Persian Gulf War 1990 - 91 Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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American Civil War - American Revolutionary War - Boer War - Crimean War - English Civil War - Falkland Islands War - French and Indian War - Gulf War I - Korean War - Peloponnesian war - Punic Wars - Spanish American War - Spanish Civil War - Trojan War - War of 1812 - Vietnam War - World War I - World War II
Korean War Lesson Plans - Vietnam War Lesson Plans - World War I Lesson Plans - World War II Lesson plans __ " is a site created to honor those who participated in Operation Desert-Storm. It is also intended to provide an informative resource about the war and the events surrounding it." You will find a chronology, people involved, images and more. - illustrated - From -
Desert Storm Gallery __ Galleries of click-to-enlarge photos, maps and more. - illustrated - from -
Frontline: the gulf war | PBS __ While dated, this site still contains a wealth
of information. ""Marking the fifth anniversary of the war with Iraq, FRONTLINE
investigates what really happened during the invasion of Kuwait, the months of
diplomatic maneuvering, the air war and ground assault, and the post-war
rebellion inside Iraq. The two-hour episodes are built around dozens of
interviews with key political and military leaders in the U.S., its allies, and
Iraq, as well as soldiers on both sides of the front line. Interviews include
General Norman Schwarzkopf, General Colin Powell, former Secretary of State
James Baker, former Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney, Britain's Margaret
Thatcher, Mikhail Gorbachev, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Jordan's King Hussein, and
Israeli Premier Yitzahk Shamir. " - Illustrated - From PBS -
Gulf War __ "The 1991 Gulf War was a conflict between Iraq and a coalition force
of approximately 30 nations, mandated by the United Nations and led by the
United States." You will find an encyclopedic article and links to related
materials. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Gulf War Veteran Resource Pages __ "The Gulf War Veteran Resource Pages was founded in early 1994 to aid Gulf War Veterans and their families. The site features a comprehensive document archive with new documents posted each month. In addition to the document archive, a locator database, first hand testimonial stories, a photo gallery, and discussion forums are available. If you are a Gulf War Vet, related to one, or just wanting to learn more about Gulf War Syndrome, you should visit and bookmark the GWVRP." - illustrated - From -
The History Guy: The Persian Gulf War (1990-1991) __ A large collection of
articles, links, first person stories, maps, history and more. - illustrated -
Operation Desert Storm __ "Saddam Hussein's rejection of diplomatic efforts to
solve the crisis led to the decision to restore Kuwait's sovereignty by military
force. The ensuing air war and the effects of the economic embargo decimated
Iraq's military infrastructure, severed communication and supply lines, smashed
weapons arsenals, and destroyed morale." A report and many resources. - From -
Operation Desert Storm __ You will find a series of click-to-read articles
detailing the Gulf War. - From -
The Persian Gulf War (Jan. 16, 1991& April 6, 1991) __ A brief overview of the
history of the war along with links to related materials. - From
- Fog of War __ You will find a detailed analysis of the Gulf
War, supplemented with photos and videos. - illustrated - From -
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