Wars. There is an image of an Arapaho Ghost Dancer shirt. Click on the letter 'D' to read a brief text description. - Illustrated - From Richard Alonzo -
Arapaho ___Location, history, daily life and the Arapaho
flag. - Text only - From Emuseum -
Arapaho __ An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Arapaho __
Definition and collection of encyclopedic articles about the Arapaho. - From -
The Arapaho Camp ___A gossipy history with a lot of
interesting information about the Arapaho in
Colorado as it related to the city
of Denver. (There are 10 chapters in all, but just this one to which we link is
pertinent to the Arapaho people.) - Text only - From Thomas J. Noel -
The Arapaho - Great Buffalo Hunters of the Plains __ A
good overview of the Arapho including information about the split into Northern
and Southern groups, culture, daily life, ceremonies and more. - illustrated -
From -
Arapaho Indian History __ "According to the tradition of the Arapaho they were once a sedentary, agricultural people, living far to the northeast of their more recent habitat, apparently about the Red River Valley of northern Minnesota." A brief overview plus a good assortment of links to other resources. - From -
Arapaho Indians __ A general overview of the tribe and people. - From -
Arapaho Lands ___A good history of the Arapaho, beginning
with their creation story and ending in 1861. There is a link to relevant
treaties. - Text only - From Ethel Taylor -
Arapaho Literature ___Four short legends from the Arapaho
Nation. - Text only - From Glenn Welker -
Arapaho Moccasins ___A description of these moccasins and
instructions (with patterns) for making them. - Illustrated - From the Museum
and Research Center of the American Mountain Men -
The Arapaho Tribe ___A report from the 1898 Indian
Congress in Omaha, Nebraska. - Illustrated - From the Omaha Public Library -
The Arapaho Tribe __ "The Araphoe are considered to be buffalo hunters of the plains but also have traditions of a time when they lived in the east and planted corn." A brief overview. - From -
Ethnologue: Arapaho ___Demographic information about the Arapaho language. - Text only - From Ethnologue: Languages of the World -
Facts For Kids: Arapaho Indians ___Several questions and their answers are presented here in simple, straightforward language. Links within the text will take you to further information. A few Arapaho Indian photos with the text - illustrated - From Native Americans for Kids -
History of the Northern Arapaho Tribe __ "The Arapaho Tribe apparently migrated into its historical homelands of Colorado and Wyoming from the northeast. Tribal history tells of a crossing of a great frozen river to the north sometime in the past, which likely may have been the Missouri." An outline of Arapaho history. - From -
Imaging and Imagining the Ghost Dance ___"1890s photo documentary of the Arapaho Ghost Dance." - Illustrated - From James Mooney -
Information on the Arapaho Indian Culture ___"Find out
about the way of life, history, culture, heritage and current situation
regarding the Arapaho Indian Nation." - Text only - From PageWise, Inc. -
Northern Arapaho Tribe ___Information about the people of
the Wind River Indian Reservation in
Wyoming. The 'Current News and Information'
contains such topics as history and location. - Illustrated - From the Northern
Arapaho Tribe -
Wind River Country : Northern Arapaho Tribe __ "The Northern Arapaho tribe of Wyoming is one of four groups of Arapaho who originally occupied the headwaters of the Arkansas and Platte Rivers in what is now northeastern Colorado." An overview of the tribe and its history. - illustrated - From -
Blackfoot Indian Tribe
Blackfeet Indians ___As you'll read here, the
relationship between Lewis and Clark's expedition did not get off to a
very good start. - Text only - From PBS -
Blackfeet/Blackfoot Indian Tribe Online Records __ You will find
a brief introductory article and then many resources and links. - From -
Blackfoot ___A summary of the political and social
structure of the Blackfoot Indians. - Text only - From EthnoAtlas -
Blackfoot __
"The independent and very successful warriors had a territory that stretched
from the North Saskatchewan River along what is now Edmonton, Alberta in
Canada, to the Yellowstone River of
Montana in the United States, and from
