Growing Roses - Rose Organizations Reviewed Resources for Gardeners |
Gardening, Wildflowers, Garden History, Landscape Anthropology
Landscapes - European Wildflowers - Floral Festivals /
Flower Shows - Fruit
& Vegetable Gardening - Gardening
History - Gardening Magazines
and Publications General Resources - Growing African Violets
- Growing Annuals - Growing
Apple Trees - Growing Avocado Trees -
Growing Bananas - Growing Begonias
- Growing Calla Lilies - Growing Canna Lilies - Growing
Cherry Trees - Growing
Chrysanthemums - Growing Citrus Fruits
- Growing Dahlias - Growing
Daylilies - Growing Geraniums / Pelargonium - Growing Hostas -
Growing Houseplants - Growing
Hydrangeas - Growing Iris - Growing
Orchids - Growing Ornamental
Grasses - Growing
Palm Trees - Growing
Peach Trees - Growing Perennials - Growing
Peonies - Growing Roses - Growing
Shade Trees - Growing
Strawberries - Growing Sunflowers - Growing
Sweet Corn - Growing Tomatoes
- Growing Tropical or Hardy
Hibiscus - Growing Water Lilies /
Lotus - North American
Gardening - North American
Wildflowers - Kids Gardening
- Organic Gardening - Rhododendron
& Azalea Gardening - Tree & Yard
The Rose association sites listed all have growing tips for roses within the society's climate zone either online or available contact information. You may also learn a little about rose history and anthropology.
Alaska Rose Society Home Page __ "If you are interested in growing roses in Alaska, this is the site for you." You will find activities and events, best roses for Alaska, workshops and garden visits. - illustrated - From Alaska Rose Society -
All-America Rose Selection __ Learn about the winners for 2004 and about the organization. - illustrated - From AARS -
American Rose Society __ You will find many articles about roses and growing them and also learn the benefits of society membership. "The society and its members strive to provide educational services to encourage the greater use of our national flower in private and public gardens throughout our country." - illustrated - From American Rose Society -
Canadian Rose Society __ Learn about the raising and care of roses in Canada. You will find recommended roses, care information, events and a whole lot more. - illustrated - From Canadian Rose Society -
Central Coast Heritage Rose Group __ Learn about the society, activities and "old" roses in California. - illustrated - From Central Coast Heritage Rose Group -
Connecticut Rose Society Web Page __ "The Connecticut Rose Society was founded in 1980 as a non-profit, educational organization for the purpose of teaching people to grow better roses. Through our educational programs and annual Rose Show, we promote the appreciation and growing of roses." - illustrated - From Connecticut Rose Society -
The Dallas Area Historical Rose Society __ "Dedicated to appreciation, cultivation, preservation of the fragrance, beauty, strength of old fashioned roses in the home landscape. Educate the public to instill and preserve an appreciation of these roses." - illustrated - From Dallas Area Historical Rose Society -
The DelChester Rose Society __ "The Del-Chester Rose Society is a group of rose lovers who live in the greater Philadelphia (PA, USA) area. We are affiliated with the American Rose Society and part of the ARS Penn-Jersey District. We are dedicated to enjoying the rose, and educating the general public about the joys of growing roses." - illustrated - From DelChester Rose Society -
Dixie Rose Club __ "The Dixie Rose Club was organized in 1964 by fifteen Rosarians who wanted to promote the growing and nurturing of roses...Today the Dixie Rose Club remains dedicated to growing in knowledge of the rose and extending that knowledge to others." - illustrated - From Dixie Rose Club -
Duneland Rose Society of NW Indiana __ "Drs is an Ars affiliated rose society. It's membership is composed of amateur rose growers from Lake and Porter Counties in Indiana. Although we do have an annual rose show, our emphasis is on garden roses and rose gardening not on exhibiting." - illustrated - From Duneland Rose Society of NW Indiana -
East Bay Rose Society __ "The East Bay Rose Society is a non-profit hobby organization interested in promoting the enjoyment of roses. Through the exchange of ideas, cultural practices, and with goodwill and fellowship, the society strives to upgrade the standard and excellence of the rose in Alameda County, CA and the surrounding area." - illustrated - From East Bay Rose Society -
Growing Roses __ "As early as 600 B.C., the Greek poetess Sappho named the rose the "Queen of Flowers," a title it still bears. It has had an important part in human culture all down through the ages, playing a role in religion, art, literature, and heraldry." You will find a little rose history and anthropology here, but mostly you will simply learn about roses and how to grow them. - illustrated - From Texas Horticulture Program -
Growing Roses The Easy Way - Rose Magazine __ You will find that roses are not the "intensive care" plants many think they are. You will learn about rose varieties, planting and how to sit back and enjoy them. - illustrated - From Rose Magazine -
Growing Roses in South Puget Sound __ "The two hardest things to handle with roses are failure and success." Well, after that, what can I say except that you will find what you need to be a happy rose gardener in South Puget Sound - From Olympia Rose Society -
