Greece Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities Reviewed Resources for Students and teachers |
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Please note that with regard to lesson plans dealing with anthropology, archaeology, indigenous people, ancient civilizations, history, etc, there may be some cross-over and blurring of lines between the topics. For example, a lesson plan dealing with archaeology is automatically dealing with an anthropological subject. A lesson plan dealing with indigenous people is also automatically dealing with anthropology and any of them may, or may not, be dealing with history or ancient civilizations. While every attempt will be made to keep the topic lines as 'clean' as possible, be aware this may not always be possible. Appropriate grade or age levels are included with the lesson plans. The number of lesson plans available online
for this topic is enormous. This site can not and does not index all
lesson resources relating to things Greek. That would be impossible, as sites appear and disappear with astonishing rapidity. The following provides some idea of
what is available and will hopefully be a good starting point.
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300 Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae __ "In this lesson students learn about the historical background to the battle and are asked to ponder some of its legacy, including how history is reported and interpreted from different perspectives." Goals and procedure. - From -
Ancient Greece __ "A collection of resources that will support planning and teaching about Ancient Greece." Lesson plans and much more. - From -
Ancient Greece Lesson Plans __ A collection of lesson plans about ancient Greece. Goals, procedures and materials. A PDF file - From Scott Bruce -
Ancient Greece lesson plans for elementary school teachers__ A collection of lesson plans about ancient Greece. - From -
Ancient Greece On Parade __ "Everyone loves a parade! As an end to a unit on Ancient Greece, students will produce an Ancient Greek shoebox float celebrating one of the cultural contributions of the civilization." Goals and procedure. - From -
Ancient Greek Olympics __ A collection of lesson plans and other teaching resources about ancient Greece. Mostly for the elementary grades. - From -
Ancient History Lesson Plans - Ancient Greece __ Free Lesson Plans and Activities for Ancient Greece - From -
Arts of Ancient Greece Lesson Plans __ You will find a 6 day lesson plan about the arts of ancient Greece including the influence of religion on the arts. - From -
The Birth of Olympism: A Legacy of Peace __ "Students will complete a map of ancient Greece, identifying key locations in the story of the ancient Olympic Games." This is only one of several goals and activities in this lesson plan. goals, procedure and materials needed. - from -
Building a Greek Subway Museum __ Your students create their own museum of Greek artifacts in this lesson plan. "This lesson is intended for students who have already studied some of the basics of ancient Greek civilization. Students will investigate ancient Greek artifacts and artworks and will design museum exhibits to be placed in an Athens subway station. Students will create the exhibits either on paper or with a computer multimedia program." You will find goals, procedures and materials needed. - From National Geographic -
Coming of Age in Ancient Greece: Lesson Plans __ "Explain to students that they will be focusing today on Greek myths. Myths are traditional stories about heroes or supernatural beings that often explain things in nature or people's behavior, or they might teach a lesson. In ancient Greece, myths were used as part of religious rituals like daily prayers, lessons in school, or entertainment at a festival. Explain that today, they will be learning about the Greek hero, Herakles, sometimes known as Hercules." Goals, procedures. - From -
Democracy in Ancient Greece __ Detailed lesson plan about ancient Greek democracy. Goals and procedures. - From -
Greek Mythology Character Cubes Lesson Plan __ "Visit Ancient Greece! Read Greek myths, then illustrate them with a 3-D display." Goals, procedure and materials. - From -
Greek Story Vases - Art History __ This plan introduces students to the art of Greek vases while they develop their own storytelling skills. Goals. procedure and materials needed. - From -
Heroes in Greek Mythology __ "This lesson examines the characteristics of Greek heroes and leads students to recognize references to Greek mythological heroes found in literature and culture today. Students will present analyses of heroes by defending their favorites in a slideshow presentation nominating them for selection to a Heroes' Hall of Fame." Goals, procedure and materials. - From -
Impact of Greek Mythology on Modern Times - Language Arts Lesson Plan __ "Students will be able to tell a parent or friend about the role that Greek mythology plays in the world today." Goals, procedure and materials needed. - From -
It Came From Greek Mythology __ "Monsters, gods, and heroes ... all surefire favorites in the classroom and the stuff of Greek mythology. But Greek mythology offers so much more: inspiration for many works of art (both written and visual), insight into human nature, a glimpse at an ancient people trying to make sense of phenomena they could not explain, and the source for many names and terms we use today. Your students might be surprised to find they're wearing shoes with the name of a Greek goddess (Nike), rooting for (or against) a team named after Greek gods (Tennessee Titans), and even listening to rock groups with mythological names (Styx)." Goals, procedure and materials needed. - from National Endowment for the Humanities -
Live from Ancient Olympia! __ Lesson plan about ancient Greek Olympics and links to related materials. Goals and procedures. - From -
Modern Words Derived From Ancient Greek: A Lesson Plan__ "Ancient Greece cultural influences are evident everywhere in the modern world. From architecture to the Olympics, Ancient Greece has left its mark on history, and the present day. The following lesson plan looks at how the Ancient Greek impact is evident in modern words from the cultures that we use everyday." Goals and procedure - From - - Ancient History Lesson Plans - Ancient Greek Olympics __ Lesson plans and resources about the ancient Olympics. - From -
The Odyssey: A Web Quest Exploration __ "This Web Quest is designed to help you gain a better understanding of the mythology surrounding Homer's, The Odyssey. Acting as classroom historians, you will explore the world of Ancient Greece, its cultures, geography and myths. When you complete your quest you will have a better understanding of the lives of the ancient Greeks as well as an appreciation of the myths woven into the fabric of Homer's immortal tale." Goals, procedure, materials. - from Scott Thomason -
Reflections Of Ancient Greece __ "Looking for FREE lesson plans? Get an Ancient Greece Lesson plan for Grades 5-6 for FREE with no login or sign-up required!" - From -
Sophocles' Antigone: Ancient Greek Theatre __ "This lesson plan begins with the study of Sophocles' Antigone and the universal issues it raises about power, gender, family obligation, ethics, and honor." Goals, materials and procedure - From -
Unit Overview: Democracy in Ancient Greece __
"Democracy in Ancient Greece is a comprehensive six-week unit of study
appropriate for Junior High School social studies students." You will find
several lesson plans with goals and procedure - From -
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