Wildflowers of North America Reviewed Resources for Gardeners |
Gardening, Wildflowers, Garden History, Landscape Anthropology
Landscapes - European Wildflowers - Floral Festivals /
Flower Shows - Fruit
& Vegetable Gardening - Gardening
History - Gardening Magazines
and Publications General Resources - Growing African Violets
- Growing Annuals - Growing
Apple Trees - Growing Avocado Trees -
Growing Bananas - Growing Begonias
- Growing Calla Lilies - Growing Canna Lilies - Growing
Cherry Trees - Growing
Chrysanthemums - Growing Citrus Fruits
- Growing Dahlias - Growing
Daylilies - Growing Geraniums / Pelargonium - Growing Hostas -
Growing Houseplants - Growing
Hydrangeas - Growing Iris - Growing
Orchids - Growing Ornamental
Grasses - Growing
Palm Trees - Growing
Peach Trees - Growing Perennials - Growing
Peonies - Growing Roses - Growing
Shade Trees - Growing
Strawberries - Growing Sunflowers - Growing
Sweet Corn - Growing Tomatoes
- Growing Tropical or Hardy
Hibiscus - Growing Water Lilies /
Lotus - North American
Gardening - North American
Wildflowers - Kids Gardening
- Organic Gardening - Rhododendron
& Azalea Gardening - Tree & Yard
Alaska Wildflowers I __ Click-to-enlarge gallery of wildflowers from Alaska which includes a brief description of each. You can go on to other pages of Alaskan wildflowers. - illustrated - From nawwal.org - http://www.nawwal.org/~mrgoff/pictures/akflwrs1.html
Appalachian Hiking Trail Wildflowers __ "This index lists wildflowers found by our hiking group on the trails of the Southern Appalachian/Blue Ridge Mountains. It is a listing with names which link to our photos of the flower or plant. The list is growing with frequent updates." Annotated galleries of click-to-enlarge photos of wildflowers. - illustrated - From inspirezone.org - http://www.inspirezone.org/wildflowerindex.html
Colorado Flora __ You will find general information about
Colorado wildflowers
and a galleries divided by color. - illustrated - From Colorado State University
Common North American Wildflowers, Prairie Plants and Trees - Cirrus Digital
Imaging __ A collection of photos of common wildflowers. You will also find
onsite links to other wild things. - illustrated - From Cirrus Digital Imaging -
Delaware Wildflowers __ Here you can search through wildflower galleries by
color, common name, Latin name or family. - illustrated - From delawarewildflowers.org -
Florida Wildflower Page __ Over 200 images of
Florida wildflowers and other wild
things. - illustrated - From fwildflowers.com -
Georgia Wildflowers __ Great images. Browse by species or by family. -
illustrated - From University of Georgia -
How did a wildflower change the course of American history? __ You will find a brief article. - illustrated - From quezi.com - http://quezi.com/10965
Intermountain Wildflowers __ You will find information and images of wildflowers
from mountain to desert and from border to border. - illustrated - From Southern
Utah University -
Iowa's Plant Series __ This section is about spring wildflowers. It is a PDF
file so Acrobat reader is needed. You will also find a section about summer and
fall flowers. - illustrated - From Iowa State University -
Kansas Wildflowers And Grasses __ You will find Kansas wildflowers listed by name, time of flowering, family or common name. - illustrated - From Mike Haddock - http://www.lib.ksu.edu/wildflower/
Mexican Wildflowers & Weeds __ This part of North America produces an amazing variety of wildflowers and you can find many of them here. Click on a name to be taken to more detailed information and photos. - illustrated - From backyardnature.net - http://www.backyardnature.net/n/wildtrop.htm
Michigan Wildflowers __ Gallery of click-to-view images and information about
Michigan wildflowers. - illustrated - From Charles Peirce -
Mid US Wildflowers __ Click-to-enlarge gallery of mid US wildflowers including
basic information for each. - illustrated - From Jeff Gilbert -
Montana Plant Life - Flora and Identification of Edible, Medicinal and Poisonous
Plants __ "This web site presents a wide variety of Montana wildflowers and
other plants growing in the wilds of Montana. The flora of Montana is very
varied and contains many species which range extends from the Pacific Northwest
region as well as from the Great Plains. The site includes edible plants,
medicinal plants as well as poisonous plants with sub-categories for edible