the Rocky Mountains and along the South Saskatchewan River, east past the
Cypress Hills." An encyclopedic article with links to related
material. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Blackfoot Confederacy __ "The Blackfoot
Confederacy consists of four different tribes, the Pikuni/Peigan, North
Peigan Pikuni, Blood/Kainai, and Blackfoot/Siksika. Members of the
Blackfoot Confederation presently live in Montana, the United States and
Alberta, Canada." Learn about their history, culture and ceremonials. -
illustrated - From Minnesota State University -
Blackfeet Indian Reservation __ "The Blackfeet Indian Reservation or Blackfeet Nation is an Indian reservation of the Blackfeet tribe in Montana in the United States. It is located east of Glacier National Park and borders Canada to the north." An encyclopedic article with links to related material. - illustrated - From wikipedia
Blackfoot Indian Tribe __ A general overview of the Blackfoot tribe. - From -
Blackfoot Indian Tribe, History, Culture __ A timeline of Blackfoot history along with some facts. - From -
Blackfoot Language __ You will find scanned-in
Blackfoot language documents, including linguistic information, a
Blackfoot story, and grammar. - From The Rosetta Project -
Blackfoot Language and the Blackfoot Indian Tribe (Siksika,
Pikuni, Piegan, Kainai, Blackfeet) __ Blackfoot, or Siksika, is
an Algonquian language spoken by 8000 people in southern Alberta and
northern Montana. The two main dialects are called Pikanii and Siksika
Blackfoot. Many children are still learning Blackfoot, but the language
is currently undergoing linguistic shift, with 'Old Blackfoot' being
spoken by older generations and 'New Blackfoot' being spoken by younger
ones." Learn more about the tribes making up the Blackfoot confederation
including language history and more. - From -
Blackfoot/Piegan Literature ___Following the links
to several stories of Blackfoot folklore, you'll find some general
tribal information. - Text only - From Glenn Welker -
Blackfoot Syllabary ____A syllabary is a writing
system whose characters represent syllables. In the late 1800s, John
William Tims devised the one you'll find on this page for advanced
students. - Text only - From Omniglot -
Black Foot Treaty ___Full text of this 1855
treaty. - Text only - From Emayzine -
CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Blackfoot Indians __ A good
overview of the Blackfoot and related peoples. You will find history and
links to related subjects. - From Catholic Encyclopedia -
Constitution and By-Laws for the Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet ...
__ Full text in click-to-read sections or just scroll down the page.
- From -
Facts For Kids: Blackfoot Indians (Blackfeet)
___Several questions and their answers are presented here in simple,
straightforward language. Links within the text will take you to further
information. - Text only - From Native Americans for Kids -
Head-Smashed-In ___Information about a place which
has been used by the Blackfoot people for thousands of years and is
sacred to them. - Illustrated - From Emuseum -
The Marias Massacre ___Learn about this awful event in Piegan history. The webmaster points out it is no less important than any other massacre or battle during this time, but that it's been treated callously by historians. - Text only - From Jordan S. Dill -
Official Site of the Blackfoot Nation __ "We are
members of the ancient line of Blackfoot people going back before time.
We are the traditional believers in our ancient ways that were given to
us by iits-tsi-pah-ta-pii-op - the Source of Life." You will find online
Native Studies courses, history, and cultural information from a
Blackfoot elder. - illustrated - By Chief Long Standing Bear -
Rare Artifact Almost Went Out With Trash ___Learn
the amazing story of a bison robe that was almost lost in the garbage. -
Illustrated - From Canku Ota -
TMI Rinehart Thumbnails ___The photos you'll find here were taken in 1898. Click on any of them to see larger versions. Historic Blackfeet photos- Illustrated - From Omaha Public Library -
Treaty With The Blackfeet, October 17, 1855 __ Full text. - From -
Welcome to Blackfeet Country ___Information about
tribal government, departments and an excellent history and culture
section. - Illustrated - From the Blackfeet Nation of Montana -
