Acrylic and Oil Painting |
General information for the painting hobbyist, artist or special research projects.
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Acrylic paint __ An encyclopedic article about acrylic paint along with links to related materials. - From wikipedia -
All About Brushes __ Learn about the different types of brushes used by artists and how to use them. - illustrated - From -
Arguments for and against using acrylics or oil paints from various artists __
The debate of whether to use acrylic paints or oil paints, whether one is better
than the other seems to never end. Learn what various artists have to say about
it. - From -
Art Education: Free Oil Painting Lesson __ Here you will learn some of the
basics of classical oil painting. Grab an apple, but don't eat it. Then just get
started. - illustrated - From -
elementary notions about oil painting __ An online art lesson with tips and
information about pallet colors and tools. - illustrated - From Leon Engelen -
Essay about acrylic Painting __ "Painting is for thinkers and painting with acrylics is like working at McDonalds, with better results though. You have to be quick and make many decisions very quickly. It is good training for other kinds of painting." - From -
FARP : Acrylic Painting __ Learn about the tools, media, and preparation
necessary along with tips and techniques for painting and the use of acrylic
color. - illustrated - From Elfwood Fantasy Art Resource -
Hints and Tips from Grumbacher __ Hints and tips for using a variety of mediums
including information about how to care for brushes and read paint tubes. -
illustrated - From -
Introduction to Painting Tutorials __ You will find a number of articles and
information about indirect painting methods plus four tutorials.- illustrated -
From -
Liquitex Techniques __ "Acrylics are one of the most versatile fine art mediums available and Liquitex strives to continue this trend by continually developing new products. This section will guide you through many different techniques and applications of acrylics. We are also lucky enough to receive tips from Liquitex users, which we also post in this section." - illustrated - From -
modot cookbook for artists __ Nothing for dinner here. "The following recipes
are all for water-based paints, this is because homemade water based paints are
generally easier to produce and more reliable than are homemade oil colors." -
illustrated - From Unknown -
Oil Painting __ A commercial site with a lot of information about how to paint
with oils including types of oil paints and general information about how to use
them. - From -
Oil Painting __ An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. -
illustrated - From Wikipedia -
A Painting Demonstration __ Here artist Charles Harrington presents a painting
demonstration with acrylics. He concentrates on three areas where acrylics out
perform other media. The use of multiple glazes, using a masking medium over
painted areas, and merging transparent, translucent, and opaque presentation are
demonstrated. - illustrated - From -
Painting With Acrylics __ "Gone are the days when acrylics were what artists
allergic to the solvents in oil painting used. Acrylics have their own
advantages, characteristics, and unique possibilities. Here you'll find helpful
tips, essential techniques, and step-by-step demonstrations on using acrylic
paints for artists of all levels." - From -
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