California History Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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This page about historic California is a supplement to California Social Studies where you will find additional material including history, colleges and universities, capital city profile, lesson plans, state government and more.
Go to California Social Studies - California History - Capital City Sacramento, California - California Tourism - California Disasters - California Geography - California Lesson Plans - California Colleges and Universities
A to Z Kids Stuff | California __ "Resources and activities for school age children on the state of California." Including history resources. - From -
Alternate Paths ___"Welcome to the Natives and Immigrants view of the Gold Rush." Cultures covered include California Indians, Californios (Latino), African Americans, and Chinese. "Hear their words and their stories. See what they made and used and did." - Illustrated - From the Oakland Museum of California -
The American Experience: WayBack - Gold Rush ___A kid-friendly website with great information about California's Gold Rush. - Illustrated - from PBS -
Bodie ___This article shows the less glamorous side of the Gold Rush. - Illustrated - From AmericanWest.Com -
California ___A good overview of the history of California, plus statistics, demographic information, and links to "... selected famous natives and residents." - Illustrated - From Pearson Education, publishing as Infoplease -
California Ghost Towns ___These brief reports about this state's ghost towns are submitted by viewers. - Map - From -
The California Gold Country ___The largest section here provides "... a detailed history of how the gold camps were founded, by whom, and how they prospered. Photos of the historic spots & attractions, with directions to them. Gold Country Traveler's information - local museums, lodging, restaurants, schedules of events, and points of interest." - Illustrated - From Elliot H. Koeppel -
The California Gold Rush ___Lots of good information about the discovery of gold, including life (and cost of living) in the camps, and vigilante law. - Illustrated - From Kidport -
The California Gold Rush ___It was cheaper to ship miners' dirty underwear to Hawaii for laundering than to do it locally. That's but one of the interesting things you'll learn from this webpage. - Text only - From Calliope Film Resources, Inc. -
The California Gold Rush ___Here's a most excellent website designed to help 4th graders learn about the California Gold Rush. The layout is user-friendly and attractive; the text is easy to comprehend, and the organization of material is very good. - Illustrated - From Heidi Bowerman and Suzanne Jenkins, California State University -
California Historical Society ___An "online guide to over three hundred years
of California history. This resource includes over 400 images from our fine
arts, library, and photography collections and articles written by James J.
Rawls, the Review Editor for California History." - Illustrated - From the
California Historical Society -
California: History ___Topics include European exploration, the gold rush,
immigration and settlement. - Text only - From The Columbia Electronic
Encyclopedia, 6th ed. -
Early San Francisco Street Names, 1846-1849 ___A lot of history can be found in this city's street names. Use the links to the left of your screen to access three alphabetical lists and a section of miscellaneous names. - Text only - From the Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco -
The Enterprising Women of Gold Rush Days ___This brief and entertaining article concentrates on the women of the gold fields. - Text only - From Tyler-Adam Corp -
Find a Grave - California ___Brief biographies of 4,705 'famous' citizens, many with information about their claims to fame, causes of death and burial places, and photos. - Illustrated - From Find a Grave -
Footprints Portal ___"A virtual museum about the local history of Loma Linda, California." Intended for "Third -grade students and their teachers. Others may find it contains helpful information." - Illustrated - From Jim Shipp, Teacher -
Gold Discovered in California ___Three brief pages with an overview of the
California Gold Rush, written for younger grades. - Illustrated - From the
Library of Congress -
Gold Fever in the Desert ___"All of the legends and stories mentioned in this
article have been told many times by miners and prospectors who believe that the Pegleg and Lost Dutchman Mine exists. The Indian legends of sacred gold caches,
and the correlating stories of many others who have, in some way, encountered
black-coated gold nuggets and other supporting data of these two lost mines,
provide strong evidence that they do indeed exist." - Illustrated - From
DesertUSA -
The Gold Rush Chronicles ___"Discover the colorful stories that lie unfurled on these pages. Unlock a taste of that famous era. Learn how the Gold Rush affected the world not so long ago." Pages include a timeline, county data, recipes and a glossary. - Illustrated - From ComSpark -
The Gold Rush Diary of George Bonniwell ___"Translation of an 1850 California Trail diary, a travelogue from years gone by." - Text only - From Southwind Productions -
Historical Gazette:Oregon Trail 1849 ___This brief news article lists some statistics about the amounts of gold found by various miners. - Text only - From the Historical Gazette -
Island Life: History ___This is a brief history of Catalina Island. - Text only - From the Catalina Island Museum -
John C. Frémont Was Found Guilty Of Mutiny ___"What happens when two governors are appointed for one territory?" That's the topic of these two pages. - Illustrated - From the Library of Congress -
John C. Frémont: The Pathfinder ___"This is a brief biography of Fremont with primary source pictures of his planting of the U.S. flag in the Rockies, and of his campaign for president. Also included are the lyrics of the campaign song when he ran for president on the first Republican Party ticket in 1856." - Illustrated - From the Library of Congress -
Land of Glittering Dreams ___"Fine art photographs of the California Mother
Lode and Northern Mines with historical nuggets on the California Gold Rush." -
Illustrated - From Jo Ann and George Aiello -
Land of Golden Dreams ___"This Web presentation of the Huntington Library's
remarkable collection of Gold Rush manuscripts, drawings, and rare printed
materials allows the people involved to tell you their own true stories and
bring this unique event to life. Begin the adventure!" - Illustrated - From the
Huntington Library -
Pioneer Life in Sacramento ___Younger grades will appreciate the straight-forward text here about merchants in general, and Franklin Buck in particular, who did very well in the days of California's Gold Rush. From page three, you can access an audio file in either RealAudio or WAV format. - Illustrated - From the Library of Congress -
A Timeline of San Francisco History ___Following an overview of San Francisco's history prior to European contact, you'll find a list of notable events in the region starting with 1579. Click on highlighted text to access further information about the topic at hand. - Illustrated - From the The San Francisco History Index -
The US50 - A Guide to the State of California ___A general overview of the history of California and brief biographies of historic figures. - Text only - From Erik Schubach and -
Welcome to Dogtown, Home of the 54 Pound Dogtown Nugget ___Learn how this mining town got its name and why it was changed to Magalia. - 1 photo - From the Dogtown Territorial Quarterly -
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