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Anthropology Students Excavate Folsom Site Near Albuquerque
__ "The students found flakes from the stone tools the Folsom people shaped
at the site, broken tools, tooth enamel and a few small pieces of bone from
bison that were their prey." Learn what they found and what it means. -
From -
Archaeological Geology of the Mescalero Sands, Southeastern New Mexico __ "The Mescalero Sands accumulated in two episodes, first during the late Pleistocene (90,000 to 75,000 years B.P.) and second during the early Holocene (9000 to 5000 years B.P.) based on OSL dates. Archaeological sites of all ages occur on the surface of the older eolian sand." Detailed report. PDF file - illustrated - From -
Archaeological Sites of the Southwest : New Mexico __ Listing of all of the archaeological sites in New Mexico that are open to public visitation. - From Gregory H. Bondar -
Archaeological Society of New Mexico __ Learn about the organization, membership information, goals and accomplishments. - From -
The Archaeology of Gila Cliff Dwellings, New Mexico __ A general overview of the site with interactive map. - From -
Archeology in New
Mexico __ List and links to articles for several New Mexico
archaeological sites. - From -
Blackwater Draw, New Mexico __ "Eleven thousand years ago, a small spring-fed
lake or marsh near what is now Portales, New Mexico was populated with extinct
forms of elephant, wolf, bison and horse, and the people who hunted them." Learn
about the ancient people and the modern research. - From -
Category:Archaeological sites in New Mexico __ Index of articles related to New Mexico archaeology found in Wikipedia. - From wikipedia -
Center for New Mexico Archaeology Status Report __ "Construction of the Center for New Mexico Archaeology (CNMA) has been on hiatus since the completion of gas, electric, and communications utilities in early 2011." A political budget fight. PDF file - From -
Chaco Culture National Historical Park __ "The very remote Chaco site of northwest New Mexico has the largest, best preserved and architecturally advanced of all ancient Southwestern villages, equal in importance to Mesa Verde in Colorado and although lacking the dramatic cliff alcove setting, the ruins here are made more evocative by the great desolation and emptiness of the surrounding countryside." History, location and more. - illustrated - From -
Clovis - The History of Clovis - Archaeology __ "Clovis is the name archaeologists have given to the earliest well-established human culture in the North American continent. Clovis were the first big game hunters of the Paleoindian tradition, although they were probably not the first people in the American continents." A general overview and resources. - From -
Coronado State Monument, a Photo Gallery __ "The Kuaua Pueblo archaeological site is located within Coronado State Monument." Annotated gallery of photos. - illustrated - From -
Drugs, Guns and Dirt - Archaeology __ "The locus of archaeological crime in the Southwest and across the nation is shifting into the world of drugs and guns. It is a far cry from the traditional, familial world of pot hunters and metal detectorists. " An important article about archaeological vandalism. - From -
Fieldwork | New Mexico Office of Archaeological Studies __ A collection of click-to-read articles about several New Mexico archaeological projects and sites. - illustrated - From -
Folsom Site - National Historic Landmarks Program __ A brief overview of the Folsom site - From National Park Service -
Galisteo Archaeology | Welcome! __ "For the three centuries before the arrival of the Spanish in northern New Mexico, the Galisteo Basin was home to one of the greatest concentrations of Pueblo communities ever known. " A remarkable look at this site, history and research. Music too. - illustrated - From -
Hummingbird 2001: SMU Research Sponsored by Earthwatch __ Learn about an
archaeological research season at Chavez-Hummingbird Pueblo which dates from the
14th and 15th centuries in New Mexico. "...Life on the dig has not lacked
interesting visitors, including rattlesnakes, horned toads, tarantulas and other
many-legged insects..." And a good time was had by all. There are excellent
reports and related information. - illustrated - From Earthwatch Institute -
List of ancient dwellings of Pueblo peoples in New Mexico __ List of ancient pueblos and pueblo archaeological sites. - From Wikipedia -
NASA Archeology Research - Chaco Canyon, New Mexico __ "The Chaco Canyon Research Center had done aerial photography and a ground survey. This was the beginning of an archeological database, to which, we proposed to add thermal infrared multispectral data. If our sensors could locate prehistoric features, this would prove that using remote sensing technology could work for archeology." Learn about this program and its effect on research. - illustrated - From -
New Mexico Archaeology
Museum Directory __ List of archaeology museums in New Mexico - From -
The New Mexico Archaic __ About the archaeological record of the transition of Paleoindian cultures to Archaic cultures in New Mexico. - photos -
New Mexico - Aztec Ruins National Monument __ "Like Montezuma Castle in
the Aztec Ruins were mistakenly thought by early white explorers to be relics of
the great 15th century central Mexican civilisation though as with most other
ancient settlements of the Southwest they actually date from around the 12th
century and were built by tribes indigenous to this region." History, location
and more. - illustrated - From -
NM Administrative Code Qualifications for archaeological/historical/architectural/cultural permits __ Learn what the law requires to do archaeological research in New Mexico - From -
Petroglyph National Monument __ "Petroglyph National Monument protects a variety of cultural and natural resources including volcanoes, archeological sites and an estimated 24,000 carved images." A good overview. - illustrated - From National Park Service -
Ruins of Pueblo Bonito __ "Deep in the remote deserts of northwestern New Mexico lie the extensive ruins of the greatest architectural achievement of the northern American Indians. Known as the Chaco Canyon complex, the site was the main social and ceremonial center of the Anasazi culture.We do not actually know what these people called themselves, the term Anasazi is a Navaho word meaning variously "the ancient ones" or "the enemies of our ancient fathers." A slightly unorthodox overview. - illustrated - From Martin Gray -
Sandia Petroglyph Project __ "During July and August 1995 a group of six
students from Sandia Pueblo worked on a project recording petroglyphs at
Petroglyph National Monument, in Albuquerque, New Mexico." The petroglyphs are
in an expanding developmental area of Albuquerque and is threatened by nearby
housing developments. - photos and other illustrations - From UNM Computer
Science -
The Three Rivers Petroglyph Site __ Read about the Three Rivers Petroglyph Site
in Southeastern New Mexico. - illustrated, history - From Ron Wayne Green -
Tijeras Pueblo Archaeological Site __ "The Friends of Tijeras Pueblo, in partnership with the Forest Service, host a variety of events such as "Saturday Afternoon at Tijeras Pueblo", "Star Nights", and special archaeology, pottery and flint knapping workshops." A general overview of the site and related activities. - From -
Whitley, Galisteo Basin Archaeological Sites Protection Act, S. 2776 __
Statement of Richard Whitley - Acting State Director - New Mexico Bureau of Land
Management - at Field Hearing on S.2776, Galisteo Basin Archaeological Sites
Protection Act - Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources - Santa Fe,
New Mexico - August 7, 2002 -
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