Welcome to the Blood Tribe Web ___A well-organized
website. Its many sections include history and departments and can be
accessed from the links in the small frame to your left. You can also
take a virtual tour of the community. - Illustrated - From the Blood
Tribe Administration -
Cheyenne Indians
Black Kettle ___The story of this
great chief's life as a leader of his people. - Illustrated - From PBS -
Cheyenne ___"The following excerpts from the journals of Lewis and Clark and
their men present a picture of the Cheyenne people as the Anglo-Americans saw
them. The modern reader must be careful to understand that what these white men
saw and recorded was not necessarily correct from the Indian perspective." -
Text only - From the National Park Service, United States Department of the
Interior -
Cheyenne __ "The Cheyenne Indians lived in the Great Plains area, east of the
Rocky Mountains and west of the Mississippi River. Today they are settled in
Montana and
Oklahoma." Learn about history, culture and more. - From Minnesota
State University -
Cheyenne Genealogy Research __ Today the tribe is divided into two bands. The
Southern Cheyenne in Oklahoma and the Northern Cheyenne in Montana. Their
research is primarily with the Northern band but they do have information about
various families in the Southern band. Currently they have over 8,000 Cheyenne's
in their data set. This data set covers over two hundred years of Cheyenne
genealogy. - From Timothy D. Cook -
Cheyenne Indian __ A growing website exploring the history and heritage of the Cheyenne Indian Tribes. - illustrated - From -
Cheyenne Indian History __ "The earliest authenticated habitat of the Cheyenne, before the year 1700, seems to have been that part of Minnesota bounded roughly by the Mississippi, Minnesota, and upper Red rivers." A brief history. - From -
Cheyenne Indians __ "The Cheyenne are north American Plains Indian people of Algonkian stock who inhabited the regions around the Platte and Arkansas rivers during the 19th century...Before 1700 the home of the Cheyenne was in central Minnesota, where they farmed, hunted, gathered wild rice, and made pottery." - illustrated - From Crystalinks -
Cheyenne Indians __ "Cheyenne Indians, one of the most westerly
tribes of the Algonquian nation. They were seated on the Cheyenne, a branch
of the Red River of the North. Driven by the Sioux, they retreated beyond
the Missouri. Near the close of the eighteenth century they were driven to
or near the Black Hills (now in the Dakotas and Wyoming), where Lewis and
Clarke found them in 1804, when they possessed horses and made plundering
raids as far as New Mexico." A general overview of the Cheyenne plus a
great gallery of classic photos. - illustrated - From -
Cheyenne Lands ___This history begins with the bare bones of the Cheyenne
creation story. - Illustrated - From Ethel Taylor -
Cheyenne Language and the Cheyenne Indian Tribe (Tsitsistas, Tsetsehestahese) __
"Cheyenne is an Algonquian language spoken by about 1500 people in
Montana and
central Oklahoma. It is related to Arapaho but has a much more complex
phonology, with vowel devoicing and tones. Some children are still learning
Cheyenne as a native language, but due to the small number of speakers there is
fear that the language may die out if effort is not put into revitalizing it." -
from -
Cheyenne Literature ___Following the links to several stories of Cheyenne
folklore you'll find a bit of tribal history. - Text only - From Glenn Welker -
Cheyenne Names ___"Click on a link to see and hear Cheyenne names." Most have an
English translation and an audio file. (WAV format) - Text only - From Cheyenne
Translation Project -
Cheyenne Picture Dictionary ___First choose a category; then select the image to
here its Cheyenne word. (WAV format) Topics include birds, clothing and tools. -
Illustrated - From the Cheyenne Language Web Site -
Chief Dull Knife College ___Learn about this tribal college, located on the
Northern Cheyenne Reservation, in southeastern
Montana. - Text only - From Chief
Dull Knife College -
Chief Wolf Robe ___A brief history of the Cheyenne people is accompanied by a
photograph of Wolf Robe, who just might be the Native American whose image
appears on the U.S. Indian Head nickel. - Illustrated - From Glenn Welker -
Dull Knife ___"The life of Dull Knife, the Cheyenne, is a true hero tale.
