Korean War Lesson Plans Reviewed Resources for Students and teachers |
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About the The Korean War Lesson __ This is an introductory lesson about the Korean War. Goals materials and procedure. The lesson itself is a PDF document, Acrobat Reader needed. - From lessonsnips.com - http://www.lessonsnips.com/lesson/koreanwar
Examining the Korean War __ "Students compare two conflicting textbook accounts of the start of the Korean war, and formulate hypotheses for the source of each textbook." Goals and procedure - From teachinghistory.org - http://teachinghistory.org/teaching-materials/lesson-plan-reviews/24538
For Teachers __ "Welcome to the United States of America Korean War Commemoration's Lesson Plans page. We have prepared QuickTake lesson plans, visual aids, graphic organizers, and teacher activity guides to help you prepare to teach the Korean War. " You will find a collection of Korean War lesson plans for middle school and high school. Goals, materials and procedure. - From Department of Defense - http://korea50.army.mil/teachers/lessons/index.shtml
From Cold War to Military Action: War in Korea __ While this covers the Cold War era till almost current, there is a section about the Korean War. You will find background, goals, materials and procedure. - From ctaponline.org - http://www.history.ctaponline.org/center/hsscm/index.cfm?Page_Key=1746
GA History Project - Primer on the Korean War __ Not so much lesson plans per se, but good materials from which to create one. - From trackstar.4teachers.org - http://trackstar.4teachers.org/trackstar/ts/viewTrackMembersText.do;jsessionid=7412BA029FD65ACA4E99BF3F78A20ACB?number=9848&password=
Harry S. Truman and Korea __ "Through research of oral histories
and historical revision students can gain a greater understanding and
appreciation for the sacrifices made by Americans in the Korean War."
Goals, materials and procedure. - From trumanlibrary.org -
Korean Lesson Plan, Map Work About the Korean War __
"This is a skill building activity to use maps to interpret history."
Goals, procedure, materials. A PDF file - From osu.edu -
The Korean War Homefront, Then and Now. Lesson Plan __ "Describes activities that enable students to study the history of the Korean War and its impact by researching local history and the popular culture of the time." Goals, materials and procedure. - From eric.ed.gov - http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=EJ612153&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ612153
The Korean War - Lesson Plan Library __ Lesson plan about the Korean war including first person narrative, goals, materials needed and procedure. - From school.discoveryeducation.com - http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/programs/koreanwar/
Korean War Lesson Plans __ A few lesson plans and primary sources. - From ushistorysite.com - http://ushistorysite.com/korean_war.php
Korean War Lesson Plans __ Small collection of teaching resources. - From mrdonn.org - http://wars.mrdonn.org/korean.html
The Korean War: "Police Action," 1950-1953 __ "This lesson will introduce students to the conflict by having them read the most important administration documents related to it. Specifically it will address four major issues: 1) Truman's decision to send troops to Korea; 2) The decision to cross the 38th Parallel into North Korea, at the risk of a wider war with China; 3) Truman's decision to fire MacArthur; and 4) the war's growing unpopularity in the United States." - From neh.gov - http://edsitement.neh.gov/lesson-plan/korean-war-police-action-1950-1953
President Truman and the Banning letter __ "This could serve as a great stimulus for a class discussion on Presidential decisions and the nature of war..." - From trumanlibrary.org - http://www.trumanlibrary.org/banning.htm
Teaching With Documents: The United States Enters the Korean Conflict __ A detailed lesson plan with background, goals, procedure and materials. - From archives.gov - http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/korean-conflict/index.html
Writing About A Korean War Veteran Lesson Plan __ A Korea War lesson plan based around an interview with a Korean War Veteran. Goals, materials and procedure. - From scribd.com - http://www.scribd.com/doc/6869307/Writing-About-A-Korean-War-Veteran-Lesson-Plan
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