Classical / Traditional Japanese Architecture Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Ancient Egyptian Architecture - Architecture General Resources - Art Deco Architecture - Art Nouveau Architecture - Aztec Architecture - Baroque Architecture - Byzantine Architecture - Classical Architecture - Classical / Traditional Chinese Architecture - Classical / Traditional Japanese Architecture - Corporate Modern Architecture - Gothic Architecture - Inca Architecture - India / Hindu Architecture - Islamic Architecture - Korean Architecture ( classical ) - Maya Architecture - Mesopotamian / Sumerian / Babylonian Architecture - Modern Architecture - Neolithic / Prehistoric Architecture - Renaissance Architecture - Romanesque Architecture - Russian Traditional Architecture - Victorian Architecture
Castles of Japan__ Tour the great castles of ancient Japan. - photos, history -
Japanese Architecture __ Here is a gallery of click-to-view images of classic
Japanese architecture. A good resource for illustrating reports and homework. -
illustrated - From University of Virginia -
Japanese Architecture (Buddhist architecture, Shinto architecture,& design
concept, modern architecture) __ "Chinese architecture has historically
influenced that of Japan. In spite of this, there are still major differences
between the two." Learn what they are and even how they have influenced modern
Japanese architecture. - illustrated - From -
Japanese Architecture in Kyoto __ A gallery of click-to-view images. -
illustrated - From The Leo Masuda Architectonic Office -
Kyoto Architecture: A Coexistence of Tradition and Innovation __ This is a text
only site explaining many of the different styles and historical concepts
surrounding Japanese architecture. It also provides a quick guide to several of
Kyoto's more famous architectural sites including recent 20th century
architecture. - From -
Traditional Japanese Architecture - Great Buildings Online __ You will find click-to-view images and basic information about each. - illustrated - From Great Buildings Online -
Traditional Japanese Architecture: Introduction __ Here is an illustrated online
lecture exploring traditional forms of Japanese architecture. - illustrated -
From CSU -
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