Growing Sweet Corn Reviewed Resources for Gardeners |
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Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide. Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by Sites are included for information value only.
AZ Master Gardener Manual: Sweet Corn __ All you need to know in order to grow this crop in the sunny Southwest. - From University of Arizona -
G6390 Growing Sweet Corn in Missouri - University of Missouri __ "Like peppers, pumpkins, squash and beans, sweet corn is native to the New World where it has been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. Sweet corn is a monecious plant, which means it has a separate male and female flower on each stalk." - A general overview including history and growing information. - From -
Growing Sweet Corn __ Common sense advice for those wishing an "organic" corn crop. - From -
Growing Sweet Corn __ Detailed overview of growing sweet corn. - From -
Growing sweet corn in the backyard garden __ "The key to high quality sweet corn is rapid growth, adequate soil moisture and nutrients, and harvesting the ears at optimum maturity." You will find information about types of corn and growing tips. - From Colorado State University -
How do you grow sweet corn? __ a brief article about how to grow sweet corn. - From -
Organic Sweet Corn Production __ Information about the growing of "organic" sweet corn. "In contrast to "conventional agriculture," organic farming relies on preventive rather than corrective practices. Instead of depending on synthetic insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides for pest control, organic growers employ an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach and use beneficial insects and biological products..." - From North Carolina State University -
Planting Sweet Corn __ This page provides instructions and photos on Planting Sweet Corn for the Home Gardner. - illustrated - From -
Sweet Corn Production __ While these growing tips are for North Carolina much of the information applies most anywhere. - From -
Sweet Corn (Vegetable Crop Management) __ "Describes types of sweet corn, gives recommended varieties for Minnesota and lists seed sources. Discusses planting methods, fertilizer recommendations, irrigation management harvesting, handling, storage and packaging." - From University of Minnesota -
Transplanting Sweet Corn __ While sweet corn is a crop that is seldom transplanted it can be done. "Obviously, using transplants costs more than direct seeding, so you need to weigh the pros and cons before trying it on a large scale. " - From -
Watch Your Garden Grow - Corn __ "Sweet corn may be divided into three distinct types according to genetic background: normal sugary (SU), sugary enhancer (SE) and supersweet (Sh2)." Now with that kind of information as a start, just follow the advice given to harvest a great corn crop. - From University of Illinois -
Watering, fertilizing, and caring for garden Corn, Sweet and Popcorn __ General growing information. - From -,-Sweet-and-Popcorn/
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