Growing Perennials Reviewed Resources for Gardeners |
Gardening, Wildflowers, Garden History, Landscape Anthropology
Landscapes - European Wildflowers - Floral Festivals /
Flower Shows - Fruit
& Vegetable Gardening - Gardening
History - Gardening Magazines
and Publications General Resources - Growing African Violets
- Growing Annuals - Growing
Apple Trees - Growing Avocado Trees -
Growing Bananas - Growing Begonias
- Growing Calla Lilies - Growing Canna Lilies - Growing
Cherry Trees - Growing
Chrysanthemums - Growing Citrus Fruits
- Growing Dahlias - Growing
Daylilies - Growing Geraniums / Pelargonium - Growing Hostas -
Growing Houseplants - Growing
Hydrangeas - Growing Iris - Growing
Orchids - Growing Ornamental
Grasses - Growing
Palm Trees - Growing
Peach Trees - Growing Perennials - Growing
Peonies - Growing Roses - Growing
Shade Trees - Growing
Strawberries - Growing Sunflowers - Growing
Sweet Corn - Growing Tomatoes
- Growing Tropical or Hardy
Hibiscus - Growing Water Lilies /
Lotus - North American
Gardening - North American
Wildflowers - Kids Gardening
- Organic Gardening - Rhododendron
& Azalea Gardening - Tree & Yard
Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide. Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by Sites are included for information value only.
AIS: American Iris Society website __ You will learn about this organization, view photos of some wonderful flowers, learn about the top 100 and the various varieties of iris. You may spend some time here. - illustrated - From American Iris Society -
All-America Rose Selection __ Learn about the winners for 2004 and about the organization. - illustrated - From AARS -
American Bamboo Society __ You will find general bamboo information, a species list, questions and answers, events and much more. - illustrated - from American Bamboo Society -
American Clematis Society __ "American gardeners have been left out when it comes to understanding these incredible flowing vines, and we are dedicated to acquiring all the information available that is out there and sharing it with our members." You can learn the basics, view a great gallery and acquaint yourself with these magnificent vines. - illustrated - From American Clematis Society -
American Daffodil Society __ Learn about the organization, the basics of growing daffodils, care and propagation. You will also find ordering information and specialty bulb sources. - illustrated - From American Daffodil Society -
American Fern Society __ "The American Fern Society is over 100
years old. With over 900 members worldwide, it is one of the largest
international fern clubs in the world. It was established in 1893 with the
objective of fostering interest in ferns and fern allies." A lot to learn here.
- illustrated - From American Fern Society -
American Hibiscus Society __ "The purpose of the American Hibiscus Society, one
of the larger specialized plant societies, is to encourage and promote the
development and improvement of hibiscus and to collect, record and pass on
information concerning hibiscus." - illustrated - From American Hibiscus Society
The American Hosta Society __ Learn about this organization and its efforts to promote hostas. - illustrated - From American Hosta Society -
Charlotte's Daylily Diary __ Learn about growing daylilies. You will find some history about the flower, information, planting, and propagating daylilies. - illustrated - From -
Chrysanthemums in Aberdeen homepage __ "The purpose of this website is to share the enjoyment of growing chrysanthemums and to help those new to this hobby to grow good flowers and hopefully make contact with other growers around the world." - illustrated - From Paul Barlow -
Daylilies: Home Page of the American Hemerocallis Society __
Learn about this organization, membership requirements, plant popularity polls,
questions and answers, daylily dictionary and much more. - illustrated - From
American Hermerocallis Society -
Geranium Culture for Home Gardeners __ These popular flowers can
be grown inside or outside in flower beds. You will find descriptions of
different varieties of geraniums, planting and watering tips, and instructions
for rooting geraniums from cuttings. While parts of the country must treat these
plants as annuals, they are perennial in warmer areas. - From North Carolina
State University -
Growing Perennials __ You will find video and a long list of click-to-read articles and resources. - illustrated - From -
Growing Perennials from Seed __ Step-by-step instructions for growing perennials from seed. - From -
National Chrysanthemum Society __ Learn about the growing of chrysanthemums,
view galleries and gardens, even learn how to start a chapter of your own. -
illustrated - From National Chrysanthemum Society -
Perennial - How To Grow Perennials - Growing Perennials - Flowers __ "Unless otherwise noted, the following guides are for growing perennials from seed, and general care." - illustrated - From -
Plant Hardiness Zones of Canada __ A clickable map of Canada's plant zones along with information about "indicator" plants. - illustrated - from Agriculture and Agri-food Canada -
Plants Database: Plants Database __ "Welcome to the largest plant database in the world with 70,670 entries, 49,611 images and 25,116 comments. Currently entries are from 326 families, 2,871 genera, 7,061 species, and 54,969 cultivars." - illustrated - From -
South Australian Chrysanthemum Centre index __ Here are a series of articles containing information about growing methods, diseases, and pests. - illustrated - From South Australian Chrysanthemum and Floral Art society Inc. -
Starting With Perennials Easy Beginner's Guide to
Planting and Growing Perennial Flowers __ "Flower gardeners enjoy growing
perennials for many reasons. Perennial flowers are rewarding: they return year
after year to provide a dependable display in the garden. Once established, well
chosen perennials should be relatively easy to care for." A complete guide
to growing perennials. - From -
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