roots, poisonous berries etc." - illustrated - From montana.plant-life.org -
Ontario Wildflowers - Home Page __ "This website is all about wildflowers that grow in Ontario (Canada). If you're not from Ontario, don't go away! Most of the plants featured on this website grow elsewhere in eastern North America, and many grow elsewhere in the world." Annotated galleries, photos of wildflowers, links, in other words, jam-packed with information. - illustrated - From ontariowildflowers.com - http://www.ontariowildflowers.com/
Pennsylvania Wildflowers __ You will find click-to-view images of
wildflowers. - illustrated - From Daryl Rice -
Photographs of Flowering Plants of the Ozarks and the Interior Highlands of
North America __ "Photographs in this list include not only native and adventive
plants, but also ornamental plants grown is the Ozarks. Species are listed
alphabetically by genus." - illustrated - From Paul L. Redfearn, Jr -
Prairie Wildflowers __ A general overview of prairie wildflowers including
habitat, planting instructions and sources for plants and seed. - illustrated -
From Purdue University -
Prairie Wildflowers of Illinois __ Not only will you learn about the Prairies
but you will find an extensive list of click-to-view wildflowers. - From John Hilty -
Southern Appalachian Wildflowers Photo Gallery __ Very large annotated, click-to-enlarge gallery of photos of wildflowers of Appalachia. - illustrated - From Rich Stevenson / pbase.com - http://www.pbase.com/waterfallrich/southern_appalachian_wildflowers
Southern Nevada Wildflowers __ Extended click-to-view list of Southern
wildflowers. - illustrated - From Mike Freese -
Spring Wildflowers of N.E. Ohio __ Click-to-enlarge gallery of spring
wildflowers from Ohio. You will also find summer flowers. - illustrated - From
R. Drake -
Wildflower Index __ A searchable index of North American wildflowers. Full
search instructions are on the opening page. - illustrated - From Bucknell
University -
Wildflowers __ Here you will find information and images about wildflowers from
the northeastern and north central sections of the USA in click-to-view format.
- illustrated - From Eleanor Shelton -
Wildflowers __ "...contains images of many of the most showy wildflowers. The
images of the flowers are "clickable"; click on the image and a full screen
photo appears. The pages contain pictures of the plants in their seedling stage,
a map of the U. S. showing their distribution range, and other useful
information regarding planting and growing the wildflowers." - illustrated -
From Texas Agricultural Extension Service -
Wildflowers of Alabama __ Online galleries, slide show and searchable database
for Alabama wildflowers. - illustrated - From Auburn University -
Wildflowers of Mississippi __ Search for your favorite flower by color. You will
find an image, general information and bloom times. - illustrated - From John D.
Byrd, Jr. -
Wildflowers of New England __ Collection of click-to-view photos of wildflowers found in New England states. - illustrated - From Nature of New England -
Wild Flowers of Nova Scotia __ An extensive alphabetized list of
Nova Scotia
wildflowers including descriptions and images. - illustrated - From Peter Landry
Wildflowers and Plants of Central Mexico __ A brief overview and some
amazing galleries of wildflowers from this region of North America. -
illustrated - From flowershots.net -
Wild Flowers and Plants of North Carolina __ Browse by color or name. You will
find descriptions and bloom times. - illustrated - From ncnatural -
Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains (Canada)__ Here you will find images and
information about wildflowers in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. - illustrated -
from Ray Rasmussen -
Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States __ Search an alphabetized listing
of flowers. Most have illustrations but not all. A lot of information here. -
illustrated - From Daniel Reed -
Wildflowers of the Southwest deserts __ "A sampler of wildflowers plus flowering cactus, shrubs and trees: identify a flower by color in these icon-view pages, then link to the photo and description." - illustrated - From rimjournal.com - http://www.rimjournal.com/arizyson/wldflowr/indexswd.htm
Wildflowers of Twin Swamps __ Information and images of the wildflowers in Twin
Swamps Nature Preserve in Indiana. - illustrated - From Rick Mark -
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