Washington D.C. Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Go to United States Social Studies - Go to Washington DC Tourism - To United States History
All of the Embassies of Washington D.C. __ A complete list of them with links to additional information about each. - From embassy.org - http://embassy.org/embassies/
The District - Your complete on-line guide to the Washington, D.C. area __ "Washington, DC is filled with exciting and memorable places to visit. "The District" is designed to help you plan your next trip to the nation's capital." You will find click-to-read articles and links to both commercial and non-commercial information. - illustrated - from thedistrict.com - http://www.thedistrict.com/
District of Columbia __ Official website of the city. Meet the Mayor, learn
about history, lifestyle, economics, visitor information and much, much more. -
illustrated - from the District of Columbia. -
National Gallery of Art __ Official site of this Washington Landmark. You will find exhibit information, online tours, future plans and more. - illustrated - from National Gallery of Art - http://www.nga.gov/
Official Tourism Site of Washington D.C. __ Here you will find most all you need to plan a trip to Washington D.C. - illustrated - From Washington, DC Convention and Tourism Corporation - http://tinyurl.com/55o2t
Pictures of washington dc, photos, Washington, DC __ Online collection of click-to-view images of Washington. You will find collections from other parts of the world also. - illustrated - From kestan.com - http://www.kestan.com/travel/dc/dc_index.htm
Pictures of Washington DC at picturesofplaces.com __ Many click to view galleries filled with click-to-enlarge images. - illustrated - From picturesofplaces.com - http://www.picturesofplaces.com/USA/washingtondc.html
population of washington d.c. __ Washington D.C. population figure 2010 - http://www.trueknowledge.com/q/population_of_washington_d.c.
Washington DC __ Brief encyclopedia article with links to related material. -
From Wikipedia -
Washington DC City Pages: History __ You will find the history of the city
beginning from 1571 in a series of click-to-read articles. - From Washington DC
City Pages - http://dcpages.com/History/
Washington DC City Pages: Museums : Smithsonian __ Washington is a city of museums. You will find all of them associated with the Smithsonian here. - .From Washington DC City Pages - http://dcpages.ari.net/Museums/Smithsonian/
Washington DC History __ "The US Congress met in a variety of cities - Philadelphia, New York and Princeton among them - before the fledgling republic was ready to commit to a permanent seat of government. Congress chose the Potomac as a natural midpoint that would satisfy both northern and southern states (whose cultural and political differences were apparent well before the Civil War of 1861-1865)." You can read the story. - From Loneyplanet.com - http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/north_america/washington_dc/history.htm
The Washington Times __ Online newspaper - From the Washington Times - http://www.washtimes.com/
What is Washington D.C. city profile? __ A brief article about Washington. - illustrated - From quezi.com - http://quezi.com/6496
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