The Moon - Luna Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
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Clementine Mission __ "The Clementine spacecraft successfully mapped the Moon with 4 cameras (UVVIS 415-1000nm; NIR 1100-2789 nm; HI-RES 415-750 nm; LWIR 9 microns) over the period February through May 1994. Using the UVVIS and NIR cameras the entire Moon was mapped at a resolution of 125-250 m/pixels. From these new data it will be possible to map the mineralogy (rock types) of the entire Moon, a truly unprecedented feat in the history of planetary exploration. In addition to the multispectral mapping cameras the Clementine spacecraft also carried a laser altimeter. The laser altimetry data will make possible the first ever uniform global lunar topographic map." You will find information and images. - illustrated - From USGS -
Earth and Moon Viewer __ You can view the Moon from the Earth, Sun, night side, above named formations on the lunar surface. or as a map showing day and night. You can also make expert and custom images of the Moon. A related document compares the appearance of the Moon at perigee and apogee, including an interactive Perigee and Apogee Calculator. - illustrated - From John Walker -
The Earth's Moon __ A good overview of our moon with sections for the beginner, intermediate and advanced student. - illustrated - From University of Michigan -
Exploring the Moon: Apollo Missions __ "This document is meant to provide an
introduction to the lunar exploration missions of the Apollo program. It
provides information at a general level. It also offers links to more detailed
information at this and other sites." - illustrated - From LPI -
Historical Lunar Data Archive __ "Presented here are variety of data selected
from a collection of data commonly referred to as the Lunar Consortium Data.
This pre-Clementine data set consists of products derived from Apollo, Lunar
Orbiter, Galileo, and Zond 8 missions. Select data collected from Earth-based
observations are also included as part of this collection." - illustrated - From
Ice on Earth's moon? __ "Ice has been discovered in the south pole region of Earth's moon, according to NASA's analysis of data from a U.S. probe sent there in 1994..." Learn what this could mean for future exploration and more. - illustrated - From CNN - - The Earth's Moon __ Here is a great children's astronomy web page about the moon. - -
Lunar Meteorites __ "Lunar meteorites, or lunaites, are meteorites from the Moon. In other words, they are rocks found on Earth that were ejected from the Moon by the impact of an asteroidal meteoroid or possibly a comet." Learn how they are identified and what we have discovered from them. - illustrated - From Washington University, St. Louis, Mo. -
Moon __ "The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It has no formal name
other than "The Moon" although it is occasionally called Luna (Latin for moon)
to distinguish it from the generic "moon". An encyclopedic article with links to
related materials. - From Wikipedia -
The Moon __ Did you know that the Earth's rotation is slowing down and the moon
keeps getting farther away? Learn about that and much more. - illustrated - From
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space -
The Moon __ "Outlines some of the theories of how the Earth and Moon split,
along with Apollo
expeditions of space journeys to the moon." - illustrated - From
The Names of the Full Moons __ Not really science but some interesting tid-bits which may liven up a report. The name of the full moon in March is the "Worm Moon." - From -
The Origin of the Moon
__ This site is based on the impact theory of lunar
formation and you will find some interesting paintings of what such an impact
looked like along with excellent text to explain it. - illustrated - From
Planetary Science Institute -
Top Ten Scientific Discoveries Made During Apollo Exploration of the Moon __ The
title says it all. - From Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum -
Transient Lunar Phenomena __ Here you can learn about such things as meteor impacts and other transient activity on the moon. - illustrated - From Research Observatory, Azusa, Ca. -
USGS Astrogeology: Earth's Moon __ Links to web pages about the Earth's Moon on the Astrogeology Research Program web sites. - From USGS -
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