Pony Express

Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers


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Founding of the Pony Express __ A brief but detailed article about the founding of the Pony Express and the reasoning behind it. "The early coaches of Wells Fargo consumed twenty days to cross from St. Joseph, Missouri, long considered a great outpost of civilization, to Sacramento." The Pony Express made the trip in ten. - illustrated - From sfmuseum.org - http://www.sfmuseum.org/hist1/pxpress.html

History of the Pony Express __ Looking for work? ""Wanted-young, skinny, wiry fellows, not over 20. Must be expert riders, and are willing to risk their lives for the job. Orphans preferred. Wages twenty five dollars a week." You will find an interesting history of this unique American institution. - From Unknown - http://members.tripod.com/~pnyxpress/history.html

Pony Express __ An encyclopedic article with links to related materials - illustrated - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pony_Express

Pony Express Home Station __ "Ranked among the most remarkable feats to come out of the 1860 American West, the Pony Express was in service from April 1860 to November 1861. Its primary mission was to deliver mail and news between St. Joseph, Missouri, and San Francisco, California." You will find an enormous amount of material including the names of the riders and more. when you are done, you can take a test and see what you know. - illustrated - From xphomestation.com - http://www.xphomestation.com/


Pony Express National Historic Trail __ "The Pony Express National Historic Trail was used by young men on fast paced horses to carry the nation's mail across the country, from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California, in the unprecedented time of only ten days. Organized by private entrepreneurs, the horse-and-rider relay system became the nation's most direct and practical means of east-west communications before the telegraph." You will find links to more detailed information. - illustrated - From National Park Service - http://www.nps.gov/poex/

Pony Express National Museum __ General information and video tour of the museum. - illustrated - From ponyexpress.org - http://www.ponyexpress.org/

Pony Express Route __ "A distance of almost 2000 miles, the route of the Pony Express was brutally simple: west out of St. Joseph, the eastern portion of the route followed the Oregon Trail from Kansas through what is now Nebraska and Wyoming. The rider would pass by many of the landmarks then familiar to thousands of overland travelers."  Follow the route. - From xphomestation.com - http://www.xphomestation.com/xproute.html  


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