Los Angeles Rose Society __ "The Los Angeles Rose Society is an educational organization dedicated to promoting rose growing for the home gardener." - illustrated - From Los Angeles Rose Society -
Marin Rose Society __ "Our goals are to promote the culture, interest, and appreciation of roses of all kinds; and to educate gardeners of Marin County on rose nomenclature, rose types (classifications) and their uses, propagation, maintenance, and exhibiting techniques." - illustrated - From Marin Rose Society -
The Memphis Rose Society's Home Page __ "We are a group of rose enthusiasts in and around the Memphis area who get together to share in the joy of growing roses and to promote this joy in others. To do this we have a monthly newsletter, hold monthly meetings, seminars, garden tours, and have several members in the ARS Consulting Rosarian program. We are available to help you learn more about growing roses." - illustrated - From Memphis Rose Society -
Mesa-East Valley Rose Society __ "Affiliate of the American Rose Society, educating the public in the selection, care & exhibition of modern and old garden roses in the Desert Southwest." - illustrated - From Mesa-East Valley Rose Society -
The Milwaukee Rose Society __ "Our mission: To promote interest in all
aspects of rose horticulture via educational programs, rose shows, and
participation in rose-related community projects." Programs focus on a wide
variety of rose-related topics of interest. - illustrated - From Milwaukee Rose
Society -
Nashville Rose Society __ "The
Nashville Rose Society is an educational
organization affiliated with the American Rose Society and dedicated to promote
interest in all aspects of rose horticulture." - illustrated - From Nashville
Rose Society -
National Rose Society of Australia __ "The National Rose Society of Australia was formed on 4th November 1972, when a meeting of representitives from each of the State Societies adopted a constitution. As a result, the newly formed national body qualified for membership to the World Federation of Rose Societies." This is a fairly new website so you may want to watch it grow. - illustrated - From National Rose Society of Australia -
National Rose Society of NZ Home Page __ "Lots and Lots of new articles and information, including the latest Show Programmes, Show Results, and our new District Society pages" - illustrated - From National Rose Society of New Zealand -
National Roses Canada __ "National federation of canadian roses societies, federally incorporated in 2002 as a non profit organisation, bilingual, promoting rose culture and helping rose societies." - From National Roses Canada -
New England Rose Society __ "The New England Rose Society offers educational programs at monthly meetings. Members receive a monthly bulletin, enjoy garden tours, an annual rose show and fellowship with others who grow roses. Visitors, new members are welcome. Affiliate of the American Rose Society." - illustrated - From New England Rose Society -
Orange County Rose Society __ In Orange County, California "The OCRS is a society of people who grow and enjoy roses and is dedicated to fostering the enjoyment, enhancement and education of the rose. OCRS is affiliated with the American Rose Society." - illustrated - From Orange County Rose Society -
Rose Hybridizers Association __ "Rha has more than 200 members world-wide who have introduced more than 500 roses. Rha makes hybridizing information available through a website, quarterly newsletter, a 34 page 'Handbook for Beginners' and an 82 page follow up publication,'The Next Step'." - illustrated - From RHA -
San Diego Rose Society __ "Our mission is to spread the knowledge and love of roses in San Diego County. We do this with our publication 'Rose Ramblings,' member meetings, annual rose show, support of the Inez Grant Parker Memorial Rose Garden in Balboa Park, and our Web site." - illustrated - From San Diego Rose Society -
San Joaquin Valley Rose Society
__ "This website is dedicated to growing
roses in Central California. Educational and cultural information on all types
of roses, programs and events for the rose society, rose pictures and a listing
of the best roses to grow is available on this website." - illustrated - From
San Joaquin Valley Rose Society -
Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society __ "The Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society is a
non-profit educational organization serving the needs of the home gardener." -
illustrated - From Santa Clarita Valley Rose Society -
Vancouver Rose Society __ "We are a very dynamic, enthusiastic group of rose lovers. Our membership is around 600 with 75-100 people attending our 10 monthly meetings at the Floral Hall at Van Dusen Gardens in Vancouver. Topics include: care and nurture of roses, companion planting, heritage roses" - illustrated - From Vancouver Rose Society -
The Ventura County Rose Society __ "An Affiliate of The American Rose Society, dedicated to distributing knowledge of, and interest in, roses." - illustrated - From Ventura County Rose Society -
Welcome to Huronia Rose Society __ "The only Rose Society located north of Toronto. Public meetings of informative speakers on all aspects of growing roses, for sharing problems and successes as well as socializing with rosarians from the Huronia area." - illustrated - From Huronia Rose Society -
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