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Chilean Government to Make it All Better for Mapuche __ "Last August 5 a ceremony took place where the president of Chile, Eduardo Frei, invited one thousand Mapuche leaders to La Moneda, the presidential palace in Santiago, to announce a 3-year investment plan of approx. 570 million NZ dollars (140 billion pesos) to answer to the urgent demands from Mapuche communities. Only two months before, the same president had refused to meet with the leaders of a Mapuche march which had been on its way on foot from Temuko to Santiago (over 700 km). The one thousand invited leaders however, were brought to La Moneda on comfortable buses." You will find an interesting read. - From Cristina Parra-Jerez, PhD -
Mapuche International Link __ This page covers many aspects of Mapuche life and
situation. You will find news, documents, and a detailed account of their
history. "...a site that brings the plight of the Mapuche people to the world's
attention." - illustrated - From -
The Mapuche Nation __ "The Mapuche nation is situated in what is known as the Southern Cone of South America, in the area now occupied by the Argentine and Chilean states." You will learn their history, culture, plans and more. - From Mapuche Nation -
Mapuche Page - Rehue Foundation __ You will find a lot of information divided by
topic. Extended coverage of the Mapuche. Many links are in Spanish but there is
a lot of English language material. - illustrated - From Rehue Foundation -
Mapuche Photos __ A small gallery of images which are click-to-enlarge -
illustrated - From Rehue Foundation -
An Overview of the Mapuche and Aztec Military Response to the Spanish Conquest
__ "This paper analyses the military response to the Spanish conquest of the
Indigenous peoples of Chile and Mexico from a comparative perspectives. The main
goal of this paper is to highlight the cultural differences and similarities of
both culture, and point out why the Mapuches were more successful in the
military science than the Aztec." - From Eduardo A. Cruz Farias -
The situation according to the Mapuche organisation Xeg-Xeg __ "The problem of
the Mapuche people is a socio-political and a territorial one, combined with a
with a loss and weakening of the culture. Without diminishing the communication
problem, which for the last 450 years has been a hegemonising factor among many
others the indigenous peoples of America and Chile have had to withstand, it is
pertinent to obtain some of the background underlying the present situation,
where the Mapuche people are dominated and prostrated." an excellent resource. -
From Cristina Parra-Jerez, PhD -
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