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M�tis: A person of mixed Native American and French-Canadian ancestry.  In some regions, the Scots mixed as much as the French and Canada has a vibrant M�tis community.


Aboriginal Peoples: The M�tis: Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage ___"Labrador M�tis are the descendants of European men and (primarily) Inuit women and today live in coastal communities from Lake Melville south to the Strait of Belle Isle." - 1 enlargeable image - From Memorial University of Newfoundland - http://www.heritage.nf.ca/aboriginal/metis.html 

Batoche National Historic Site ___Louis Riel selected Batoche as the headquarters of his "Provisional Government of Saskatchewan." Click on 'Learn More' to read about the history of Batoche, the Northwest Rebellion, the M�tis and other topics. - Illustrated - From Parks Canada - http://parkscanada.gc.ca/lhn-nhs/sk/batoche/index_E.asp 

Gabriel Dumont ___"Gabriel Dumont is best known as the man who led the small M�tis military forces during the Northwest Resistance of 1885." Read his biography here. - Illustrated - From the University of Saskatchewan libraries -

History of the Metis ___Topics covered here are 'Historical Relations Between the Metis Nation & Canada,' 'Genocide and Assimilation,' 'Land Reserved for "Half Breed" Families' and 'Land Claims.' - 1 small drawing -  From Turtle Island Productions -

Louis Riel ___A biography of this notable M�tis leader. - Illustrated - From the Saskatchewan Archives Board - http://library.usask.ca/northwest/background/riel.htm 

Louis Riel ___"Martyr, hero or traitor?... Our intent is to pique your imagination and your interest in a subject - to want you to read more. So it is with the story of Louis Riel. There is so much which needs to be left out to make this story fit the site. We can only urge you to investigate and read." - Illustrated - From Bruce Picketts - http://www.mysteriesofcanada.com/Canada/riel.htm

The Metis ... One of Canada's Aboriginal People! ___Some background, history
and lots of facts about the Metis people can be found here. - Illustrated - Source unknown -

The Metis Man ___"This page is all about NW Sask Metis, The Region, The People, Our History, Our Culture, Our Language, Our Heritage." - Illustrated - From Michael J. Durocher LL.B - http://members.tripod.com/~Metis/index.html 

Metis Resource Centre ___Don't miss these pages if you're studying the Metis people. Fast facts, biographies and even recipes are just some of the information you'll find here. - Illustrated - From the Metis Resource Centre Inc. - http://www.metisresourcecentre.mb.ca/

Northwest Rebellion of 1885 ___"The purpose of this site is to improve access to materials relating to the Northwest Resistance of 1885 held by the Special Collections Department of the University of Saskatchewan Libraries and the University of Saskatchewan Archives. It contains a searchable database of bibliographic records. A number of the items have been digitized (such as photographs) and transcriptions of others are available as HTML documents. These images and texts are appended to the appropriate records in the database." - Illustrated - From the University of Saskatchewan Libraries - http://library.usask.ca/northwest/ 

The Other Metis ___This is a most excellent source of information. "As the title of this site implies, the emphasis of the information presented here will be related to those M�tis who are not represented by the better known Canadian prairie M�tis organizations and their national organization, the M�tis National Council." - Some illustration - From Martin F. Dunn - http://www.othermetis.net/ 

Riel, Dumont, and the 1885 Rebellion ___An easy-to-navigate site -- use the topics links to the left of your screen or click on the links at the bottom of each page to proceed. The subject here is about the northwest rebellion and the role played by the Metis and their leaders, Riel and Dumont. - Illustrated - From Brian M. Brown - http://www.alittlehistory.com/Mt-Intro.htm 

The Virtual Museum of M�tis History and Culture ___A searchable website, available in both English and French. "This website is the most comprehensive attempt to chronicle traditional M�tis history and culture on the World Wide Web and contains a wealth of primary documents - oral history interviews, photographs and various archival documents - in visual, audio and video files. In addition, many of our proven resources such as Steps in Time and Gabriel Dumont: M�tis Legend have also been added to this site. Finally, new material, suitable for general information and for educators, has also been commissioned for The Virtual Museum of M�tis History and Culture." - Illustrated - From the Gabriel Dumont Institute - http://www.metismuseum.com/main.php


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