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To Botswana Social Studies - To Capital Gaborone City Profile
Botswana History __ "Bush people were the original inhabitants of Botswana. They originated in the north and have gradually migrated southwards. Approximately 2,000 years ago the Hottentots followed the Bush people who were then followed by Bantu speakers. The three groups coexisted happily and there was a flourishing trade between them." A brief, general look at Botswana history. - From -
Botswana: History __ You will find a general overview of Botswana history but a lot of other information about the country. - From -
Botswana History __ "By 1800, all suitable grazing lands around the fringes of the Kalahari had been settled by pastoralists, and peaceful fragmentation was no longer a feasible solution to disputes..." Learn what happened before and after as only Lonely Planet can present it. - From -
Botswana History __ "The early 19th century brought another period of upheaval, as peoples from the north, dislocated by slavery and the collapse of their local economies, moved to new territory..." A general history of Botswana along with additional information about Botswana. - From -
Botswana - History __ You will find a general overview of Botswana history. - From -
Botswana - History & Background, Constitutional & Legal Foundations __ General history, legal and political history along with history of Botswana's educational system. - From Net Industries -
Botswana History Pages: Index __ Index pages for an online book about Botswana history. Many facts and much detail. - From Neil Parsons -
Brief History of Botswana __ While it says "brief," there is actually quite a bit of detail. - From Neil Parsons -
Country History - Botswana __ A collection of resources about and related to Botswana history. - From -
History of Botswana __ Here is an essay about the history of Botswana. - From -
History of Botswana __ "The Batswana (plural of "Motswana"), a term also used to denote all citizens of Botswana, refers to the country's major ethnic group (called the "Tswana" in South Africa). Prior to European contact, the Batswana lived as herders and farmers under tribal rule." You will find an encyclopedic article along with links to additional resources. - From wikipedia -
History of Botswana __ "Comprehensive online resources about the history of Botswana." - From -
Timeline: Botswana __ Annotated timeline of important dates and events in Botswana history. - illustrated - From BBC -
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