Volcanoes, Volcanic Studies, Volcanology Reviewed Resources for Students and Teachers |
Some Famous Volcanoes
Mount Etna Volcano, Italy - Mt. Fuji, Japan - Kilauea, Hawaii - Krakatau, Indonesia - Lassen Peak, Calif. - Mauna Loa, Hawai
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Explore Italian Volcanoes __ You will explore the volcanoes of Southern Italy including Vesuvius, Etna, Campi Flegrei, and Stromboli Vulcano. - illustrated - From University of Rome - http://vulcan.fis.uniroma3.it/
Hawaii Center for Volcanology __ Learn about volcanoes in general and Hawaiian volcanoes specifically. You will find general information, how the Hawaiian Islands were formed and information about current eruptions. - illustrated - From Hawaiian Center for Volcanology - http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/GG/hcv.html
How Volcanoes Work __ "This website is an educational resource that describes
the science behind volcanoes and volcanic processes. The site is sponsored by
NASA under the auspices of Project ALERT (Augmented Learning Environment and
Renewable Teaching). It is intended for the education of university students of
geology and volcanology and teachers of earth science. Each section in the menu
builds upon previous sections. For users who lack fundamental knowledge of
volcanological principles and terms, it is best to proceed through the website
in a progressive manner. More advanced users will find each section
self-contained and can navigate through the website as their interest dictates."
- illustrated - From San Diego State University -
Lahars __ "For field geologists who need to interpret the origin of a layer of
rock from from its field characteristics, a lahar may be defined as a debris
flow composed of a significant component of volcanic materials..." Learn how
they are formed and what their dangers are. - illustrated - From University of
California, Santa Barbara -
Long Valley Caldera, California __ Learn about current conditions at this
Southern California location, eruption history, possible future dangers and
more. - illustrated - From USGS -
Map of World Volcanoes __ Just what the title says it is with links to many
individual volcanoes. - illustrated - From Michigan Tech -
Smithsonian Institution - Global Volcanism Program: Worldwide Holocene Volcano
and Eruption Information __ "The Global Volcanism Program (GVP) seeks better
understanding of all volcanoes through documenting their eruptions--small as
well as large--during the past 10,000 years. The range of volcanic behavior is
great enough, and volcano lifetimes are long enough, that we must integrate
observations of contemporary activity with historical and geological records of
the recent past in order to prepare wisely for the future. The contemporary
focus of the GVP is evident in the central role we play in the rapid
dissemination of on-going eruption reports from local observers through our
monthly Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network. Our retrospective effort to
document Earth's volcanic eruptions of the last 10,000 years has led to
development of comprehensive databases and an archive of relevant maps, photos,
and documents. Through these two complementary approaches we attempt to provide
a context in which any individual volcano's benefits and dangers can be usefully
assessed." - illustrated - From Smithsonian Institution -
Types of Volcanoes __ Here you can learn the difference between a "shield"
volcano and a cinder cone as well as the other major types of volcanoes. -
illustrated - From UCSB -
Volcanic Hazards, Features, and Phenomena __ A long list of click-to-read topics
about volcanoes. As you click from topic to topic you will actually find
hundreds of references and definitions.- many illustrated - From USGS -
Volcano Information Center (VIC) __ "The purpose of the Volcano Information
Center (VIC) is to provide links to websites that are resources for data not
contained in VIC and to inform the user about general volcanology in an
organized way, including features of volcanoes, volcanic eruptions and volcanic
hazards." - From University of California, Santa Barbara -
Volcano Live __ You will find over 4000 pages of information here with volcano
cams, kid's stuff, photos, deadly eruptions, maps, and much, much more. -
illustrated - From John Seach -
Volcano WEB by Yamasato __ An excellent resource jam-packed with information.
You will also learn a lot about volcanoes in Japan. - illustrated - From Hitoshi
Yamasato -
Volcanology __ A definition and encyclopedic article with links to relater
materials. - From Wikipedia -
Volcano's Deadly Warning __ You will learn about a radical new way to predict
eruptions. You will also find slide shows, the anatomy of a volcano and much
more. - illustrated - From PBS -
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