Simple, child-like yet manful, and devoid of selfish aims, or love of gain, he
is a pattern for heroes of any race." this is his story as related by Ohiyesa
(Charles A. Eastman). - Text only - From Glenn Welker -
Ethnologue: Cheyenne ___Demographic information about the Cheyenne language,. -
text only From Ethnologue -
Facts For Kids: Cheyenne Indians (Cheyennes) ___Several questions and their
answers are presented here in simple, straightforward language. Links within the
text will take you to further information. - Text only - From Native Americans
for Kids -
Genocide on the Great Plains __ "On the morning of November 28, 1864, troops
commanded by Colonel John M. Chivington attacked a band of Plains Indians of the
Cheyenne tribe under Chief Black Kettle while the Indian village was camped on
Sand Creek in Colorado Territory. The camp was just outside a reservation
established in 1861 by the treaty of Fort Wise. Two months earlier on September
28, 1864, Black Kettle and White Antelope had met with Colorado Governor John
Evans and Colonel Chivington at Camp Weld near Denver to discuss peace. While no
formal peace arrangement had been made, the Indians had turned in their arms at
Fort Lyon, camping along Sand Creek." You can read the whole story here. - By
James Horsley -
My Experience with the Cheyenne Indians ___"Address by Henry C. Keeling, of
Caldwell, Kansas, before the thirty fourth annual meeting of the Kansas State
Historical Society, December 7, 1909." - Illustrated - From the Kansas State
Historical Society -
Tichkematse: A Cheyenne at the Smithsonian ___"A fascinating early employee of the Smithsonian Institution was Tichkematse (Squint Eyes), a Cheyenne Indian who worked for the institution in a variety of capacities between 1879 and 1881." This is his story. - Illustrated - From National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution -
Goshute Indian Tribe
goshchrtr __ "Whereas, the Confederated Tribes of the Goshute
Reservation is a recognized Indian tribe organized under a Constitution
and By-laws ratified by the Tribes on November 9, 1940, and approved by
the Secretary of the Interior on November 25, 1940, pursuant to Section
16 of the Act of June 18,1934 (48 Stat. 984), as amended by the Act of
June 15, 1935 (49 Stat. 378); and ..." Text of the Corporate Charter of
the Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, Utah. - From
Goshute __ General information about the Goshute including
jurisdictions, tribal membership numbers, land area, court system and
more. - From -
Goshute __ "The Goshutes are a Native American tribe that once numbered
20,000. Only 500 remain." an encyclopedic article with links to
additional material. - From wikipedia -
Goshute Indians __ "The Goshute Indians are part of the larger Shoshonean-speaking Native American groups that live in the
Intermountain West." An overview of Goshute history and culture. - From -
Goshute Native American Tribe Turns to Nuclear Waste __ Learn about the
nuclear waste controversy and the Goshute Indians. "Now the tiny Skull
Valley Band of Goshutes has agreed to turn its reservation into one of
the country's largest nuclear waste dumps." - From -
Resources on the Goshute __ Many online resources for Goshute Indians.
Since there are also resources for other tribes, you may have to dig
them out a bit, but they are there. - From -
Paiute Indians
Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe ___Sections include government, programs
and general information about the tribe. - Illustrated - From the Fallon
Paiute-Shoshone Tribe -
History of the Paiute Indians of Utah ___Exactly as the title says. -
Text only - From the Utah History Encyclopedia -
Indian Burial Site Looting ___"This is a news article which reports the
desecration and looting of what is most likely a Paiute burial site." -
Text only - From The People's Paths -
Las Vegas Paiute
Tribe __ Official site of the Las Vegas Paiutes. - From -
Northern Paiute Duck Decoys ___Unfortunately, no images accompany this
brief article about Paiute duck decoys. - Text only - From Native Nevada
Classroom -
Paiute Baskets ___"Please click on small thumbnail photos below to
"super-size" images which should open in a new window. Simply close
large photo/ new window to return." - Illustrated - From Len Wood's
Indian Territory Gallery -
Paiute ___Location, history, language and daily life. - Text only - From Emuseum -
Paiute Creation and Origin Legends ___As the title says. - Text only -
From Indian Dick. Recorded in 1936 -
Paiute Indians - Ghost Dancers ___History and lifestyle, plus current
demographics for this people. Also find extremely interesting
information about the Ghost Dance. - Illustrated - From Crystalinks -
Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah __ Official website of the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah. You will find history, culture, events and much more. - illustrated - From -
Paiute Indian War ___"Only once in the history of the Pony Express did
the mail not go through." Learn why here. - Text only - From the Pony
Express Home Station -
Paiute Native Americans of the Great Basin Desert ___A brief overview
about who the Paiute are and where they live. - Text only - From DesertUSA -
Paiute people __ An encyclopedic article with links to
related material. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Paiute Profile ___A brief article about traditional Paiute fishing
practices. - Text only - From the Center For Columbia River History Home
Page -
People of the Colorado Plateau-The Southern Paiute ___A long
bibliography follows this history and culture overview. - Text only -
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe ___Current information about this tribe can be
found here on its official website. Learn about departments and
available services and programmes. - From the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe
- - Text only - From the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe -
San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe ___Basic current information. - Text only
- From Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada -
Sarah Winnemucca ___Biography. - Text only - From Library of Congress
Today in History: October 14 -
Societies: North America: Basin and California Tribes: Paiute ___Content
more comfortable for mature students. Information about sex and
childbirth practices among the Paiute people. - Text only - From Sex
Education Links -
Southern Paiute Table of Contents ___Lots of sections, but only four of
them have any content - Summer, Winter, Fall and Pottery. These pages
aren't big but might be useful to fill in some blanks for your research.
