North Korea History Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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BBC News | Korea at 50 | North Korea: a political history __ "The northern half of Korea was born on 9 September 1948 amid the chaos following the end of World War II...." A good look at the history of North Korea. - illustrated - From BBC -
Eyewitness: A North Korean Remembers __ "A North Korean participant of the Korean War recalls his youth growing up in North Korea and living though the War" Many first-person, click-to-read articles detailing various aspects of North Korean history, especially pertaining to the Korean War. - From Young S. Kim -
The history of Korea as a whole __ Click-to-read list of articles and resources about the history of Korea. - From Hartford Web Publishing -
History of North Korea __ "The history of North Korea formally begins with the establishment of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 1948." An encyclopedic article with links to additional resources. - From wikipedia -
History of North Korea __ "Comprehensive online resources about the history of the country of North Korea." - From -
The history of the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea __ Several click-to-read articles and resources about North Korea history. - From -
North Korea __ A general article about North Korea but with a strong emphasis on history. - From -
North Korea History __ "There are other parallels between Korea's past and presentday North Korea. The traditions of Confucianism and a bureaucracy administered from the top-down and from the center continue to hold sway." General article about North Korea history. - From -
North Korea History __ "Once a unified country with an independent monarchy, Korea came under strong Japanese influence in the latter part of the 19th century (see Republic of Korea section for more details of pre-1945 history). Japanese forces occupied the country in 1905 and formally annexed it five years later, deposing the emperor in the process." A brief, general look at North Korea's history but information about ecnomy and government too. - From -
North Korea - History & Background, Educational System __ General history, legal and political history along with history of North Korea's educational system. - From Net Industries -
North Korea: a political history __ A concise look at the political history of North Korea. - From BBC -
Timeline North Korea __ Annotated timeline of important dates and events in North Korea history. - illustrated - From BBC -
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