Explorer Hernando De Soto Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Hernando de Soto __ A good overview of the life and accomplishments of de Soto with many text links to related materials. - From Newadvent.org - http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04753a.htm
De Soto __ A page for the younger student created by younger students. A lot of "wows." - illustrated - From library.thinkquest.org - http://library.thinkquest.org/J002678F/de_soto.htm
Hernando de Soto ___Lesson plan "...the reasons for and outcomes of..." de Soto's expedition.
- Text only - From the Educator's Reference Desk -
Hernando De Soto __ "Visit this site dedicated to providing information about Hernando De Soto.Fast and accurate details and facts about the history of Hernando De Soto." A lot of information in outline form. - From elizabethan-era.org.uk - http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/hernando-de-soto.htm
Hernando de Soto __ "Hernando de Sotò (born 1500? in Barcarrota, Spain, died 21 May 1542, probably on a branch of the Mississippi river near present-day Lake Village, Arkansas) was a Spanish navigator and conquistador." An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hernando_de_Soto_(explorer)
Hernando De Soto __ Biographic information along with links to numerous additional resources. - From infoplease.com - http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0815281.html
Hernando de Soto __ "A comprehensive
educational directory that provides a wide variety of resources on
Hernando de Soto." - From cybersleuth-kids.com - http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/History/Explorers/Hernando_de_Soto/index.htm
Hernando de Soto Arrives and Explores Florida ___Learn about this ruthless explorer's search for
gold in
Florida. - Illustrated - From the College of Education, University of South Florida -
Hernando de Soto Brief __ "Extensive Hernando de Soto history page describing Conquest activity in fourteen states and hundreds of today's cities - mid-1500's - From hernando-desoto.com - http://hernando-desoto.com/text-only.html
Hernando de Soto, exploration through Oklahoma __ "Describes de Soto's final venture into the unknown." - From rootsweb.ancestry.com - http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~oknowata/desoto.htm
Hernando De Soto: Explorer __ Biography and accomplishments written
for the younger student. - From enchantedlearning.com -
Hernando DeSoto's Trails Through North America ___Learn how modern technology has been able to define the routes taken by de Soto and his army. There are many good images to accompany the informative text. Highlighted text will take you to further information. - Illustrated - From the Native American Conquest Corp. -
Georgia Encyclopedia: Hernando de Soto in Georgia __ "The first
European to explore the interior of what is now the state of Georgia was
Hernando de Soto. In fact, De Soto entered the state on two occasions during the
course of his expedition." Good article and a few links to related topics.
- From georgiaencyclopedia.org -
Who Is Hernando DeSoto? ___This article, which was published in the late 1800s, details de Soto's travels, most especially in
Florida. - Text only - From Public Bookshelf-
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