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Ancient Rome is too large a subject to try and encompass it all on one page of listings. While there may be some overlap, the other pages listed above will be of help filling in details to material found here.
On this page - Architecture - Places - Virtual Tours - Daily Life - Religion
On page 2 - Emperors & Other Famous People - Empire Beyond Rome; The Military - General Resources - Government & Law
Architecture, Places, Virtual Tours
Ancient Roman Civilization __ "A collection of locations significant in the history of ancient Rome." Photos and descriptions of museums about, and ruins of, ancient Roman civilization. - illustrated - From -
Ancient Rome reborn in virtual reality __ Here is a virtual tour of ancient
Rome as it looked at the height of Empire, Computer reconstruction of eternal
city. - illustrated - From -
Brading Roman Villa __ "Brading Roman Villa is one of the finest Romano-British
archaeological sites in the UK. Our award-winning Exhibition and Visitor Centre
offers a unique insight into Roman life in Britain, from our beautifully
preserved mosaic floors to our extensive collection of
Roman archaeology,
including coins, pottery and tools." History, architecture, photos and more. -
illustrated - From -
Buildings of Artificial Stone by J.A. Geary __ Learn about concrete usage in the
ancient Roman civilization. "You may be surprised to learn that there are 2000
year old concrete structures still in daily use." - From -
The : The resourceful site on the Colosseum __ An excellent
website about this great construction of ancient Roman civilization. "The
Colosseum - the greatest amphitheatre of the antiquity - was built in Rome,
Italy, about 1920 years ago. It is considered an architectural and engineering
wonder, and remains as a standing proof of both the grandeur and the cruelty of
the Roman world." - illustrated - From -
History of Roman Architecture __ Galleries of annotated click-to-enlarge
photos of Roman architecture. - illustrated - From Leo Masuda Architectonic
Research Office -
Housesteads Roman Fort Virtual Reality Tour __ "The Fort was garrisoned right
up to the end of the Roman occupation of Britain, in the early years of the
fifth century." Learn about its history and take a virtual tour of a computer
reconstructed version of Housteads Roman Fort. - illustrated - From - Virtual tour of Rome, a travel guide for Rome .. __ Free
virtual tours of many Roman monuments. - illustrated - From -
Roman Aqueducts __ Information about Roman Aqueducts for Kids - when did the Romans first build aqueducts? What are aqueducts for? How was water transported in ancient Roman civilization? - illustrated - From -
Roman Aqueducts Today __ Here is an essay on current day locations and construction details. Includes photographs, diagrams, and related links about ancient Roman civilization. - illustrated - From -
Roman architecture __ "The Architecture of Ancient Rome adopted the external language of classical Greek architecture for their own purposes, which were so different from Greek buildings as to create a new architectural style. The two styles are often considered one body of classical architecture. Sometimes that approach is productive, and sometimes it hinders understanding by causing us to judge Roman buildings by Greek standards, particularly when we take a point of view limited to external appearance alone." An encyclopedic article. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Roman Architecture __ An overview of Roman architecture for the younger student. - illustrated - From -
Roman Colosseum __ Colosseum photos, architecture, history and more. - illustrated - From -
Roman Villas in England __ "When the Romans invaded Britain in the first
century AD they made little attempt to adapt their architecture to the
traditions of their new Roman province of Britannia. Rather, they imposed their
own Mediterranean style of architecture and town planning." You will learn the
history and location of some of these villas. - illustrated - From -
Villa Romana del Casale, Piazza Armerina (Photo Archive)
__ "The Villa Roman del Casale was constructed on the remains of an older villa in the first quarter of
the fourth century, probably as the centre of a huge latifundium covering the
entire surrounding area. How long the villa kept this role is not known, maybe
for less that 150 years, but the complex remained inhabited and a village grew
around it, named Platia, derived from palatium. It was damaged, maybe destroyed
during the domination of the Vandals and the Visigoths, but the buildings
remained in use, at least in part, during the
Byzantine and Arab period. The
site was finally abandoned for good when a landslide covered the villa in the
12th century CE, and remaining inhabitants moved to the current location of
Piazza Armerina." Learn about this architectural masterpiece and view an
enormous collection of photos of the villa's mosaics. - photos - By Ren� Seindal
Virtual Tour of a Villa __ Here are three virtual tours of a Roman villa. The "classical" tour is a virtual tour with 27 stops through the main building and the bath. At every stop there is an explanation of the items in view. - illustrated - From -
Website on Roman aqueducts __ Here is information on over 600 Roman aqueducts of which 35 described in detail. - illustrated - From -
What was the Temple of Vesta in Rome? __ A brief article about the Temple of Vesta. - illustrated - From -
Daily Life, Religion
Ancient Prices __ In this short page you can learn a little about the cost of daily life in ancient Roman civilization. - From McWhorter Collectibles -
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