Growing African Violets

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Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide.  Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by  Sites are included for information value only.

African Violet Societies __ For you in Australia, here is a list of African violet societies. - From - 

African Violet Society of Canada__ "At the present time, AVSC has over 400 members across Canada with affiliate societies in all provinces except Newfoundland." You will learn about the society and find excellent growing information. - illustrated - From African Violet Society of Canada. - 

African Violet Society of America __ A great site where you can find most any information about African violets you want. Also excellent galleries of hundreds of varieties. - illustrated - From African Violet Society of America - 

African Violets __ "The African violet (Saintpaulia) is an excellent flowering house plant which will grow and flower under low light intensities found in the average home. Where there is insufficient natural light, they can be grown and flowered successfully entirely under artificial light. Large numbers of different varieties, types and colors available, and the ease with which they can be propagated make this an excellent plant for interior decoration of the home." This leads into a lot of good information. - From University of Florida -


African Violets - Growing and Care | __ A look at violet care and how to overcome some of the problems. - illustrated - From -

Caring for African Violets __ A look at how to grow and propagate. - From - 

The Gesneriasts __ The Gesneriasts provide growing tips for gesneriads here. Click on the "Photogallery" to see stunning photos. - illustrated - From -

Growing African Violets __ "African violets are excellent plants for beginning gardeners because they are easy to grow, produce flowers in a variety of colors, adapt well to local growing conditions and need little space to grow."  A general guide along with other gardening articles. - illustrated - From -

Growing African Violets in Colorado __ They grow about the same there as they do any other place.  But this is such a good overview. - illustrated - From -

Growing African Violets for Foliage: Variegated African Violet Plants __ "African Violets are usually grown for their flowers. But even the most carefully tended and fertilized African violet won't bloom constantly. Variegated foliage makes some varieties exciting even when they're out of bloom. Imagine leaves so lovely that blooms are a bonus... " - illustrated - From - 

Growing African Violets | Horticulture and Home Pest News __ A general overview of how to grow African violets, their history and hoe to get them to bloom. - From -

growing african violets without soil __ A page on using hydroponics to grow African violets. - From - 

How to grow African Violets __ "Anyone can grow good, robust African violets by observing a few basic rules regarding proper lighting, temperature, watering, humidity and fertilizing."  All the basics. - From - 

How to Grow African Violets __ A brief overview of growing violets. - From University of Vermont -

How to Grow African Violets __ "How to get your African violets to bloom. Basic growing techniques to grow a healthy, blooming African violet plant." - illustrated - From -   

Optimara: Beautiful African Violets __ If you're not sure just what type of African violet you have, use the "Field Guide" here to try and chase it down.. You can search by name, pot size, color, bloom type, and leaf type. You will also find advice about growing African violets and a glossary of terms. - illustrated - From - 

Plant Micropropagation Using African Violet Leaves __ You will learn how to "regenerate new plants from small pieces of plant tissue." - From Iowa State University - 


_____ African Violet Photo, Art and Image links ____

African Violet Pictures from the 2002 National Show __ Beautiful gallery of click-to-enlarge African violet photos. African Violet pictures. - illustrated - From -
African Violets pictures from gardens photos on webshots __ Gallery of click-to-enlarge African violet photos. African violet pictures. - From -

Marjorie's Photo Albums __ Galleries of African violet photos. Clicking on an image will open a gallery of click-to-enlarge African violet pictures. You will find a few travel galleries too. - illustrated - From Unknown -

Photos of African violets __ "Since there are currently over 40,000 varieties of African violet in existence, it is extremely hard to choose a just handful of photos. These are a few of my favourites, identified by colour, edging, and so forth. Click on the name of the variety to take you to the photo:" - illustrated - From -



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