Port-au-Prince Haiti Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Bowen - Airport Fact Sheet __ General airport
information and flight times. - From farecompare.com -
Haiti Progres - Haitian Weekly __ Online newsweekly - From haiti-progres.com -
Haiti > Port au Prince photos
__ You will find a couple of pages of
click-to-enlarge photos of Port-au-Prince. - illustrated - From bctf.ca -
Map of Port-au-Prince __ A map of Port-au-Prince but with no zoom or interactive
feature. - illustrated - From haiti-business.com -
population of Port-au-Prince __ Port-au-Prince population figure - From trueknowledge.com - http://www.trueknowledge.com/q/population_of_port-au-prince
Port-au-Prince __ "...is the capital and largest city of Haiti. Growth,
especially in crowded slums in nearby plains and hillsides, has raised the
population of the Port-au-Prince area to between 2.5 and 3 million." An
encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - from
wikipedia -
Port-au-Prince __ Brief look at the city with links to related materials. - From infoplease.com -
Port au Prince, Haiti
__ A collection of annotated photos of Port-au-Prince. -
illustrated - From galenfrysinger.com -
Port-au-Prince Haiti - Haiti--the dark cloud of the Carribean __ A not so cheerful look at Haiti's capital city. "Haiti is a land of despair and not for the light at heart. It is not a place for tourists at the moment until the government changes. The real Haiti rushes at you the minute you step off the plane -porters grabbing your your baggage, knowing you will pay precious dollars to get it back." - From globosapiens.net - http://www.globosapiens.net/travel-information/Port-au-Prince-675.html
Port-au-Prince Map, Map of Port-au-Prince __ " Welcome to the InfoHub Port-au-Prince map page. Here you will find a treasure of information with regard to map of Port-au-Prince as well as a wealth of information on the subject of Port-au-Prince maps." - From infohub.com - http://www.infohub.com/Maps/port-au-prince_map_465.html
Port-au-Prince Map - Map of Port-au-Prince, Haiti __ Map of Port-au-Prince - You may find local attractions, hotels, restaurants, shops, airports and entertainment locations on this interactive Map of Port-au-Prince. - From yahoo.com - http://travel.yahoo.com/p-map-485317-map_of_port_au_prince-i
Port-au-Prince Map - Port-au-Prince Maps and Visitor Information __ You will
find Port-au-Prince maps and visitor information along with vacation reviews and
travel articles. - illustrated - From tripadvisor.com -
Port-au-Prince Medical Resources __ "The American Embassy ... assumes no
responsibility for the professional ability or reputation of the persons or
medical facilities whose names appear on the following list." A list of
physicians and medical institutions. - From US Embassy -
Port-au-Prince Photos __ A gallery of click-to-enlarge photos of Port-au-Prince. - illustrated - From trekearth.com - http://www.trekearth.com/gallery/Central_America/Haiti/South/Ouest/Port-au-Prince/
Port-au-Prince pictures __ Gallery of a few click-to-enlarge pictures of Port-au-Prince. - illustrated - From yahoo.com - http://travel.yahoo.com/p-travelguide-485317-port_au_prince_vacations-i%3Faction%3Dpictures
Port-au-prince travel guide __ "Port-au-Prince feels like a small town. In
reality it has more than one million inhabitants and it's by far the largest
city of the country. The fact remains that there are mostly two-story buildings
and only two “skyscrapers” (both less than 20 stories)." You will find
information on Port-au-prince travel, including photos and reviews. -
illustrated - From world66.com -
Sight Seeing in Port-au-Prince __ A brief travel guide to the city. - From haitiimpact.com -
Sobaka: Live from Port-au-Prince: the revolution is being televised __ Here you will find a first person article detailing a bit of what life is like in the capital. - From diacritica.com - http://www.diacritica.com/sobaka/2004/portauprince.html
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