Alberta History

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Alberta Act __ Document by which the Province of Alberta was established. - From William F. Maton -

Alberta History - Alberta Centennial __ "Here you�ll find stories about Albertans who have helped to shape our province's history." - From -


Alberta History | Free articles from Alberta History __ Dozens of click-to-read articles about the history of Alberta. - From -

Alberta: How the West was Young __ Multi section study of the history of Alberta. There may be something here for nearly every grade level. - illustrated - From - 
Canadian Genealogy and History Links - Alberta __ A compilation of resources and links related to the history of Alberta. - From Jessica Veinot -


Edmonton History __ "Boomtown. Perhaps no other term suits Edmonton so well. Although no stranger to hardship, over the course of 200-some years, the city has ridden high on the crest of several economic waves." A look at the history of the city. - illustrated - from - 

Government of Alberta: History __ A brief history of Alberta from the First Nations, fur trade, Missionaries, oil and gas, to today. - From -  

The History of Agriculture in Alberta __ "How did agriculture become the industry just described, in such a new land and in such a relatively short time? The first white man to cultivate the soil in what is now Alberta was Peter Pond, a fur trader who established an isolated post near Lake Athabasca. In 1779 he was raising vegetables in his small garden. More than half a century later, in 1857, the explorer Captain John Palliser travelled the southern Prairies and pronounced the land and climate unsuitable for agriculture. Soon after that, settlers began to move into the area and Palliser's contention was disproved." Learn what followed. - From Government of Alberta -$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex2
History of Alberta __ Here is a unique perspective on the history of Alberta. It is also the history of the family of a homesteader. You will begin with prehistory and continue to present time in a series of click-to-read articles. While much is 'family' history, there are details and events which might not be found in more 'official' and generalized versions. - By D. Garneau -


History of Alberta __ "The early history of Alberta is closely tied to the fur trade, and the rivalries associated with it. The first battle was between English and French traders ..." An encyclopedic article. - from wikipedia -

Mavericks: An Incorrigible History of Alberta __ "Maverick: a unique character, an inspired or determined risk-taker, forward-looking, creative, eager for change, someone who propels Alberta in a new direction or who alters the social, cultural, or political landscape. - Aritha Van Herk, author" Learn who they were and what they contributed. - illustrated and animated - From -



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