Oman History Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Category:History of Oman __ An index of articles related to Oman history found in Wikipedia. - From wikipedia -
History of Oman __ "Oman adopted Islam in the 7th century A.D., during the lifetime of the prophet Muhammad. Ibadism became the dominant religious sect in Oman by the 8th century A.D. Oman is the only country in the Islamic world with a majority Ibadi population." An encyclopedic article with links to additional resources. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
History of Oman __ "Comprehensive online resources about the history of the country of Oman." - From -
History of Oman __ A good one page look at Oman history along with embedded links to related materials. - From -
History of Oman __ A brief look at Oman's long history. - From Albert F Winters -
The history of Oman __ "Little is known about Oman's pre-Islamic past but it is clear from recent archeological discoveries and research that early civilizations existed at least 5000 years ago." A concise look at Oman history. - From -
Oman: History __ An overview of Oman's history along with other information about the country. - From -
Oman: History __ "Throughout this presentation, two terms are perhaps confusingly used for the whole country today known as Oman. 'Oman' for the mountainous inner regions, and 'Musqat' for the northern coastal territory. A third region is Dhofar, the southern parts of modern Oman,..." An annotated timeline along with embedded links to additional resources. - From -
Oman History __ "n the mid-8th century AD the tribes of northern Oman swept into the rest of Arabia, briefly conquering Medina, where they were subsequently overthrown by the Abbasids. Though defeated, Oman managed to remain relatively free of Abbasid control. Until 1506,..." Colorful and concise history of Oman. - From -
Oman History __ A brief paragraph about the history of Oman. For more detail, simply click "more history." - From -
Oman's History __ A history of the Sultanate of Oman from ancient times to 1970. On my machine there is a text interference over part of the page but there is still a lot of information. - From -
Oman´s history goes back to the very dawn of civilization __ "Oman´s history goes back to the very dawn of civilization. The coastal area fronting on the Gulf of Oman is believed to have been the land known to the Sumerians as Magan, from which as early as 3,000 B.C. they were importing copper." A brief overview of Oman history. - From Arabic German Consulting -
Shell Oman - History of Shell Oman __ The history of Royal Dutch Shell plc is so intertwined with the history of the Sultanate of Oman that it is included here. - From -
Timeline: Oman __ Annotated timeline of important dates and events in Oman history. - illustrated - From BBC -
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