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China Ethnic Minority: Zhuang People __ "The Zhuang, with a population of about 18 million, are the largest ethnic group group in China. Most of the Zhuang people live in compact communities in the Zhuang Autonomous Region in Guangxi, with the rest scattered throughout Yunnan, Guangdong, Guizhou and Hunan provinces." You will find a good overview. - illustrated - From travelchinaguide.com - http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/nationality/zhuang/
Relics, songs tell story of ethnic minority __ Learn about an archaeological discovery near Mount Ganzhuang, the legendary home of Buluotuo, or Pauloktao,and his wife Muliujia, the ancestors of the Zhuang people. You will learn about a ceremony taking place there which may have ties to the distant past. - From Xinhua News Agency - http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2002-10/09/content_589554.htm
Zhuang __ Brief description of Zhuang hospitality plus some great photos. - illustrated - From Watertravel Magazine - http://www.watertravel.com/zhuang.htm
Zhuang __ An encyclopedia article about Zhuang. - From encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com - http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Zhuang
Zhuang Introduction __ "This work is a history of the most numerous of the Chinese minority peoples, the Zhuang, from their earliest antecedents to the end of the Sung dynasty. If we accept, as many do, that the peoples known to the Vietnamese as the Nung and the Tai are, by many standards, one people, then they are also the largest of the Vietnamese minority peoples. If we also accept that they can be regarded as one people with the Zhuang, as many agree, then it is probable that this ethnic group is, after the Kurds, the largest of the world's peoples who are not currently organized into their own national state." A large statement indeed. You will find much more in this paper. - From Jeffrey G. Barlow/Pacific University - http://mcel.pacificu.edu/as/resources/zhuang/zhuangintro.htm
Zhuang people __ An encyclopedic article with links to other resources. - From wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhuang_people
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