Growing Houseplants Reviewed Resources for Gardeners |
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Growing Houseplants - Growing
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Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide. Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by Sites are included for information value only.
American Fern Society __ "The American Fern Society is over 100 years old. With over 900 members worldwide, it is one of the largest international fern clubs in the world. It was established in 1893 with the objective of fostering interest in ferns and fern allies." Learn about the organization and its programs while you discover a lot of growing information. - illustrated - From American Fern Society -
Ask Extension Database- Indoor Plants __ You will find many click-to-read
articles containing a wealth of information about the growing and care of
houseplants. Well worth your time. - From NDSU Extension Service -
Caring for Houseplants __ "To many people, a home is not complete without
attractive potted plants. Proper care of houseplants helps increase satisfaction
and enjoyment from them and extends the blooming period of many flowering
plants." Here you will find what you need to know to do the job well. -
illustrated - From University of Missouri -
Caring for Houseplants __ A good overview of houseplant care and some links to
related materials. - From Terry L. Yockey/ -
Caring for Houseplants in Northern Climates __ "Although many books have been
written about caring for houseplants, few address the particulars of plant care
in northern climates. Living this far north, we experience vast seasonal
fluctuations, not only in temperatures, but in the intensity and duration of
daylight. Because light, water, temperature, humidity, and nutrient requirements
of houseplants are all interrelated, we must take these changes into
consideration to keep houseplants healthy year round." You will find a good look
at this specialized growing information. - From University of Minnesota -
Growing Citrus as Houseplants __ "As it may take six or seven years, even longer, for citrus grown from seed to bloom indoors, one way to shorten the waiting period is to buy a plant from a reputable garden center. Or take cuttings from a plant that you know has flowered and fruited in the past." This is only a small sample of the information found. - From -
Growing Houseplants __ Here you will find many resources
covering topics from basic growing techniques to a toxicity guide. - illustrated
- From -
Growing Houseplants,
Indoor plants, Houseplant Care and Maintenance __ Growing and Caring for
Houseplants, houseplant care, maintenance Indoor plants, flowering houseplants.
- From -
Growing Houseplants without Sunlight __ A brief look at
plant types which grow well without direct sun. - From -
Guide to Houseplant Care __ A good guide to caring for houseplants. Use the links on the left to access a lot of information. - illustrated - From -
Houseplant Care - __ This site has a plant tips page where you will find a long list of plants. Click on the name of the plant, to find a color photo and information about the care of each. - illustrated - From -
Houseplants __ Here is a guide to indoor gardening in the form of many
click-to-read articles. - From -
House Plants __ Many resources for the growing and care of houseplants plus access to a lot more gardening information. - From Unknown -
House plants pest control __ "House plants pests control. Insects and pests can
infest healthy houseplants causing them to become sickly and diseased. There are
various methods for identifying and eliminating houseplant pests." You can learn
what they are and find links to related material. - From PageWise, Inc -
House Plants -- Proper Care and Problem Solving __ "Growing house plants is a
challenging and rewarding hobby that can be enjoyed by everyone and need not be
difficult. Give plants what they need and they'll do well for you. Give them
just about what they need and they hold their own. Deny too many of their needs
and plants fail." Here you can learn just what to do. - From North Dakota State
University -
Houseplants for People Who Can't Grow Houseplants __ "Here's some good news for
those of you who have trouble growing houseplants: The problem could lie in
where you put the plants rather than in your being short a couple of gardening
genes. Light, temperature and humidity have a lot to do with whether a plant
thrives or dies. We'll help you choose the right plants for your home, and then
help you find the proper location and care for them." Several pages of
information. - illustrated - From -,16417,191977,00.html
Houseplants: Their Selection, Care and Impact on Our Lives __ "Houseplants have
been a documented part of human existence since the days of the Egyptian
Pharaohs. Nature did not create houseplants; humanity did. We have taken plants
that were thriving in nature and brought them indoors to be a part of our lives,
with widely varying degrees of success." You will find an overview of basic
plant care. - From North Dakota State University -
The Indoor Gardener's Web-zine: Why Grow Houseplants? __ "...they seemed
perfectly groomed and hadn’t one yellowing leaf among them. Upon closer
examination, however, I found they were fake! The plants’ perfection should have
been a dead giveaway, of course. But the fact that these fabricated beauties
fooled me brings up a good question – why bother with the real thing? In fact,
why do we have the desire for houseplants at all? Find out the answer. You may
be surprised. - From -
Indoor Gardening - Garden with Terrariums __ "Want an indoor garden? One of the
most unique and attractive ways to garden indoors is to garden with Terrariums.
An attractive, well constructed terrarium garden can become the focal point of
any room. Indoor gardening could never be easier." A complete guide. -
illustrated - From -
Orchids as Houseplants __ You can learn some of the basics. "For those of you
ready for something different, try growing orchids as houseplants. Orchids can
be grown by anyone able to grow African violets. Orchids are fascinating because
of their extraordinary variety of sizes, colors, shapes, and habits, as well as
their variety of fragrances. There are some 30,000 species and even more
hybrids." - From Iowa State University -
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