Ecuador History Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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To Ecuador Social Studies - To Capital Quito City Profile
Culture of Ecuador - History and ethnic relations, Urbanism ... __ A lot of good information about Ecuador including a good history section. - From -
Ecuador: History __ A brief overview of Ecuadorian history. - From Aurelia Fuertes Medina -
Ecuador - History __ "Ecuador's culture and history mirrors the diversity of its landscape. Like much of South America, Ecuadorian culture blends the influences of Spanish colonialism with the resilient traditions of pre-Columbian peoples." An essay about Ecuadorian history along with links to additional information about Ecuador. - From -
Ecuador: History __ A good look at the history of Ecuador with embedded text links to related topics. - From -
Ecuador History __ Learn about Ecuador's history including Independence, The Republic and Contemporary periods. - From -
Ecuador History __ "Ecuador – including the ancient Kingdom of Quito, established by the Shiris – was populated by several mutually antagonistic tribes at the time of the Inca conquest in the mid-15th century. When the Spanish arrived from Peru in the 1530s, they found that while many of the inhabitants were hostile, others hailed them as liberators from Inca repression." A general overview of Ecuador's history along with other information about the country. - from -
Ecuador History __ A brief history of Ecuador. For a more detailed history, simply click on "more history." - From -
Ecuador History __ "The history of pre-Inca Ecuador is lost in a misty tangle of time and legend - the earliest historical details date back only as far as the 11th century AD." You will find a colorful history of Ecuador. - From -
Ecuador History Ecuador, a brief history of Ecuador __ A lot of information for a "brief" look at Ecuador history. - illustrated - From -
Ecuador history Ecuador, A complete history of Ecuador __ This is, of course, a more complete history of Ecuador than the link above. However, the main texts are in PDF format, Acrobat Reader needed. - From -
History of Ecuador __ You will find a history of Ecuador from prehistory through current. An encyclopedic article. - From wikipedia -
History of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands __ "Ecuador's history is rich and colorful, spanning some 12,000 year of human civilization from early tribal settlers to grand empires and kingdoms, Inca lords and Spanish conquistadors, legends of gold and treachery, colonization and rebellion, and finally democracy and independence." You will find two histories, one for Ecuador and the other for Galapagos Islands in a series of click-to-read sections. - From -
History of Ecuador - Ministry of Tourism - Ecuador
__ Brief overviews of different periods in Ecuador history along with a
timeline. - From Ministry
of Tourism of Ecuador -
Timeline: Ecuador __ An annotated timeline for the history of Ecuador. - illustrated - From BBC -
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