- Text only - From Native Nevada Classroom -
Pawnee Indians
Dr. Thomas Kavanagh Reading Pawnee Pictures ___"You can view several vintage photos of Pawnee people, including some notable chiefs. To be sure you take note of all the information to be found in them, the webmaster has provided detailed text descriptions for each." - Illustrated - From William Hammond Mathers Museum -
Facts for Kids: Pawnee
Indians __ "Information about the Pawnee Indians for students and
teachers. Covers food, homes, arts and crafts, weapons, culture, and daily
life of the Pawnees." - From -
Pawnee ___This summary address Pawnee history, society and political
organization. - Text only - From EthnoAtlas -
Pawnee __ An encyclopedic article with lonks to related material - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Pawnee ___Encyclopedic entry about this Nation and its people's history. - Text
only - From Fact Monster -
Pawnee Earth Lodge ___This isn't a big page, but it contains three photos of
what you will see should you make a real life visit to this museum to learn
about the Pawnee people. - Illustrated - From the Stuhr Museum of the Prairie
Pioneer -
The Pawnee Indians ___Customs, culture and history. - Text only - From PageWise,
Inc. -
Pawnee Indian Tribe ___History, culture and religion. - Text only - From -
Pawnee Indian Tribe ___A history of pre-Kansas Pawnees, with some firsthand
accounts. - Text only - From Kansas Genealogy -
The Pawnee Indian Tribe - Farmers on the Plains __ "Descended from Caddoan linguistic stock, the Pawnee were unlike most of the Plains Indians as their villages tended to be permanent." A brief overview - illustrated - From -
Pawnee Language and the
Pawnee Indian Tribe __ "Pawnee is a Caddoan language of the Great
Plains, spoken by fewer than a hundred native people in Oklahoma. Though the
language has been in decline, today some young Pawnees are trying to revive
their ancestral language again." Resources for Pawnee language. - From -
Pawnee Literature ___A brief history accompanies two traditional Pawnee stories.
- Text only - From Glenn Welker -
Pawnee Nation ___"This site was established to inform you of the Pawnee Nations
Tribal program and services that are offered. The site also informs you of the
progress of the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma and may inform you of any upcoming
events or recent events or any building developments." - Text only - From the
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma -
The Pawnee Tribe During the Historic Era in Nebraska ___Culture and history of
the Pawnee in Nebraska. - Illustrated - From -
Pawnee Village ___This is a transcript of a TV show regarding the exhibits of
the Pawnee Indian Village Museum - From KTWU/Channel 11 -
The Pike-Pawnee Flag Incident: Reexamining a Vexillological Legend ___Firsthand
accounts fill out this legend.' - 1 photo - From Anne M. Platoff -
Plains Indian and the Wolf: The Pawnee ___Deals with Pawnee identification with
the wolf. - Text only - From Wolf Song of Alaska -
Society-PAWNEE ___This summary provides a look at the political and social
structure of the Pawnee and includes a paragraph about the 10 men's societies. -
Text only - From EthnoAtlas -
Villasur Sent to Nebraska ___This article addresses the conflict between the
Spanish and French in what is now the state of
Nevada. Click on 'MORE' to learn
about the role of the Pawnee Nation in an important battle in American history.
