Tunis City Profile Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Some Other Great Cities of the World
City map of Tunis __ You will find an interactive map with zoom, directional and satellite features. - illustrated - From world66.com - http://www.world66.com/lib/map/handle?loc=africa|tunisia|tunis
Places to go, Tunis - Tunisia __ "...Tunis takes you by surprise with its modern conference halls, hotels and banks, bright yellow taxis rushing passengers to a business lunch, all the hustle and bustle of a modern Mediterranean city..." All this and more. You will find links to other Tunisian cities too. - illustrated - from tourismtunisia.com - http://www.tourismtunisia.com/togo/tunis/tunis.html
population of
Tunis 2010 __ Tunis population figure - From trueknowledge.com -
Trade Shows in Tunis __ List of upcoming trade shows and business events in
Tunis. - From eventseye.com -
Tunis __ "...is the capital of the Tunisian Republic and also the Tunis Governorate, with a population of 728,453 in 2004. Informal estimates state that the population of greater Tunis approaches two million." You will find an encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - from wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunis
Tunis Photos __ You will find thirty galleries of pictures and several hundred individual photo images. - illustrated - From pbase.com - http://search.pbase.com/search?q=Tunis
Tunis travel guide __ You will find an open source travel guide to Tunis,
featuring up-to-date information on attractions, hotels, restaurants, nightlife,
travel tips and more. "Located on the Mediterranean coast but lacking much in
the way of beaches, Tunis has been spared the onslaught of package tourism in
the resorts to the north and south." - illustrated - From wikitravel.org -
Tunis travel guide __ You will find information about Tunis travel, including photos and reviews. - illustrated - From world66.com - http://www.world66.com/africa/tunisia/tunis
Tunis, Tunisia: The modern capital __ Photographs and description of Tunis from Miftah Shamali. - illustrated - From lexicorient.com - http://lexicorient.com/tunisia/tunis.htm
Tunis, Tunisia - Travel Photos (1) __ You will find a gallery of well annotated photo images. - illustrated - From galenfrysinger.com - http://www.galenfrysinger.com/tunis.htm
Tunis, Tunisia - Travel Photos (2) __The pictures in this gallery were taken
more than 25 years after the photos in the gallery listed just above. -
illustrated - From galenfrysinger.com -
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