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African archaeology __ You will find an encyclopedia article along with links to related materials. - From wikipedia -
African Archaeology __ Encyclopedia article about African archaeology. Free access, no registration needed. What does African archaeology mean? What is African archaeology? these and many questions answered. - From -
African Archaeology , Historical Archaeology, prehistoric Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Rescue Archaeology, Archaeological Science __ Yes, there is a little here about all of this plus links to related materials. - illustrated - From -
African Studies Center| Africa: Archaeology & Anthropology __ You will find a series of click-to-read articles and resources. - From -
Archaeologists find clues to Queen of Sheba in Nigeria... __ A news article, "...scientists have unearthed in Nigeria's rain forest a suspected centre of one of Africa's greatest kingdoms and possible burial place of the legendary Queen of Sheba - pushing the country to the fore of ancient history." - From -
Archaeology in Africa __ You will find an annotated directory of Internet resources on African archaeology. - From -
Archaeology in NE Nigeria __ Archaeological research in North East Nigeria - photos - Website from the University at Frankfurt -
Archaeology of Nubia __ You will find Archaeology, history and culture of Nubia and northern Sudan. - illustrated - From Unknown -
Blombos Cave Project __ You will find information about the excavation of Blombos Cave, South Africa. - illustrated - From -
Category:African archaeology __ Here is an index of Wikipedia articles dealing with African archaeology. - From wikipedia -
Culture History of Africa __ "Cultural history and archaeological studies from the continent and countries of Africa." Many, many resources. - From -
digNubia __ You can explore the archaeology of ancient Nubia on this media-rich site with interactive applications drawing you into various aspects of science and Nubian history. - illustrated - From -
Gebel Barkal, Nubia __ "Gebel Barkal is the current name for the small mountain and its archaeological site situated about 400km north of Khartoum, the Sudan." An overview. - illustrated - From -
Hadrian Baths at Leptis Magna __ A computer reconstruction of the baths based on archaeological research. - illustrated - From Bill Rattenbury -
HomePage Redlist __ Learn about the problem of archaeological looting in Africa - By International Council of Museums - French or English -
An Hour in the Life: At Aissa Dugj� with Scott MacEachern __ "The first thing
you notice is that it�s hot. We�ve been at work since 6.30 am, but the coolness
of the early morning has burned off and it�s about 105 Fahrenheit already, and
hotter in the pits." Do things get better as time passes or ??? - From
Klasies River Caves __ "Beginning about 125,000 years ago, a handful of our
human ancestors lived in a handful of Caves on the Tsitsikamma coast of South Africa, near the small stream called Klasies River. The site located at the very
southern tip of Africa provides evidence of the behavior of Homo sapiens at our
very earliest moments of existence, and a slightly uncomfortable peek into our
distant past." A good review of the site. - From -
Learning From Negative Evidence __ Read about archaeological research in the Oti River Valley in Northern Togo, West Africa. The area has never been archaeologically researched in the past. - illustrated - From UCLA -
Lesson Planning, Lesson Plan Formats and Lesson Plan Ideas __ How to produce a lesson plan and not just for archaeology either. - From -
Mapungubwe __ "On 8 April 1933, The Illustrated London News reported a remarkable discovery in the Transvaal: a grave of unknown origin, containing much gold-work, found on the summit of a natural rock stronghold in a wild region. This site, Mapungubwe Hill, is on the farm Greefswald where the international borders between South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana meet." You will find a general report about the site and its settlement. - illustrated - From -
Michael C. Carlos Museum: Permanent Collection: Sub-Saharan African Art __ While not an archaeological exhibit, per se, "The Carlos Museum's collection of 19th and 20th century African art offers valuable insight into African artistic expressions in the variety of their forms, functions, and cultures of origin." - illustrated - From -
Mystery of Great Zimbabwe __ "The first whispered reports of a fabulous stone palace in the heart of southern Africa began dribbling into the coastal trading ports of Mozambique in the 16th century." You will find archaeology, history, a bit of speculation and much more. - illustrated - From -
Nabta Playa: African Archaeology __ "Nabta Playa is an internally drained basin that served as an important ceremonial center for nomadic tribes during the early part of 9560 BC." Learn about the stone circle that predates Stonehenge and influenced later Egyptian civilization. - illustrated - From -
The Nubia Salvage Project __ Website about archaeological salvage in Nubia, an area which encompasses most of the Sudanand a small part of southern Egypt - photos - From University of Chicago -
Nubia/Sudan Archaeology/Mahas Survey __ "The home of the earliest kingdoms and civilisations south of the Sahara, the rich archaeological heritage of Sudan and Nubia still remains little known." A general look at Nubian and Sudanese archaeology. - illustrated - From David N Edwards -
Robertshaw, Peter. "Sibling Rivalry? The Intersection of Archaeology and History __ This important paper deals with the interaction of archaeologists and historians in the study of Africa. You will find that the controversy is as yet unsettled. - From H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences OnLine -
Settlement Archaeology in Nigeria __ "The history of scientific archaeological research in Nigeria, is a relatively recent development." You will learn about its history and progress in this essay. - From University of Ibadan, Nigeria -
South African Archaeological Society __ "The Trans-Vaal branch of the South African Archaeological Society aims to encourage and satisfy your interest in all aspects of archaeology and its related disciplines by bringing members of the public, amateurs and professionals together." Learn about membership, goals and accomplishments. - illustrated - From -
South African Archaeology Sites __ Many resources and links about South African archaeology. - From -
Women Researching African Archaeology __ A general resource for and about women in African archaeology with articles, biographies and much more. - From -
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