- Text only - From -
Shoshone Indians
Bear River Massacre ___"Approximately
250 Shoshoni were slain, including 90 women and children." A short article, but
it recounts the events of this little-known massacre. - Text only - From -
Eastern Shoshone Tribe ___These people live on the Wind River Reservation in
Wyoming. Learn about them -- history, culture and schools. - Illustrated - From
the Eastern Shoshone Tribe -
History of Shoshone Indians ___As the title says, this is a history of the
Shoshone in Utah. The article deals with the Northwestern bands. - Text only -
From the Utah History Encyclopedia -
How To Kill a Nation ___"The focus of this page is on the "environmental
destruction exemplified by open pit mining, atomic testing, storage of nuclear
waste, all forms of military testing and the pollution of the ground, air and
water" on Western Shoshone lands. Images include a photo of a mine, a map, and
drawings of both the symbol and the seal of the Western Shoshone Nation." -
Illustrated - From the People of the Western Shoshone Nation -
Lewis and Clark . Native Americans . Shoshone Indians | PBS ___A history of the
Shoshone's first contact with white men, who happened to be with the Lewis and
Clark expedition. - 1 image - From PBS -
Shoshone Indians of Utah ___Click on the links to access information about the
Shoshone tribes throughout the present-day state of
Utah. - Illustrated - From -
Shoshone - Bannock Tribes, Sho-Ban, Fort Hall Indian Reservation ... ___History,
lifestyles, a business directory and other useful information about these
people. - Illustrated - From the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes -
Shoshone Indians ___"...excerpts from the journals of Lewis and Clark and their
men present a picture of the Lemhi Shoshone as the Anglo-Americans saw them." -
Text only - From the National Park Service, United States Department of the
Interior -
Shoshoni ___A brief article full of grammatical errors. Would make a good
combination lesson for Natives Studies and grammar. - Text only - From Emuseum -
Shoshoni Homepage ___Language resources and news magazines. - Text only - From
the Shoshoni Language Project -
Shoshoni Numbers ___Boy, these numbers are long! Imagine a bingo game called in
the Shoshoni language! Unfortunately there are only words, no audio. - Text only
- From the Shoshoni Language Home Page -
Western Shoshone ___A dated site which failed to live up to its promise. Several
topics are listed, but only five pages have any content. - Text only - From the
University of Nevada -
Western Shoshone Land and Sovereignty ___Links to information about nuclear
testing on Shoshone lands. Adobe Acrobat is required to view PDF files. -
Illustrated (including a QuickTime movie) - From Peter d'Errico -
Sioux Indians
1815 Treaty with the Blackfeet Sioux
__ You will find the full text. - From Dakota-Lakota-Nakota Human Rights
Advocacy Coalition -
American Indian Culture Research Center of the Dakotas ___Links to culture,
spirituality, myths and more for the Lakota/Dakota nations and other peoples. -
Text only - From the American Indian Culture Research Center -
Battle of the Little Bighorn, 1876 ___First read the historic account of this
important battle, then check out the report that follows. It was an interview
given by a U.S. army scout with the Seventh Cavalry, George Herendon, who rode
with Major Reno's command. - Illustrated - From EyeWitness to History -
Camping with the Sioux: Fieldwork Diary of Alice Cunningham Fletcher ___"This
exhibit, sponsored by the National Anthropological Archives of the Smithsonian
Institution, provides a copy of Fletcher's field journal written during a visit
to some Omaha, Ponca and Lakota camps in September and October 1881. The site
also provides photographs of the participants, sketches by Fletcher, and a
bibliography and links to related sites." - Illustrated - From the National
Anthropological Archives -
Constitution and Bylaws of the Lower Sioux Indian Community in Minnesota __ Full
text of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Lower Sioux Community as approved in
1936. - From University of Oklahoma Law Library -
Dakota Exile ___This is the companion website to a television documentary by the
same name. There are two pages of stills from the show and a history timeline. -
illustrated - From Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. -
Dakota Tamakoce Singers ___A large library of traditional Dakota songs, plus
information about Dakota culture and music. RealOne Player is required for the
sound files. - Illustrated - From Richard Becker and Dakota Tamakoce Singers -
Decline and Fall of the Sioux Nation ___Here's a depressing account of the Sioux
Nation's fate in the last half of the nineteenth century. - Text only - From
Richard Harter -
Ethnologue Report For Language DHG ___DHG is the code for the Dakota language.
