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Alberta Archaeological Site Inventory __ The site inventory has information on archaeological resources in Alberta. - From alberta.ca - http://culture.alberta.ca/heritage/resourcemanagement/archaeologyhistory/inventoryprograms/archaeologicalsiteinventory.aspx
Alberta Archaeology | Glossary __ Glossary of archaeological terms pertaining to Alberta. - From ucalgary.ca - http://people.ucalgary.ca/~walde/glossary.html
Alberta Culture History and Archaeology __ "Culture history, archaeological sites, and other information related to the past of the Canadian province of Alberta." Also links to additional materials. - From about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/alberta/Alberta_Culture_History_and_Archaeology.htm
Alberta: How the West was Young - Archaeology and Pre-Contact ... __ "Until quite recently most archaeologists believed that what we now know as Alberta was first populated about 11,000 to 12,000 years ago or 11,000 to 12,000 BP." An overview of Alberta archaeology - illustrated - From abheritage.ca - http://www.abheritage.ca/alberta/en/archaeology/overview.html
Alberta's Cypress Hills - archaeological dig __ "Not long after the last ice age, spear-throwing bison hunters made camp in a meadow in Alberta’s Cypress Hills. An archaeological dig has revealed how the generations that followed used that same site for more than eight millennia." A good overview of this research. - illustrated - From canadiangeographic.ca - http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/magazine/nd06/feature_8000.asp
Archaeological Research Permit Management System __ "Most archaeological investigations in Alberta require an Archaeological Research Permit, issued by Alberta Culture under the Historical Resources Act and Archaeological and Palaeontological Research Permit Regulation. The Archaeological Research Permit Management System maintains information on archaeological projects carried out for the purpose of locating, recovering, analyzing and interpreting archaeological resources." They already said it best. - From alberta.ca - http://culture.alberta.ca/heritage/resourcemanagement/archaeologyhistory/researchpermitmanagementsystem/default.aspx
Archaeological Society of Alberta __ "Inventory of the archival records of the Archaeological Society of Alberta, founded in 1975." - From glenbow.org - http://www.glenbow.org/collections/search/findingAids/archhtm/archaeology.cfm
Archaeological Survey of Alberta __ "Located at the Heritage Resource Management, the Archaeological Survey is responsible for managing collections of historic and prehistoric artifacts from over 29,000 archaeological sites spanning at least the last 11,000 years." General information, stats, teachers center and more. - illustrated - From museevirtuel-virtualmuseum.ca - http://www.museevirtuel-virtualmuseum.ca/GetMuseumProfile.do?lang=en&chinCode=guasah1
Archaeology in Banff National Park __ "As of the fall of 2004, 766 archaeological sites have been recorded, including 416 aboriginal sites and 309 historic sites (17 sites have both components). Most of these are in the main river valleys, but traces of prehistoric occupation have been found throughout the park, including the high alpine areas." - illustrated - From pc.gc.ca - http://www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/ab/banff/natcul/Sitesh-HSites/natcul4m2.aspx
Archeology In The Oilsands __ "...thanks to provincially required heritage impact assessments for the mammoth oilsands projects, archeologists are discovering the area has been abuzz for millennia." A general report about this research. - From legionmagazine.com - http://www.legionmagazine.com/en/index.php/2006/01/archeology-in-the-oilsands/
Archaeology Timeline __ Alberta archaeology timeline with interactive map and more. - illustrated - From ucalgary.ca - http://www.ucalgary.ca/~walde/testtime.html
Bodo Archaeological Society __ "The Bodo Archaeological Society (BAS) was incorporated as a non-profit society in December 2003 to promote the continuation of field research and develop public archaeology programming including guided tours to, and interpretation of the Bodo Archaeological Sites." Learn about the organization, accomplishments and goals. - illustrated - From bodoarchaeology.com - http://www.bodoarchaeology.com/
Brief History of Archaeology in Alberta __ "The study of Archaeology in Alberta, like that of most other areas in northern North America, is a post-World War II phenomenon. However, unlike some of our sister provinces, archaeology’s initial study in Alberta was a private rather than a government initiative." A good look at the history of archaeology in Alberta. - From lifewaysofcanada.com - http://www.lifewaysofcanada.com/html/history.php
British Block Medicine Wheel and Tipi Ring Campsite __ "The British Block Medicine Wheel and Tipi Ring Campsite is located in the open PRAIRIE of southeastern ALBERTA. The medicine wheel consists of a central stone cairn that is 10 m in diameter and 2 m high, surrounded by a stone circle measuring 24 m in diameter." A brief article. - From thecanadianencyclopedia.com - http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0000994
Cluny Archaeological Site __ "The village at Cluny is similar to earth lodge villages found along the Missouri River in what is now North and South Dakota. This is why archaeologists first thought that the village had perhaps been occupied by the ancestors of the historic Crow and Hidatsa,..." A brief overview. - From thecanadianencyclopedia.com - http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=A1ARTA0001696
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Interpretive Centre, Alberta __ Learn the background story of a buffalo jump and also find a general background of archaeology along with much more. - illustrated - http://www.head-smashed-in.com/archaeol.html
Listing Of Alberta Archaeological Consulting Companies
__ "This listing contains contact information for firms that have identified
themselves to the
Archaeological Survey, Historic Resources Management Branch, Alberta Culture as
being available to conduct archaeological impact assessments and excavations and
to prepare documentation related to the recording of historic resources and
applications for Historical Resources Act clearance." A PDF File - From
alberta.ca -
P.M.A.: Archaeology - Aspects __ Different aspects of archaeology in Alberta, Canada - illustrated - From The Provincial Museum of Alberta - http://www.pma.edmonton.ab.ca/human/archaeo/aspects/aspects.htm
A Unique Fluted Point from the Grande Prairie Region, Alberta __ "In September of 1995, Dana Braseth of Sexsmith, Alberta, brought a stone tool to an artifact identification event at Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump. Her father, John Braseth, had found the specimen in the Grande Prairie area of northwestern Alberta. This artifact proved to be an almost complete fluted point of Paleoindian age, and provides us with yet another tantalizing piece of the puzzle regarding the issue of the initial peopling of Alberta. This article describes and illustrates this unusual artifact and discusses its significance in Alberta prehistory." - illustrated - From The Provincial Museum of Alberta - http://www.pma.edmonton.ab.ca/human/archaeo/aspects/point.htm
What is Rock Art and Where Can I See It? __ "Alberta's aboriginal inhabitants have left behind a rich cultural history. We need only preserve and decipher it. They had no written language, so in one sense a part of their past has been lost. If we stretch our imaginations, however, and take writing to include paintings and carvings, there is an exciting heritage to discover in the rock art sites of the province." - illustrated - From The Provincial Museum of Alberta - http://www.royalalbertamuseum.ca/human/archaeo/faq/rockart.htm
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