African Explorers General Resources Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Africa Explorers
Explorer Behaim, Martin - Explorer Cadamosto, Alvise da - Explorer Dias, Bartolomeu - Explorer Eannes, Gil - Explorer berhardt, Isabella - Explorer Henry the Navigator - Explorer Kingsley, Mary - Explorer Burton, Sir Richard Francis - Explorer Clapperton, Hugh - African Explorers General Resources - Explorer Ibn Battuta, Abu Abdullah Muhammad - Explorer Lander, Richard - Explorer Livingstone, David - Explorer Park, Mungo - Explorer Speke, John Hanning
New World Explorers
Explorer Albanel, Charles - Explorer Balboa, Vasco Nunez de - Explorer Brûlé, Étienne - Explorer Cabot, John - Explorer Cadillac, Antoine de Lamothe - Explorer Cartier, Jacques - Explorer Champlain, Samuel de - Explorer Columbus Christopher - Conquistadors - Explorer Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de - Explorer Cortes, Hernando - Explorer De Soto, Hernando - Explorer Drake, Sir Francis - Explorer Du Lhut, Daniel Greysolon, Sieur - Explorer Fraser, Simon - Explorer Frobisher, Martin - General Resources - Explorer Gilbert, Humphrey - Explorer Hennepin, Louis - Explorer Hudson, Henry - d'Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne Explorer - Explorer Joliet, Louis - Explorer Kino, Eusebio - Explorer La Harpe, Jean Baptiste Bernard de - Explorer Lahontan, Baron - Explorer La Salle, René-Robert-Cavelier - Explorer La Vérendrye, Pierre Gaultier de - Explorers Louis & Clark - Explorer Marquette, Jacques - Explorer MacKenzie, Sir Alexander - Explorer Narvaez, Panfilo de - Explorer Nicollet, Jean - Explorer Perrot, Nicolas - Explorer Pizarro, Francisco - Explorer Ponce de Leon, Juan - Explorer Quen, Jean de - Ribault, Jean - Radisson & Des Groseilliers - Explorer Thompson, David - Explorer Troyes, Pierre de - Explorer Vancouver, George - Explorer Vespucci, Amerigo
World Explorers
Explorer Cook, James - Explorer Da Gama, Vasco - Explorer Drake, Sir Francis - General Resources - Explorer Magellan, Ferdinand - Explorer Polo, Marco - Explorer Zheng He (Cheng Ho)
African Explorers __ Informative short descriptions of several African explorers. - From -
African Explorers __ Articles covering the history of notable African explorers. - From -
Alvise Cadamosto __ "Venetian explorer, navigator and writer, celebrated for his voyages in the Portuguese service to West Africa. In 1454 he sailed from Venice for Flanders, and, being detained by contrary winds off Cape St. Vincent, was enlisted by Prince Henry the Navigator among his explorers, and given command of an expedition which sailed (22nd of March 1455) for the south." Basic biographical information and a brief overview. - From Soylent Communications -
Ancient Egypt: Voyages of Exploration ___Long before Europeans set out to 'discover' Africa, the ancient Egyptians were exploring their own continent. Read about it here. - Illustrated -
Bartolomeu Dias __ "In 1481 Dias accompanied Diogo de Azambuja on an expedition to the Gold Coast. Dias was a cavalier of the royal court, superintendent of the royal warehouses and sailing-master of the man-of-war São Cristóvão (Saint Christopher)." An encyclopedic article with embedded links to related topics. - From -
Biography: Mary Henrietta Kingsley ___"A biography in three parts of Mary Henrietta Kingsley, a Victorian explorer and writer who greatly influenced European ideas about Africa and its people." - Illustrated - From Alistair Boddy-Evans -
The Coast of Africa ___A brief, but informative, article about Prince Henry the Navigator and the reasons he had for sending out men to explore the African coast. - Text only - From the Discovers Web -
Congo River, Africa: European Exploration ___A brief article about the exploration of the Congo River. - Text only - From The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. -
David Livingstone ___"For more than 30 years David Livingstone worked in Africa as a medical missionary and traveled the continent from the equator to the Cape and from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean. In so doing, he gained worldwide fame as an explorer and strongly influenced the way successive generations have thought about Africa." This is a biography. - Illustrated - From -
Gil Eannes: Explorer of Coastal Africa ___A brief account of Eannes' voyages to Africa. A good map accompanies the text. - Illustrated - From Enchanted Learning -
Ibn Battuta, Traveler from Tangier __ "In the days when a man who traveled overnight from city to city was likely to be called a "world traveler, one man's itinerary lasted 24 years and covered 75,000 miles!" Read about this fantastic journey. - From -
European Voyages of Exploration: Africa ___A one-page tutorial (however, you can proceed to areas outside of Africa), concentrating on Portuguese exploration. - Illustrated - From the University of Calgary -
Explorers of Africa __ A look at several African explorers with links to additional material - From -
Exploring Africa ___This on-line exhibit "... illustrates most of the major phases in the European exploration of Africa, from the late fifteenth century to the late nineteenth century." The thumbnail images are enlargeable with a click of your mouse. - Illustrated - From the University of South Carolina -
Famous Explorers of Africa ___Brief overviews of several explorers' journeys in Africa. Text only - From studyworld -
Henry Morton Stanley __ "Sir Henry Morton Stanley, GCB, born John Rowlands (28 January 1841 – 10 May 1904), was a Welsh journalist and explorer famous for his exploration of Africa and his search for David Livingstone." An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Hugh Clapperton riding across the Sahara in the 1820s __ An overview of two expeditions including how he paid for supplies and the dangers of traveling in the Sahara. - illustrated - From -
John Hanning Speke __ A brief biography of John Hanning Speke jam-packed with embedded links to related topics. - From -
Literary Review: Isabelle Eberhardt in brief __ "Eberhardt's writing is direct, fresh, deeply felt, rich with imagery, sometimes naive, and starkly realistic. Its exoticism, aside from the locale, is the product of a life lived outside the hidebound rules of nineteenth-century European civilization." You will find an overview of her life, philosophy and samples of her writing. - From -
Martin Behaim ___A biography of Martin Behaim, the man who made the oldest of "all existing globes". - Text only - From The Catholic Encyclopedia -
Modern Africa: Exploration ___"As the Europeans looked towards Africa for imperial expansion, the realized they would need to learn more about the continent and the people." This essay provides a look into the reasons for European exploration. The information here is geared to college-level students. - Text only - By Richard Hooker -
Mungo Park __ "PARK, MUNGO, a distinguished, but unfortunate traveller, was born at Fowlshiels, in Selkirkshire, September 10, 1771. His father, who rented the farm of Fowlshiels from the duke of Buccleuch, had thirteen children, of whom Mungo was the seventh." You will find a good look at his life. - From -
Richard Francis Burton __ "Burton's best-known achievements include travelling in disguise to Mecca, translating The Arabian Nights (his title was The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night) and the Kama Sutra and journeying with John Hanning Speke to discover the Great Lakes of Africa in search of the source of the Nile." An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Richard & John Lander, African explorers __ "Richard Lemon Lander (1804-1834) made three trips to West Africa; he and his brother John were the first Europeans to follow the course of the Niger River to its delta." A general overview with links to additional material. - illustrated - From -
Saharan Exploration ___A "... potted history of Saharan knowledge gathering and exploration through the centuries." - Text only - From Jim Mann Taylor -
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