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All for One or One for All? (Re)constructing Identity in... __ "This is the 1997 Graduate Student Symposium in the department of archaeology Bryn Mawr College. Forget the fact it was a few years in the past; just click on "Papers Submitted" for a great collection of published archaeological papers." - From Bryn Mawr College - http://www.brynmawr.edu/Acads/Arch/guesswho/symposium.htm#Schedule
American Indian Archaeological Sites __ An interactive site about American Indian archaeological sites. Choose from the list or click on the map of archaeological locations to learn about a few of these ancient settlements and cultural sites. - From infoplease.com - http://www.infoplease.com/spot/aihmsites1.html
Archaeological Digs: Lost Civilizations of North America __ "...north of the border between Mexico and the United States, lie the ruins of ancient civilizations that easily rival and in some ways even surpass the cultural brilliance we so often associate with their better known counterparts to the south." Brief overview of a documentary film. - illustrated - From archaeologydigs.blogspot.com - http://archaeologydigs.blogspot.com/2010/08/lost-civilizations-of-north-america.html
Archaeology WWW Links - North America __ You will find links to websites on North America: Both prehistoric and historical archaeology. - From archaeology.org - http://www.archaeology.org/wwwarky/north_america.html
Arctic and Subarctic Culture History and Archaeology __ Collection of resources about Arctic archaeology, not just North America but around the world. - From about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/arctic/Arctic_and_Subarctic_Culture_History_and_Archaeology.htm
Center for the Study of the First Americans __ "When did the first people enter the Americas? Who were the first immigrants? How did they get here?" You will find a lot of information to answer those questions. - illustrated - From centerfirstamericans.com - http://www.centerfirstamericans.com/
Clovis culture __ "The Clovis culture (sometimes referred to as the Llano culture is a prehistoric Paleo-Indian culture that first appears 11,500 RCYBP (radiocarbon years before present, at the end of the last glacial period,..." You will find an encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - illustrated - From Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clovis_culture
Clovis Hunters - A Pragmatic & Skilled Culture Swept Across North America
__ "The Clovis people – for decades the prime candidates for the first Americans
– were skilled hunters of huge animals, especially Ice Age mammoths and
mastodons. But they were much more than that. They were botanists well-versed in
the use of plants for food and equipment." Learn about the Clovis Culture
and the archaeological research supporting it. - From Jack L. Hofman -
The Clovis/Folsom Transition __ Paper dealing with the Clovis to Folsom culture
transition in North America. - photos and other illustrations -
Drowned Land Holds Clue to First Americans __ "Combining the skills of the late Jacques Cousteau and Louis Leakey, two Canadian researchers have gone off the deep end to address one of the biggest questions in anthropology: How did people first make their way to the Americas? Using sophisticated underwater techniques, the scientists have mapped out a now-flooded route that could have provided an entry point into the New World during the last ice age." - illustrated - From Science News Online - http://www.sciencenews.org/20000205/fob2.asp
Early Americans Arrived Thousands of Years Earlier Than Previously Believed __ "A team led by two Texas A&M University anthropologists now believes the first Americans came to this country 1,000 to 2,000 years earlier than the 13,500 years ago previously thought, which could shift historic timelines." A news story. - From sciencedaily.com - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/03/080320120714.htm
Folsom Point Manufacture __ This website discusses and displays the process of Folsom point manufacture. Lots of information and many graphics. - illustrated - From Tony Baker - http://www.ele.net/folsom.htm
A Journey to a New Land __ Website on the first peopling of the New World with interviews, interactive timeline, games for children, etc. Geared to a range of school ages and with teacher-parent guides. English or French. - From Simon Fraser University - http://www.sfu.museum/journey/
List of archaeological periods (North America) __ "North American archaeological periods divides the history of pre-Columbian North America into a number of named successive eras or periods, from the earliest evidence of human habitation through to the early Colonial period which followed the European colonization of the Americas." An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_archaeological_periods_%28North_America%29
Mesa vs Folsom Lithic Technologies __ "At times, the variation between lithic technologies is understood to be the result of functional requirements. At other times it is argued to be a product of cultural change. The Paleoindian traditions of Mesa and Folsom were contemporaneous and both hunted bison. However, their lithic technologies were vastly different, as was their access to lithic material. This paper will argue that the technological differences are not functional or cultural, but are the result of proximity to the lithic source." There is little I can add. - illustrated - From Tony Baker and Michael Kunz - http://www.ele.net/mesa_folsom/mesa_fol.htm
New Evidence Puts Man In North America 50000 Years Ago __ "Radiocarbon tests of carbonized plant remains where artifacts were unearthed last May along the Savannah River in Allendale County by University of South Carolina archaeologist Dr. Albert Goodyear indicate that the sediments containing these artifacts are at least 50,000 years old, ..." A news story from 2004. - illustrated - From sciencedaily.com - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/11/041118104010.htm http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/11/041118104010.htm
North America Archaeology - Guide to North American Archaeology __ "By North American archaeology, investigators usually mean the native cultures of United States and Canada. Mexico, even if geographically included in North America, is part of the culture area of Mesoamerica." An excellent general overview of North American archaeology with links to many other resources. - From about.com - http://archaeology.about.com/od/northamerica/a/Guide-To-North-American-Archaeology.htm
North American Archeology __ List of many resources and links for North American archaeology. - From cyberpursuits.com - http://www.cyberpursuits.com/archeo/us-arch.asp
North American archaeology Pictures of Record __ You will find several click-to-view galleries of click-to-enlarge photos of North American archaeological subjects. - illustrated - From picturesofrecord.com - http://www.picturesofrecord.com/north%20america.htm
Oldest Archaeological Site in North America __ "Thousands of artifacts that pre-date the Clovis culture have been found in a Texas flood plain with an age between 13,200 to 15,000 years. It is being called “the oldest archaeological site in North America”. - illustrated - From tamu.edu - http://tamunews.tamu.edu/2011/03/24/texas-am-led-study-shows-earliest-american-residents-came-at-least-15500-years-ago/
Oldest North American Mummy __ "A mummy was recently dated to ca. 7420 B.C., making it the oldest mummy ever discovered in North America." A brief article - From archaeology.org - http://www.archaeology.org/9609/newsbriefs/nevada.html
Paleoindian & Other Archaeological Stuff __ A wide ranging website dealing with North American archaeology (and some other places). You will find an extensive list of reports and papers, enough to keep you reading for hours. - From Tony Baker - http://www.ele.net/
SAAweb - Society for American Archaeology __ An all purpose site about North American archaeology and a great place for research. You will find information about NAGPRA, job opportunities, and more. - illustrated - From Society for American Archaeology - http://www.saa.org/
Underwater Exploration Seeks Evidence Of Early Americans __ "Where the first Americans came from, when they arrived and how they got here is as lively a debate as ever, only most of the research to date has focused on dry land excavations. But, last summer's pivotal underwater exploration in the Gulf of Mexico led by Mercyhurst College archaeologist Dr. James Adovasio yielded evidence of inundated terrestrial sites that may well have supported human occupation more than 12,000 years ago, and paved the way for another expedition this July." A news article. - From sciencedaily.com - http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/07/090709120654.htm
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