Rhododendron Gardening Reviewed Resources for Gardeners |
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Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide. Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by archaeolink.com. Sites are included for information value only.
The American Rhododendron Society Welcomes You __ "The American Rhododendron Society is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to encourage interest in and to disseminate information about the genus Rhododendron. Members' experience ranges from novice to expert. Society activities include public education, flower shows, seed exchanges, scientific studies, and communication through publications and local and national meetings. ARS chapters are located throughout the United States and Canada and in Denmark, Holland, Scotland, Sweden and Sikkim." Learn more about them here. - illustrated - From rhododendron.org - http://www.rhododendron.org/index.htm
Australian Rhododendron Society__ "The Australian Rhododendron Society was
formed in Victoria in 1960, on the initiative of a number of members of the
Ferny Creek Horticultural Society having a particular interest in the
rhododendron genus, with the objectives of: "encouraging interest in and
disseminating information and knowledge about the genus Rhododendron, and to
provide a medium by which all persons interested in the genus may communicate
and co-operate with others of similar interest." - illustrated - From Australian
Rhododendron Society Inc. -
Bruce Zimmerman | Growing Rhododendrons __ "While roses are considered by many
gardeners to be the Queen of the garden, Rhododendrons are said to be the king.
Their large trusses of flowers can be of almost any colour of the rainbow and
will bloom sometime between April and June in southern Ontario." Hardy
varieties, cultivation tips and more. - illustrated - From brucezimmerman.com -
Description, Rhododendron -- Vet Med Library __ Did you know that rhododendrons are poisonous to animals? The Veterinary Medicine Library at the University of Illinois has posted information which parts of the plant are toxic, the symptoms of poisoning, and how the poison effects the body. - From University of Illinois - http://www.library.uiuc.edu/vex/toxic/rhodo/rhodo0.htm
Early Flowering Rhododendrons __ "In the Pacific Northwest one of the most
popular garden shrubs is the rhododendron. One of the greatest advantages of
this shrub is that it is evergreen and many varieties flower at varying times of
the year. In fact, by proper selection of varieties it's possible to have
continual flowering for up to six months or more. In this article we’ll discuss
a few of the early flowering varieties." - illustrated - From humeseeds.com -
Growing Azaleas and Rhododendrons __ "Azaleas and rhododendrons are shrubs for
all seasons. In winter some stand out with large evergreen leaves. In spring the
flowers are showy; throughout the summer and fall the leaves add a pleasing,
deep green color to the garden. Some deciduous azaleas add bright fall color
before the leaves drop. The spectacular spring flowers of azaleas and
rhododendrons make them among the most popular garden shrubs." - illustrated -
From University of Missouri -
Growing Rhododendrons & Azaleas __ "Growing rhododendrons is not difficult; if
there is one suggestion I might make to the local nursery industry, however,
it's that they attach a bold tag to ..." Find out what the tag should say. Good
information from an interesting personal point of view. - From renegadegardener.com -
Growing Rhododendrons and Azaleas in Ohio, HYG–1078–01 __ "The elegance and
beauty of azaleas and rhododendrons in bloom at the nursery have caused many an
unsuspecting gardener to purchase these plants on impulse without knowledge of
their cultural requirements. These plants are often planted in heavy Ohio clay
soil, and the gardener is puzzled as the plants languish, dying branch by branch
until they are only a shadow of their former beauty." Learn how to do it right,
my fellow Buckeyes. May help some Hoosiers and Wolverines too. - From osu.edu -
Helge's Rhododendron page __ "A selection of 39 plants are shown, mainly
close-ups of trusses, and in some cases the whole plant." - illustrated - From
Unknown -
Henning's Rhododendron & Azaleas Pages __ You will find description of various
types of rhododendron and learn how to grow them, plus much more. A lot of
click-to-read articles and other resources. - illustrated - From Unknown -
How to grow Azaleas __ "Getting started growing Azaleas. Azalea can be grown
successfully only by catering to their taste for a humusy soil. Each year
thousands of gardeners try to ..." Find out what those gardeners do - - then
don't do it. Tips for growing many other things too. - From
organicgardentips.com -
How to Grow Rhododendrons from Seed __ "Growing rhododendrons and azaleas from
seed is not difficult if one remains conscious of their physical needs, e.g.,
light, warmth, fertilizer and moisture. As long as these are provided at the
proper time and in the right amount, many methods have been successful." Good
information. - From American Rhododendron Society -
Rhododendron Care -- Growing Rhododendrons __ Basic rhododendron growing
information, planting, pruning and problems. - From demesne.info -
Rhododendron Growing Information __ "Although rhododendrons will not tolerate
stagnant soil moisture, they are shallow rooted and the roots may dry out during
the summer even though deeper rooted plants show no signs of drought stress.
Therefore, rhododendrons should be well watered during the summer, especially
the first year after planting when the roots have not yet gotten out of the
original root ball and into the surrounding soil." This website is jam-packed
with information such as this and much more. - illustrated - From The American
Rhododendron Society -
The Rhododendron Society of Canada, Niagara Region
__ The Rhododendron Society
of Canada, Niagara Region, addresses the needs of those who have an interest in
growing rhododendrons and azaleas as a hobby. - illustrated - From rhodoniagara.org -
Rhododendron Species Foundation and Botanical Garden __ "Just south of
Washington is the Rhododendron Species Foundation and Botanical Garden, a
non-profit organization and home to one of the largest rhododendron collections
in the world. Over 10,000 rhododendrons grow in a beautiful 22 acre woodland of
tall native conifers. The flowering season in western Washington begins in early
January and continues through late July with the majority of species in bloom
from March to May." You will find species specific information, plant edentification and growing tips. - illustrated - From rhodygarden.org -
Scottish Rhododendron Society __ "The Scottish Rhododendron Society is a
chapter of the American Rhododendron Society. We have over 250 members most
living in the United Kingdom, but some in other European countries, and others are as far
afield as Iceland, the
USA and Australia." News, reviews and some growing tips.
- illustrated - From scottishrhodos.co.uk -
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