Christmas Traditions


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All Recipes / Christmas __ You will find almost 850 holiday recipes.  You may prepare them all then invite me for dinner. - From - 

California Mall - Holiday Traditions __ Here you can learn about holiday traditions from Australia, Austria, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Italy, Israel, Luxembourg, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Venezuela, and the USA.  Some recipes from each culture are included. - From -  

Catholic Encyclopedia: Christmas __ "The word for Christmas in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the Mass of Christ, first found in 1038, and Cristes-messe, in 1131. In Dutch it is Kerst-misse, in Latin Dies Natalis, whence comes the French Noël, and Italian Il natale; in German Weihnachtsfest, from the preceeding sacred vigil."  An overview of the history of Christmas from a Christian perspective. - From New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia - 

Christian Christmas: Christmas In Cyberspace: __ "A Directory of Christian Christmas Sites...Our mission is to illuminate the true meaning of Christmas. This site is designed to provide a spiritual alternative to the runaway commercialization of one of our faith's most sacred times. You'll find no Santa sites here - just the Good News!" - From - - hundreds of Christmas cookie recipes __ Well, what are you waiting for?  Get to baking. - From - 

Christmas Stories and Christmas Poems __ You will find over 800 Christmas stories and poems. - from -

Christmas Traditions in France and in Canada __ "This imaginary exhibition introduces the Christmas traditions in Canada and France. Christmas is indeed one of the most celebrated festivity. From every corner of the world, the Nativity feast is marked by various celebrations. Canada and France offer you a summary of the diverse Christmas traditions." - illustrated - From French Ministry of Culture and Canadian Heritage - 


Christmas Traditions of Ukraine __ "When Ukraine under King Volodymyr (St. Vladimir) accepted Christianity from Byzantium in 988 A.D. many pagan traditions were in existence which were adapted by the Church to the new religion. Some of those traditions have survived a thousand years and now form a part of today s Christmas celebrations."  You will find a great overview of Ukrainian Christmas traditions. - illustrated - From InfoUkes Inc. - 

Howstuffworks "How Christmas Works" __ In this entertaining and informative website you will learn about the history of Christmas, how traditions evolved, and new traditions such as, "Why have you decorated this evergreen with ornaments, lights, fake snow and Mylar plastic tinsel? - illustrated - From -


Mexican Traditions for Christmas __ "Christmas for Mexicans, in traditional homes and rural areas, is a religious holiday."  You will learn about the posadas, the peregrinos, the pinata, and much, much more.  Some great recipes are also included. - illustrated - From - 

Medieval Christmas Traditions __ "Among the Pagan traditions that have become part of Christmas is burning the yule log. This custom springs from many different cultures, but in all of them its significance seems to lie in the iul or "wheel" of the year."  This any many other traditions have survived from the Middle Ages. - From - __ You will find stories and games, traditions, recipes, put yourself in a Christmas story and much more you can do right online. - illustrated - From - 

Santa Claus and Christmas at the Northpole __ "Enjoy the joy and magic of Christmas in Santa’s Secret Village! We invite you to experience a traditional look at Christmas through the many free activities here at Write to Santa, read stories, enjoy Karaoke, send e-cards, find recipes, play games and puzzles, print stories to color—even put you or your child in a personalized story! Our stories and activities combine traditional feelings of Christmas goodwill with state-of-the-art computer technology—all richly illustrated with original artwork." - illustrated - From - 

Slovaks and Christmas traditions - an overview __ "Christmas is celebrated throughout the world by different peoples in a slightly different way. Slovaks around the world celebrate Christmas in their own special way, the difference only varying by religion, region or country. With over 1/3 of all Slovaks living outside of Slovak Republic, some of the traditions have taken on the face of their adopted country but they all still share in the common bond of their ancestors living in what today is called Slovakia." - illustrated - from



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