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Go to Andorra Social Studies
Andorra History __ A look at Andorran history from Pre-Charlemagne through the modern era. - From David Medinnus -
Andorra - History __ You will find a good look at Andorran history. "According to one tradition, Charlemagne gave the region the name Andorra for its supposed likeness to the biblical town of Endor. Tradition also asserts that Charlemagne granted the Andorran people a charter in return for their help in fighting the Moors, and that Charlemagne's son Louis I, king of France, confirmed the charter." This and more. - From -
Andorra History and About Parishes with short briefs __ "Short Briefs About Andorra History and Parishes. Find information on Andorra country about Andorra people and its parishes." This and more. - From -
Andorra History | History of Andorra __ A brief look at Andorran history. - From -
Andorra -- Primary Documents __ A collection of documents related to Andorran history and government of Andorra. - From BYU -
A Brief History of Andorra __ Just what the title says it is. Brief. - From - - History of Andorra __ A detailed multi-page history of Andorra from prehistoric times to present. - From -
History of Andorra __ "Andorra is the last independent survivor of the Marca Hispanica, the buffer states created by Charlemagne to keep the Islamic Moors from advancing into Christian France. Tradition holds that Charlemagne granted a charter to the Andorran people in return for their fighting the Moors." An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - From wikipedia -
History of Andorra __ You will find a brief overview of Andorran history along with finding links about much additional material about Andorra. - From -
History of the Principality of Andorra __ You will find an overview of Andorran history from prehistoric times through current. - From -
Learn more on the history of Andorra __ Let your imagination go. "Once upon a time, you might have heard a story about a prince and princess who met at a ball with all the royalty of all the neighboring kingdoms in attendance. Did you ever wonder how there could be so many kingdoms so close together?" Well, they were. - From -
Modern Military History of Andorra __ "The tiny landlocked country of Andorra, (69,000 population-2006 census), has a unique modern military history. This includes fighting Imperial Germany for three decades." Read about this remarkable was and Andorra's military strength of ten members. - From -
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