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Archaeological Projects at Arizona State Museum __ You will find a brief summary for each of a series of archaeological research projects around the state of Arizona. Some of the projects cross state lines or the Mexican border, but they are essentially Arizona in nature. - From Arizona State Museum/University of Arizona -
Archaeological Research Institute __ Collection of resources about Arizona archaeology. - From -
Archaeological Sites of the Southwest - Arizona __ Listing of all of the
archaeological sites in Arizona that are open to public visitation. - From
Gregory H. Bondar -
Archaeology Drawing Tourists and Jobs | Flagstaff Business ... __ Learn how archaeology is effecting the regional economy in this article. - From -
Archaeology in Tucson __ A dated article but still a good read. A PDF file - illustrated - From -
Arizona Archaeological Council __ "The Arizona Archaeological Council is a
non-profit voluntary association existing to promote the goals of professional
archaeology in Arizona." Learn about the organization, membership, programs and
more. - From Arizona Archaeological Council -
Arizona Archaeological Ruins | Ancient Indian Ruins in Arizona __ "For the convenience of both residents and Arizona tourists, following are the most visited prehistoric Indian ruins in Arizona." - From -
Arizona Archaeological Society __ Learn about the Arizona Archaeological
society, its goals, programs, workshops and field schools. - illustrated - From
Arizona Archaeological Society -
Arizona archeology guide from the Arizona Office of Tourism __ "Learn more about Arizona archeology including museums, sites and learning facilities." - From -
Arizona Archaeology Camps and Archeology Summer Camps __ Listing of archaeological summer camps in Arizona. There is one. - From -
Arizona archaeology sites under attack by vandals __ Article from 2010 but vandalism is still a problem. - illustrated - From The Arizona Republic/ -
Arizona Heritage Traveler - - Archaeology __ "The story of Arizona can be found in its numerous well-preserved Indian ruins, fine museums, on-going digs and thousands of artifacts that have been carefully collected and catalogued over many years of work." Article covering this history and research. - From -
Arizona Preservation Plan Profile __ "We envision an Arizona in which an informed and concerned citizenry works to protect our irreplaceable cultural heritage. They will be supported by a coordinated, statewide historic preservation network providing information and assistance which enables them to undertake successful projects and long-term preservation planning." Learn about the plan and its effects on Arizona archaeology. - From National Park Service -
AZSITE - Arizona Archaeological Site and Survey Database __ "AZSITE is used by land managers, archaeologists, and a variety of scholars as an archaeological research and resource management tool. Records are available to qualified archaeologists and land managers at the Museum or online." - From -
Besh-Ba-Gowah Archaeological Park __ Discover the Besh-Ba-Gowah Archaeological
Park in Globe, Arizona. You will learn about the history and culture of the
area, visit the museum, learn about the prehistoric economy and ecology. -
illustrated - From James Q. Jacobs -
Category:Archaeology museums in Arizona __ Index of articles related to archaeological museums in Arizona found in Wikipedia - From wikipedia -
Category:Archaeological sites in Arizona __ Index of articles related to Arizona archaeology found in Wikipedia. - From wikipedia -
dig: Arizona Archaeology Events __ "dig's guide to special archaeological
programs, events, and exhibits in Arizona" - From -
Flagstaff History For Kids __ A description of what the area around Flagstaff,
Arizona was like in prehistoric times. - illustrated -
Grand Archaeology - Museum of Northern Arizona __ "Between 2006 and 2009, the National Park Service (NPS) and the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA) completed the largest excavation and research project in Grand Canyon National Park in nearly 40 years." Learn about thte results of that work and the exhibit at the museum. - From -
Human-Environment Interaction in the Late Archaic and Early Mogollon/Anasazi of the Chevelon Creek Drainage __ "This site summarizes the results of an independent research project entitled "Human-Environment Interaction in the Late Archaic-Early Anasazi/Mogollon of the Chevelon Creek Drainage." You will find a full report including methodology and analysis. - illustrated - From Arizona State University -
Interactive Dig Elden Pueblo - Letters from Arizona - Archaeology __ "Join Coconino National Forest archaeologist Peter Pilles as he excavates Arizona's Elden Pueblo." - illustrated - From -
Kinishba Ruins __ You will find an encyclopedic article with links to related materials. "Kinishba Ruins is a sprawling, 600-room pueblo archaeological site in Arizona that includes a combination of Mogollon and Anasazi traits and is considered ancestral to both the Hopi and Zuni cultures." - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Lesson Planning, Lesson Plan Formats and Lesson Plan Ideas __ How to produce a lesson plan and not just for archaeology either. - From -
Naco, Arizona, Archaeology on the Border __ Learn about archaeological research in this border town prior to a federal construction project. - From National Park Service -
Old Pueblo Archaeology
Center - Arizona Humanities Council ... __ Jam-packed with information
about Arizona archaeology including activities, archaeological sites, membership
information and much more. - From -
Pueblo Grande Museum and Archaeological Park __ "Pueblo Grande
museum is located
at a 1,500 year-old Hohokam village ruins in modern day Phoenix. For over 70
years the museum has been dedicated to the study and interpretation of the
Hohokam culture. On the 102 acre park grounds, visitors explore the ruin of an
800 year-old platform mound possibly used by the Hohokam for ceremonies or as an
administrative center. An excavated ballcourt, and to full-scale reproductions
of prehistoric Hohokam homes can be viewed along the ruin trail. The site also
includes some of the last remaining intact Hohokam irrigation canals." -
illustrated - From City of Phoenix -
Rock Art of the Southwest__ Arizona and a bit of California are the two southwest areas dealt with here. - photos but very little text -
Roosevelt Platform Mound Study __ Tour of the platform mound archaeological
sites in Arizona's Tonto Basin. - photos - From Arizona State University -
State Historic Preservation Office __ I'll let them write their own review. "The
State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), a division of Arizona State Parks, is
responsible for the identification, evaluation, and protection of Arizona's
prehistoric and historic cultural resources. The SHPO staff represents various
areas of expertise, including history, prehistoric and historic archaeology,
historical architecture, and grants management. The programs and services
provided by this staff are diverse and meet a range of needs within the public
and private sectors of Arizona." - From state of Arizona -
Tucson Garbage Project __ "Dr. Rathje and his students studied the contents of Tucson residents' waste in order to examine patterns of consumption. Quantitative data from bins was compared with information known about the residents who owned them." A brief encyclopedic review of the project. - From wikipedia -
View Archaeological
Jobs, Arizona __ Several listed. - From -
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