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To Burundi Social Studies - To Capital Bujumbura City Profile
Burundi - History __ "The first known inhabitants of what is now Burundi were the Twa, a Pygmy tribe of hunters. Between the 7th and 10th centuries AD, the Hutu, a Bantu agricultural people, occupied the region, probably coming from the Congo Basin. In the 15th and 16th centuries, tall warriors, the Tutsi, believed to have come originally from Ethiopia, entered the area." An essay about Burundi history. - From -
Burundi: History __ A general history of Burundi along with other information about the country. - From -
Burundi History __ A very brief look. - From -
Burundi History __ "After 1919, Burundi and neighboring Rwanda were administered by the Belgians. Both countries gained independence in 1962." A general look at Burundi's history along with additional information about burundi. - From -
Burundi History __ "The indigenous peoples of Burundi are the Twa Pygmies, who were gradually displaced from about AD 1000 by the Hutu. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the country experienced another wave of migration: the tall, pastoral Tutsi from Ethiopia and Uganda." A good overview of Burundi history. - From -
Burundi - History and Politics __ An excellent overview of Burundi history along with information about the government. - From -
Burundi Timeline __ A chronology of important events in Burundi history. - illustrated - From BBC -
Burundian History __ "n the 16th century, Burundi was a kingdom characterized by a hierarchical political authority and tributary economic exchange. A king (mwani) headed a princely aristocracy (ganwa) which owned most of the land and required a tribute,..." An essay about burundian history. - From -
History of Burundi __ "The highlands of Rwanda and Burundi, east of Lake Kivu, are the last part of Africa to be reached by Europeans in the colonial expansion of the late 19th century." You will find an overview of what follows. - From -
History of Burundi __ You will find an essay covering the main points of Burundi history. - From -
History of Burundi __ "Origins of Burundi are known from a mix of oral history and archaeology. There are two main founding legends for Burundi. The one most promoted today tells a tale of a Rwandan named Cambarantama founding the nation. The other version, more common in pre-colonial Burundi, says that Cambarantama came from the southern state of Buha..." You will find an encyclopedic article along with links to additional resources. - From wikipedia -
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