American Disasters - Great Colorado Disasters Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
Great American Disasters State by State
Alabama - Alaska - Arizona - Arkansas - California - Colorado - Connecticut - Delaware - Florida - Georgia - Hawaii - Idaho - Illinois - Indiana - Iowa - Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maine - Maryland - Massachusetts - Michigan - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nebraska - Nevada - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - New York - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Rhode Island - South Carolina - South Dakota - Tennessee - Texas - Utah - Vermont - Virginia - Washington - West Virginia - Wisconsin - Wyoming
These pages do not begin to cover all the disasters that have
taken place in every state. There is also controversy over
what constitutes and defines a "great" disaster from any other kind.
All disasters are "great" to those directly involved in them. So these pages are a mix of "great" and "not so great" disasters. The major disasters are all covered in the larger sites I have linked to as resources and the rest are related items of interest. For example, you might not find a particular major disaster on this list, but it may be included in a site such as, which is one of the resources found here. This is an excellent place to begin your research. The links found here lead to an ever widening amount of information. Good luck in your efforts. |
Go to Colorado Social Studies - Colorado History - Capital City Denver, Colorado - Colorado Tourism - Colorado Disasters - California Geography - Colorado Lesson Plans - Colorado Colleges and Universities
Air Crash In Rockies Kills Wichita State Football Players __ "a twin-engine Martin 404 carrying Wichita State football players, staff and fans to a game in Utah struck treetops and crashed near Loveland Pass in Colorado resulting in the deaths of 31 of 40 aboard " An overview. - From -
Colorado Disasters Floods, Fires, Tornadoes, Mine Explosions and more __ "...a look back at the events that touched our ancestor's lives - tornadoes, fires, floods, hurricanes, train wrecks, mine explosions, and tragic accidents that became a part of history and our genealogy." You will find original news articles and more. - From -
Colorado Earthquake Information __ An overview and history of Colorado
earthquakes. - Colorado Geological Survey -
Colorado Tornadoes __ Colorado tornadoes from 1950 to 1995, listed by
County. - From -
Colorado Wild Fires and Related Disaster Reports __ "The following NRCS Colorado Reports outline initial damage assessments to private property affected by certain natural disasters. Additional information may be obtained by using the links to related web sites and by contacting the NRCS Colorado State Office." - From -
Columbine High School massacre __ You will find an index of articles and resources about the Columbine High School massacre. - From wikipedia -
Continental 727 Crashes in Denver __ "At just after 4 p.m. on August 7,
1975, Continental Airlines Flight 426 crashed after takeoff from the
Denver's Stapleton International Airport. All 134 persons aboard the
aircraft survived the crash though 15 persons were injured seriously." an
overview. - From -
Eden, CO Train Wreck, Aug 1904 __ A detailed look at this train accident that cost the lives of 125 people. - From -
FEMA: Colorado State Disaster History __ Colorado Disaster History. Major
Disaster Declarations. Click on the 'disaster #' on the right side of the
list to access detailed information including images and more. - illustrated
- From FEMA -
Hayman Fire Disaster __ "The premiere fire that year was the Hayman which
burned 138,000 acres and 133 homes in 20 days. It still holds the record for
being Colorado's largest wildfire ever." - illustrated - From -
Historic Disasters: Colorado Disasters __ You will find a list of Colorado disasters. Each list entry is a live link to additional information. - From -
New Castle, CO Mine Explosion, Dec 1913 __ "One of the worst coal mine
disasters that has ever happened in Colorado occurred at New Castle last
Tuesday morning at 10:20 o'clock. Coal dust and gas in the west tunnel of
the mine was in some manner ignited and exploded with a detonation that
shook the earth like an earthquake for miles around." You will find original
news accounts and more. - From -,-mine-explosion,-dec-1913
South Canyon Fire Disaster __ "Failing to outrun the flames, 12 firefighters perished. Two helitack crew members on top of the ridge also died when they tried to outrun the fire to the northwest." - illustrated - From -
Thurman, CO Tornado, Aug 1924 __ "Nine persons are known to have bepen [sic] killed and five injured in a tornado which wrecked at least one farmhouse near Thurman, Colo., about 100 miles east of Denver, on Sunday, August 10." Original news stories and more. - From Stu Beitler/ -
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