Growing Geraniums / Pelargonium Reviewed Resources for Gardeners |
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Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide. Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by Sites are included for information value only.
Floriculture: Fact Sheets: Specific Crops: Geraniums __ Basic growing
information from a commercial standpoint. - From University of Massachusetts
Amherst -
Gardener's Network - Flowers : How to Grow Geraniums __ "Home gardeners use
Geraniums in a wide variety of ways. They are well suited for container gardens
by themselves or with other flowers. You can use them to make a potted gift for
a friend for any occasion. They grow well in flower gardens along with your
other favorites." Basic information - From -
Geranium Care Tips - Growing Zonal Geraniums in Containers __ "Whether you're growing geraniums indoors -- or outdoors on your sunny porch or patio -- these Pelargonium hybrids can't be beat for spectacular vigor and bloom." General overview of geraniums and several growing tips. - illustrated - From -
Geranium Culture for Home Gardeners __ "Common geraniums are actually members of
the genus Pelargonium, while members of the genus Geranium include native
wildflowers and herbaceous perennials." A good overview of how to grow them. -
From North Carolina State University -
Geraniums--How to Grow & Propagate __ Information about how to grow and propagate geraniums in a hot climate where they are considered cool weather annuals. - From -
Grow Your Geraniums Indoors, as Houseplants, for Winter __ "Geraniums actually make decent houseplants, if you can provide them with lots of bright light. They like a cool temperature, so even if you keep your thermostat low, they should be happy." Indoor growing guide for geraniums. - From -
Growing Geraniums __ What you will find is a geranium 'fact sheet' with history and growing tips. - illustrated - From -
Growing Geraniums From Seed __ "The popularity of seed-grown geraniums has
increased because they often outperform the older geranium varieties propagated
from cuttings. The new seed-grown hybrid geraniums possess excellent vigor, heat
tolerance, disease resistance, and are free-blooming." Information mostly for
the commercial grower but can be used by home gardeners too. - From Iowa State
University -
Growing Geraniums : Growing Geraniums Indoors __ One of a whole series of videos about growing geraniums. You may want to watch them all. - video - From
Growing Scented Geraniums Indoors __ "Looking for a new and interesting herb for your windowsill? A plant that’s relatively easy to grow and propagate indoors, that grows lush and green and smells great, and that offers a wide variety of visual qualities and scents to match your decor and preferences?" Then you may have found the right plant, a scented geranium. - From -
Growing geraniums successfully __ "Planting and growing geraniums is a time-honored garden tradition. Long-time flower garden favorites, they are easy to grow and make colorful bedding plants in spots where you want season-long color." Basic information. - From -
Growing Geraniums, Wild Geraniums, Geranium Plants __ Information on growing scented and wild geraniums. - From -
How do you grow geraniums? __ You will find a brief article about growing geraniums and their varieties. - From -
How to Grow Cranesbill Geraniums __ "Not all geraniums are true geraniums -- the common summer pot plant known as geranium is actually a pelargonium. True geraniums, also known as cranesbills, are hardy perennials from the genus Geranium. These dependable plants grow well throughout much of the United States. Flowers are pink, red, white or blue,..." Learn how to grow these true geraniums, you will be glad you did. - illustrated - From -
How to Grow Geranium __ Step-by-step guide to growing geraniums. - From -
How to Grow Geraniums by The Gardener's Network __ "Geraniums are easy to grow annuals that fit well in home gardens, container gardens, flowerbeds, and even as houseplants. We like them for their big, bright bloom, and because they are so easy to grow almost anywhere. Geraniums make great flowers for kids." Growing tips - From -
How to Grow Hardy Blue Geraniums __ "The hardy blue geranium is a cultivar that produces large, blue, star-like blooms almost all season long. The blue geranium, like most geraniums, requires very little care and grows in almost any soil type. Blue geraniums can be grown in clumps in a garden or may be used as a border flower." Learn how to grow there beauties. - illustrated - From -
International Geranium Society
__ Learn about geraniums and pelargoniums.
"Geraniums are universally popular, with over 100 million plants produced and
distributed commercially each year. But there is much more to the geranium
family than the "common" geranium. No other plant family has the diversity of
flowers, scented leaves, variegated leaves and general ease of growth as do
members of the geranium family." - illustrated - From International Geranium
Society -
Quezi » How do you grow geraniums? __ A brief article about growing geraniums. - illustrated - From -
Scented Geraniums __ "Originally from Africa, scented geraniums migrated to
Holland and then England in the 1600s. Over the past three centuries,
cultivation has resulted in more than 100 varieties in an assortment of shapes,
flower colors and perfumes." - Photos - From Colorado State University -
True Geraniums - How
to Grow Hardy, Perennial Geraniums __ "The term geranium is confusing.
The first geranium most gardeners encounter is not a geranium at all, but
Pelargonium, a relative of the perennial geranium." Learn about the
difference and how to grow the perennial geraniums and find links to related
materials. - From - -
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