President Franklin D. Roosevelt Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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American Presidents Lesson Plans
And Just What other American Presidents were there? Several Actually.
There were also Other First Ladies and Official Hostesses
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Go to First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt
American President: Franklin Delano Roosevelt __ "In-depth essays created by the University of Virginia on Franklin Delano Roosevelt's life and administration." - From -
FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt Lesson Plans __ A brief history of Franklin Roosevelt and a few fairly advanced lesson plans. - From -
FDR's Fala, The Most Famous Dog in the World ___Video and audio files, some background and an analysis. - Illustrated - From -
Franklin D. Roosevelt ___Brief biography, accomplishments and administration highlights. - Illustrated - From John T. Marck -
Franklin D. Roosevelt __ "...the 32nd President of the United States, was a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic crisis and world war." An encyclopedic article with links to related topics. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Franklin D. Roosevelt ___Fast facts, photos, accomplishments, administration and reference materials. - Illustrated - From C-SPAN -
Franklin D. Roosevelt ___The official White House biography of this president with links to related information. - Illustrated - From the White House -
Franklin D Roosevelt - Fast Facts __ A few biographical facts and several links to other resources. - From -
Franklin D. Roosevelt Lesson Plan, US History, Activity, Teaching ... __ "An American history reading comprehension lesson on the life of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Includes printable teaching lesson worksheet." - From -
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library & Museum___ This is "... the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Museum, and Digital Archives, an on-line resource devoted to fulfilling Franklin Roosevelt’s dream of making the records of the past available “for the use of men and women in the future.” (RealPlayer required). - Illustrated - From -
Franklin D. Roosevelt - President of the United States __ A general look at his administration and accomplishmenets along with many links to other resources. - From -
Franklin Delano Roosevelt __ A good general biography of Franklin Roosevelt. - From -
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882 - 1945) - Find A Grave Memorial __ Biography of Franklin Roosevelt and images of his grave site. - illustrated - From -
Home of Franklin D
Roosevelt National Historic Site __ "All that is within me cries out
to go back to my home on the Hudson River" FDR "
This quote captures FDR's connection to Springwood, the estate that he loved &
the place he considered home." Loaded with information. - From National Park
Service -
President Franklin Roosevelt : Health & Medical History __ Medical profile of President Franklin Roosevelt. - From -
President Franklin Roosevelt Information and Activities for Kids __ "Learning Games, Timeline, Book Reviews, Puzzles, Facts, Trivia, Coloring Pages, Printables " - From -
President Franklin Roosevelt Speech For a Declaration of War __ Full text and audio, declaration of war against Japan. - From -
Presidents: Franklin D. Roosevelt ___A printable page which provides the text of this president's inaugural address, plus information about his early life and accomplishments. - Illustrated - From MultiEducator, Inc. -
Roosevelt and the New Deal ___"Was the New Deal a big deal? This website provides biographical sketches of the personalities involved and easy-to-understand interpretations of the various pieces of legislation enacted under Roosevelt's programme." - Illustrated - From the Encyclopedia of USA History -
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