Kids' Gardening Reviewed Resources for Gardeners |
Gardening, Wildflowers, Garden History, Landscape Anthropology
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Cherry Trees - Growing
Chrysanthemums - Growing Citrus Fruits
- Growing Dahlias - Growing
Daylilies - Growing Geraniums / Pelargonium - Growing Hostas -
Growing Houseplants - Growing
Hydrangeas - Growing Iris - Growing
Orchids - Growing Ornamental
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Palm Trees - Growing
Peach Trees - Growing Perennials - Growing
Peonies - Growing Roses - Growing
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Due to the nature of the topic and the wide range of information available, in order to cover only a tiny bit of it properly, some of the websites included here may have a commercial element in addition to the excellent information they provide. Such inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of product or service by Sites are included for information value only.
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Aggie Horticulture Just for Kids __ You will find a slide show about composting, research projects on gardening, nutrition, and science, plus information on starting a school garden. - illustrated - From Texas A&M -
Children's Indoor Gardening Projects __ "There are some fascinating indoor
gardening projects for children to try at this time of year. When weather
conditions often limit playing activities to the home, indoor gardening projects
become exciting, educational pastimes, if easy-to-grow, fast-growing plants or
seeds are used as beginning projects." You will find the procedures here. - From -
A Child's Garden __ You will find plant suggestions for young gardeners with a
variety of garden plans for kids of all ages. - From Shellie Arnold, Smith
County Master Gardener -
A Complete Gardening Guide for Kids __ You will find articles and many, many resources for kid's gardening. - From -
Garden Forever for Gardeners of All Ages and Abilities __ A great all-purpose
information website about gardening. Chock-full and crammed with information. -
illustrated - From -
Gardening - Interest Your Kids In...__ An article about how to get kids
interested in gardening. - From Keep Kids Healthy -
Gardening for Kids __ "This "Theme Page" has links to two types of resources
related to the study of gardening. Students and teachers will find curricular
resources (information, content...) to help them learn about this topic. In
addition, there are also links to instructional materials (lesson plans) which
will help teachers provide instruction in this theme." - From -
Kid's Corner __ Learn how to grow vegetables for a salad. Kids can also learn
how to make a scarecrow for the garden, among other interesting things -
illustrated - From P. A. Owen -
Kid's Garden __ "Welcome to Kids Gardening! Whether you are a child or love
children, we invite you to share ideas of gardening with us so that we can all
learn from each other." And there is a wealth of information here to 'learn.' -
illustrated - From -
Kids Gardening __ You will find a list of online resources for kid's gardening.
- From -
Kid's Gardening Helper __ The following is only one good piece of information
found on this site: "Encourage children to take care of their own small garden
or their own portion of a larger garden. For younger children, you may wish to
select a mix of zinnia seed so they can enjoy many bright colors. Your young
gardener can sow a small mass planting, so that when the flowers bloom, the
garden will be a splash of color. Older children may enjoy planning a garden
design with two or more colors of zinnia. If so, explain that simple designs are
more pleasing in small areas than very complex designs..." The information is
about young gardeners and zinnias. - From -'s_gardening_helper.htm
__ "There are many opportunities available for children to become
involved with plants, gardens, or the outdoors in general. Some of these
opportunities include children's programs at school gardens, botanic gardens or
community gardens. This site contains ideas for gardening with kids." -
illustrated - From Texas A&M University -
Plants Grow Children __ Learn about a great program for introducing gardening to
children from kindergarten through sixth grade and how to do it in your school.
- illustrated - From Washington State University -
Watch Out for Wee Gardeners __ "One of the great benefits of gardening is that
the whole family can participate. Even the smallest child enjoys digging in the
dirt! But little ones are not always a low maintenance addition. They can uproot
your favorite plant, get into pesticides and fertilizers, wander away and trim
your prize rose bush quicker than you can wink an eye." You can learn some ways
to prevent this. - From Susie Barney, Smith County Master Gardener -
Welcome to KidsGardening! Garden Resources...__ A great gardening website for kids including educational materials for teachers, parents and kids themselves. - illustrated - From National Gardening Association -
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