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Anglo-Georgian Expedition to Nokalakevi __ The excavation at Nokalakevi, a Greek-Roman-Byzantine-Medieval site in western Georgia, has been underway since 2001. - illustrated - From nokalakevi.org - http://www.nokalakevi.org/home.html
The Archaeological Site of Histria __ Greek settlement whose Roman period created most of the remains found today. Histria is in modern Romania. Click on special link for English language version. - photos - From the Institute for Cultural Memory - http://archweb.cimec.ro/web-histria/
Archaeology of Hungary - Hungarian Culture __ "Hungarian culture history, archaeological sites, and other information related to the past of the modern country of Hungary." A collection of resources and links. - from about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/hungary/Hungarian_Culture_History_and_Archaeology.htm
Bel Archaeo Wetland Archaeology of Eastern Europe __ "Bel Archaeo: Wetland Archaeology of Eastern Europe is a small organization dedicated to scientific excavation and preservation of historical and cultural heritage contained within the diverse environmental micro-regions of Eastern European wetlands." Learn about the organization and project with articles, photos and more. - illustrated - From belarchaeo.com - http://www.belarchaeo.com/
A Brief History of Romanian Archaeology __ Just what the title says. - From cimec.ro - http://www.cimec.ro/arheologie/dacia_eng.htm
A Bronze Age Slab-cist Grave Discovered at VĂLENI-DÂMBOVIȚA __ "In fall 1999 on a hill southwest from the village Vi-Dâmbovița, county Dâmbovița, in the Subcarpathian region of Valachia, was founded by an accident a grave which was disturbed by a treasure-hunter. Read about what has happened since. - illustrated - From European Archaeology Online - http://www.archaeology.ro/imc_valeni.htm
Budakalász (Hungary) __ "The archaeological site of Budakalász is a Baden culture (Bell Beaker, 3500-3000 BC) occupation and cemetery near the modern city of the same name in Hungary." A very brief sumary. - From about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/bterms/g/budakalasz.htm
Bulgarian Archaeological Association __ Learn about the association and their projects. You will find reports from several archaeological sites in Bulgaria. - illustrated - From archbg.net - http://www.archaeology.archbg.net/
Bulgarian Archaeologists Discover Wealthy Prehistoric Settlement __ Learn about a "wealthy" 8000-year-old town close to the Danube city of Ruse. - From novinite.com - http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=118486
Category:Archaeological sites in Slovakia __ List of articles related to Slovak archaeological sites found in Wikipedia. - Fom wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Archaeological_sites_in_Slovakia
Celtic Graves from Levice, Slovakia __ "A Celtic burial ground has been discovered at a building site near Levice city centre (Slovak Republic), where a new shopping centre will be built." Abstract of a news article. they want you to subscribe for the full article but there is enough information in the abstract to get a general idea. - From world-archaeology.com - http://www.world-archaeology.com/articles-by-area/europe/article/c/84-slovakia/184-.html
Czech Republic Culture History and Archaeology __ You will find a collection of resources and links. - From about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/czechrepublic/Czech_Republic_Culture_History_and_Archaeology.htm
Divers Discover Precious Find in Bulgaria Black Sea __ "A three mast sail ship, dating from the 18th or 19th century, has been found by divers 26 meters east from the Bulgarian southern Black Sea town of Sozopol." A brief article. - From archaeologydaily.com - http://www.archaeologydaily.com/news/201007214557/Divers-Discover-Precious-Find-in-Bulgaria-Black-Sea.html
Eastern Europe - Archaeology of Eastern Europe __ A collection of resources and links related to Eastern European archaeology. - From about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/easterneuro2/Eastern_European_Archaeology.htm
Eastern Europe « The Cultural Property and Archaeology Law Blog __ Many articles and posts covering a wide range of related topics. - From Kimberly Alderman - http://culturalpropertylaw.wordpress.com/category/eastern-europe/
HAS: Institute of Archaeology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences __ Learn about the institute, its objectives and goals. This part of the much larger Hungarian Academy of Sciences site where it may be interesting to explore. - From mta.hu - http://www.mta.hu/index.php?id=757
International Institute of Anthropology __ This is a very large website about archaeology in the Balkans. Many reports and lots of good reading. - From International Institute of Anthropology - http://www.iianthropology.org/
The Medieval Monument From Gurasada __ "In a little village, Gurasada (Hunedoara County), near of Mures river there is a church with a unique architecture for the Rumanian architecture history. The central part is a building with a four-lobe plane, to which, nowadays, is attached a bell-tower. In a document issued by the Hungarian king Andrew III, from 1292, is mentioned the name of the place, which could be a village..." Today the building is a Greek Orthodox Church. You will find reports from several seasons of excavation. - illustrated - From European Archaeology Online - http://www.archaeology.ro/imc_gurasada_eng.htm
The Mystery of Bosnia's Ancient Pyramids | History & Archaeology __ "An amateur archaeologist says he's discovered the world's oldest pyramids in the Balkans. But many experts remain dubious" A news article. - illustrated - From smithsonianmag.com - http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/The-Mystery-of-Bosnias-Ancient-Pyramids.html
Nationalism and the Representation of Society in Romanian Archaeology __ An essay about archaeology and politics. A PDF file. - From caorc.org - http://www.caorc.org/programs/mellonpubs/Nichulescu.pdf
Panacomp -
Serbian Archaeology - Archaeology of Serbia __ A good introduction to
Serbian archaeology and descriptive articles about several major sites in
Serbia. -
illustrated - From panacomp.net -
Pontic __ Online magazine dealing with archaeology and history in
Ukraine -
The question of territorial distribution of Illyrians in archaeological debate and in serbo-albanian cultural and political relations __ An essay about archaeology, history and politics. - From telearchaeology.org - http://igor.telearchaeology.org/?p=115
Schela Cladovei Field Work | Archaeology __ "...is arguably the most important MesolithicNeolithic settlement to survive flooding of the Danube Valley following the construction of two massive hydro-electric dams." Learn about the project and read excavation report. They are looking for volunteers. - illustrated - From The University of Edinburgh - http://www.shc.ed.ac.uk/archaeology/events/fieldwork/2008/schela_cladovei/index.html
Slovak Karst Archaeology __ "Numerous easy accessible caves were an effortless and safe dwelling of Man since the primeval times in characteristic karst territory." Learn about the archaeological research in the karst regions of Slovakia. - illustrated - From saske.sk - http://www.saske.sk/cave/slk/slkarch.html
Viewpoints on the Fortress at Tabla Buții in the Light of Archaeological Excavations __ "The fortress stands 20 km away from the closest human settlement. That is over 1300 m altitude, and about halfway the road linking the village of Slon (commune of Cerasu, Prahova county), south of the Carpathians, from the commune of Valea Buzaului (Brasov county) north of the mountains." - Read about archaeological research at the site since 1995 - through 98. - illustrated - From European Archaeology Online - http://www.archaeology.ro/ai_tb_eng.htm
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