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Abu Dhabi __ Online news source. - illustrated - From abudhabi.com - http://www.abudhabi.com/
Abu Dhabi __ "Abu Dhabi (Arabic: أبو ظبي Abū Ẓabī, literally "Father of Gazelle") is the capital of the emirate of the same name, largest of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates and is also the capital of the United Arab Emirates." An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - From Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Dhabi
Abu Dhabi __ Learn about the new Guggenheim Museum and other projects around Abu Dhabi. - illustrated - From guggenheim.org - http://www.guggenheim.org/abu-dhabi/
Abu Dhabi City - Local Travel Information and City Guide __ "Abu Dhabi Tourist Information and Travel Guide. Travel Reservation, Hotel Accommodation, Car hire, Attractions in Abu Dhabi, UAE and more." - illustrated - From abudhabi.com - http://www.abudhabi.com/
Abu Dhabi Economy __ You will find information needed to invest and do business in Abu Dhabi with statistics, indicators , studies and research on different sectors. - From Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry - http://www.adcci.gov.ae:90/public/abudhabi_economy/index.htm
Abu Dhabi History Culture Civilization Emirates __ A good general look at Abu Dhabi history. - From abudhabi.ms - http://www.abudhabi.ms/history.html
Abu Dhabi International Book Fair __ "We look forward to welcoming you to the 21st Abu Dhabi International Book Fair when it return next spring from 15 - 20 March 2011!" - illustrated - From adbookfair.com - http://www.adbookfair.com/cms/
Abu Dhabi Map __ Interactive map. - From lonelyplanet.com - http://www.lonelyplanet.com/mapshells/middle_east/abu_dhabi/abu_dhabi.htm
Abu Dhabi Museum Project: A Desert Louvre? __ Learn about one of the most ambitious museum building projects, ever. - illustrated - From spiegel.de - http://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,464685,00.html
Abu Dhabi Photos __ A gallery of click to enlarge photos of Abu Dhabi. - illustrated - from trekearth.com - http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Middle_East/United_Arab_Emirates/West/Abu_Dhabi/
Abu Dhabi Travel Guide - History - Yahoo! Travel UK __ Find valuable information
about hotels, restaurants, sights, attractions and things to do in Abu Dhabi, as
well as practical information and tips. - illustrated - From uk.holidaysguide.yahoo.com -
Abu Dhabi University __ "ADU is licensed by the UAE Ministry of Education, and
all of its degree programs have ?received accreditation by the Ministry. The
University is organized into three founding ?academic colleges and the ADU
English Language Institute... The University is currently in the process of
designing a new campus with new facilities to be in use for Fall 2006." Learn
about the school, find online application and more. - illustrated - From Abu
Dhabi University - http://www.adu.ac.ae/
Abu Dhabi's population at 2010 __ Abu Dhabi population figure - From trueknowledge.com - http://www.trueknowledge.com/q/abu_dhabi%27s_population_at_2010
The City of Abu Dhabi __ "Abu Dhabi is a financial, transportation, and communications center for a rich petroleum-producing region and the site of an international airport and an artificial deepwater harbor at Port Zayed." A brief look at the city. - illustrated - From 2747.com - http://www.2747.com/2747/world/city/abudhabi.htm
History of Abu Dhabi __ "The history of Abu Dhabi is traced back to as early as 3000 BC. Herding and fishing used to be the mainstays of life then. The Abu Dhabi of today retraces its lineage to tribal confederations known as the Bani Yas, that settled here in the 18th century." A general overview. - From middleeasthub.com - http://www.middleeasthub.com/abu-dhabi/history-of-abu-dhabi.html
Information on Abu Dhabi __ A brief overview of Abu Dhabi. Use the links on the left of the page to accies a lot of additional information about the city. - illustrated - From adnec.ae - http://www.adnec.ae/abu-dhabi/
Map of Abu Dhabi __ Rather detailed interactive maps of the city and immediate region. - From multimap.com - http://tinyurl.com/axbz3
A Vision in the Desert __ "Now the city is on the verge of another audacious
leap. Over the next decade or so it aims to become one of the great cultural
centers of the Middle East: the heir, in its way, to cosmopolitan cities of old
like Beirut, Cairo and
Baghdad." An interesting article about the growth and
future plans for the city of Abu Dhabi. - illustrated - From New York Times -
Welcome to Abu Dhabi __ While basically a tourism website there is a
lot of general information about Abu Dhabi too. - illustrated - From
visitabudhabi.ae -
To Abu Dhabi International Airport __ Services, airport overview,
flight times and more. - illustrated - From abudhabiairport.ae -
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