Learn its "alternate names, number of speakers, location, dialects, linguistic
affiliation, multilingualism of speakers, availability of the Bible, and other
demographic and sociolinguistic information..." - Text only - From Ethnologue -
Games of Teton Dakota Children ___"This work describes a wide variety of games
used by the Lakota. The games are classifed according to the age and genders of
the participants." - Text only - From Rev. Raymond A. Bucko, S.J. of the
Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Creighton University -
Imaging and Imagining the Ghost Dance ___James Mooney's report describing the
Ghost Dance during the years 1891-93. - Illustrated - From Thomas W. Kavanagh,
Curator of Collections Mathers Museum, Indiana University -
Lakota Astronomy ___Topics include vision quests, Medicine Wheels and "the
Fallen Star." - Illustrated - From Paula Giese -
Lakota/Nakota/Dakota ___"The names the people we call Sioux have for themselves
are the Lakota, Nakota or Dakota..." Learn the distinctions between the three
names here. - Text only - From Karen Strom -
Lakota Plants Page 01 ___"This electronic edition of Lakota Names and
Traditional Uses of Lakota Plants by Sicangu (Brule) People, in the Rosebud
Area, South Dakota: A Study Based on Fr. Eugene Buechel's Collection of Plants
of Rosebud around 1920, by Dilwyn R Roges is reproduced with permission of the
Rosebud Educational Society, Inc. who retain copyright." Click on the arrows to
move forward. For advanced students. - Text only - From the Rosebud Educational
Society, Inc. -
Lakota Symbolism ___There are three sections here. Under each section link you
an see what its topics are. A click on any highlighted word or phrase takes you
to further information about the topic at hand. - Text only - From Lakota
Rites, Ceremonies and Symbolism -
Massacre at Wounded Knee ___"This page provides historical background, a primary
source account of the massacre, as well as a map of the massacre itself and
photographs." - Illustrated - From EyeWitness to History -
Santee Sioux Tribe of Nebraska __ Official site of the Santee Tribe of
You will find history, current events, points of interest, information about
tribal leadership and a lot more. - illustrated - from Santee Sioux Tribe of
Nebraska -
Sioux Heritage ___"Within this site you will discover outlets for speaking,
studying and discussing the Lakhota Language as well as communities involving
Lakhota History, Spirituality, Communication, Music, Art and Traditions." - Text
only - From Lakhota.Com -
Sioux Indians ___Location, name and affiliation, population, language and
history are covered here in this online version of a 1912 encyclopedic article.
Highlighted words lead to further information about the topic at hand.- Text
only - From the Catholic Encyclopedia -
Sioux Nation - Lakota - Dakota - Nakota __ An excellent page about many aspects
of the Sioux Nation. You will learn about how each "nation" is sub-divided into
bands, their history and culture, where they live and find a good timeline of
important dates in Sioux history. - illustrated - From Crystalinks -
Sota Iya Ye Yapi ___"The website of the weekly newspaper of the
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate (People) of the Lake Traverse Reservation." There is an
excellent history and culture article. - Illustrated - From the
Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe -
South Dakota Indian Tribes ___Links to information about the eight Sioux
reservations in South Dakota. - 1 map - From Paula Giese -
Spirit Lake Nation __ Official website of the Spirit Lake Nation. "The Spirit
Lake Nation reservation was established by Treaty between the United States
Government and the Sisseton Wahpeton Sioux Bands in 1867. the Reservation is
located in East Central North Dakota. According to BIA Labor Force report as of
1998 there were 5,086 enrolled members of the Spirit Lake Tribe. - illustrated -
From Spirit Lake Nation -
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe __ Official website of the Standing Rock Sioux. "The
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe encompasses the bands of Hunkpapa and Black Feet of
the Lakota Nation, and Hunkpatinas and Cuthead bands of the Yanktonias of the
Dakota Nation. The Lakota Nation or Great Sioux Nation include Oglala, Brule,
Minnecoujou, Hunpapa, Black Feet, Without Bows and Two Kettle. The Lakota Nation
is a alliance called "Oceti Sakowin" or "Seven Council Fires..." - illustrated -
From Standing Rock Nation -
Treaties ___"This is a collection of treaties between the United States
Government and Dakota and Lakota peoples. These treaties were compiled and
edited in 1904 by Charles J. Kappler, LL.M., Clerk to the Senate Committee on
Indian Affairs and published under the title: Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties,
(Volume II), Washington, Government Printing Office." - Text only - From Rev.
Raymond A. Bucko, S.J. of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at
Creighton University -
Unit Six: Woskate ___"This is a collection of descriptions of various Lakota
games based on previously published literature on the subject as well as
information gathered from local Lakota scholars, particularly Max Blacksmith of
Oglala, South Dakota. The book is designed for teaching Lakota culture on the
reservation and contains Lakota terms for each of the games." - Text only - From
Rev. Raymond A. Bucko, S.J. of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at
Creighton University -
Wounded Knee Site Index ___A look at the battle of Wounded Knee in the form of
reports from various sources. You could be here quite awhile if you intend to
read everything that's offered, including the Wizard of Oz connection. This is
definitely a pro-Native website. - Text only - From Jordan S. Dill -
Ute Indians
About the Ute Indians __ "The Ute Indians are a Native American tribe of the western United States. It was from the Utes that the state of Utah derived its name." An introductory overview of the Utes. - From -
Chief Ouray: Southern Ute Indian Tribe ___"He was a man of peace at a time of war between Indians and whites." Read a brief biography here. - Text only - From the Southern Ute Indian Tribe -
Facts for
Kids: Ute Indians __ "Information about the Ute Indians for
students and teachers. Covers food, homes, arts and crafts, weapons,
culture, and daily life of the Utes." - From -
Meeker Colorado and White River Valley ___Ute location, history and
general information. - Text only - From Meeker Colorado -
Mountain Ute History ___Maps and a vintage photo accompany the text on
this page which overviews Ute history. - Illustrated - From the Mountain
Studies Institute -
The Official Web Site
of the Ute Indian Tribe __ "The Utes have a tribal membership
of 3,157 and over half of its membership lives on the Reservation. They
operate their own tribal government and oversee approximately 1.3
million acres of trust land." Official sitee. - illustrated - From -
People of the Colorado Plateau-The Ute Indians ___Some history and
current circumstances. - Text only - From CP-LUHNA -
A picture of life on the Fort Duchesne reservation in Roosevelt, Utah __ "The Ute Indians of North Western Utah are the least-educated, poorest citizens in Utah. Most live off Government assistance and the dropout rate among their children is ninety-percent. This fact has caused them to be the poorest group of citizens in Utah." Article and film review. - From -
Southern Ute Indian Tribe ___Information about Ute history and culture, including traditional dances. - Illustrated - From the Southern Ute Indian Tribe -
Ute ___Includes information about the Southern Utes, Ute Mountain Utes, Bear Dance and Sundance. - Text only - From Four Corners Post Card site -
Ute Indian __ Culture, history and folklore. The site also features a discussion board and a list of resources. - From -
Ute Indians __ "The Mormons or "Mermen" as the Weenoochew (Old People) called them, came into Utah and settled in the Wasatch Valley in the 1840’s. At first they wanted to convert the Utes. Their "Book of Mormon" says, the "Lamanites" (dark skinned People) are the Chosen People. Some Noochew accepted the Mormon religion and became farmers, other Noochew resisted." A brief overview of modern Ute history and an annotated gallery of classic vintage photos. - illustrated - From -
Ute Language and the Ute Indian Tribe (Southern Paiute) __ "Southern Paiute is a Uto-Aztecan language of the Western Plateau. It is spoken natively by more than 1500 people in Utah, Nevada, Colorado, and Arizona. " Ute language resources. - From -
Ute Mountain Ute Tribe ___This website offers "a glimpse of the colorful past and the dynamic present and future of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe." - Illustrated - From the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe -
people __ You will find an encyclopedic article with
links to related material. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Ute Tribe Business Partnership Approved ___In 2002 the U.S. government
approved a partnership between the Southern Ute Indian Tribe and the
"Trident Exploration Corporation for the development of the Canadian
company's natural gas leases in Alberta." - Text only - From USDOI/Darling
Utes __ "The Ute people came from the north to become the oldest residents of Colorado. They occupied Utah, Colorado and New Mexico." General look at Ute history, culture and people. - From -
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