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Archeological Dig, Fort St. Joseph Museum, City of Niles, Michigan __ Introduction, annotated photos and 2010 annual report. - illustrated - From -
Category:Archaeological sites in Michigan __ Index of articles relating to Michigan archaeology found in Wikipedia. - From wikipedia -
A Couple of Sites in the North Woods __ "The following narrative presents the results of archaeological excavations at the Nina site and Interior Lake site in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. These sites have been featured at Michigan Archaeology Day events and are generally interesting sites." A general overview of these sites. - illustrated - From -
Detroit, Next Exit __ "The cyclical lowering of water levels in the Great Lakes has recently laid bare portions of "Hull's Road," one of the region's most important remnants of the War of 1812." Learn how and why a road was built to save Detroit in the War of 1812. - From Brenda Smiley -
dig: Michigan Archaeology Events __ "dig's guide to special archaeological
programs, events, and exhibits in Michigan" - From -
Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project | Western Michigan University __ "Here you will find information on the history of Fort St. Joseph and the efforts of Western Michigan University archaeologists to unlock the secrets of this long lost, but not forgotten, frontier outpost of New France." A brief introduction and several click-to-read articles related to the fort. - From -
History mystery: Michigan's ancient copper mines __ "If you ask some archaeologists, they will tell you that the native Americans had been mining these areas for thousands of years and using copper for decoration, and, presumably tools. However, modern day theorists pose the question, where are all the millions of pounds of copper now?" A controversial article - From -
Interpreting Michigan archaeology: how and why social theories can be utilized to assess Michigan's unexamined agents __ "Professional archaeology has been influenced by different paradigms since the inception of the field. Over the past 80 years, archaeology has been dominated by Culture History and Processualism ..." An essay - From Timothy L. Bober -
Marquette Mission Park and Museum of Ojibwa __ "This is the oldest documented archaeological site in Michigan. It is on the National Historic Site and Landmark and a Michigan Registered Historic Site." History, general overview and contact information. - From - - Preserving Michigan's Aviation heritage __ "Aviation archaeology is a relatively new field with its roots sometime after WWII and practiced mostly by amateurs and hobbyists. Their goal? To research, document, locate and preserve the many plane crash sites around the world. Each one tells a story that is both historically and culturally important either on a local level or globally. As civilization expands, we are encroaching upon, and in some cases, destroying these historic sites." Article and photos. - illustrated - From -
Michigan Archaeological Society __ Learn about the society, its membership requirements, research activities, chapters and goals. You will find a few papers published here as well. - From Michigan Archaeological Society -
Michigan Archaeology Camps and Archeology Summer Camps __ A list of archaeology camps in Michigan and their programs. - From -
Michigan Preservation Plan Profile __ Learn how this plan will protect Michigan's historical and archaeological sites. - From National Park Service -
Michigan struggles to preserve Native American rock carvings __ "This one-of-a-kind site still has the ability to awe, inspire and educate. But years of exposure to the elements, human traffic and intentional abuse have taken their toll. Figures that were once easily discernible now require real effort to make out,..." A brief article. - From -
MTU Industrial Archaeology Program __ Learn about the archaeology program at
Michigan Tech. - illustrated -
Museums: Michigan's Mystery Relics __ "Some of the "Near Eastern" artifacts discovered in Michigan around the turn of the century. The crudity of the hoaxes make them a dead giveaway today, but at the time many accepted them as genuine." A story and exhibit. - illustrated - From -
The Oxbow Archaeologists __ The Oxbow Archaeologists, at the Chippewa Nature Center in Midland have produced an excellent site about projects they have been working on. - illustrated - From -
Public Archaeology | Fort St. Joseph ... - Western Michigan University __ "Making archaeology accessible to the public is a major goal of the Fort St. Joseph Archaeological Project. It is the community’s history that is being unearthed and interpreted by project researchers, and it is very important that they have the opportunity to learn about the project’s findings and even take part in the archaeological process. " A general overview of the work and its results. - illustrated - From -
A Report on Michigan Archaeology __ A paper dated 1926 giving a philosophical background for what may be going on today. - From -
Smart Archaeology in the Pictured Rocks __ Learn about archaeology at the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore and why it is called 'smart.' - illustrated - From -
Sumac Bluff __ "The Sumac Bluff site (State Site Number: 20MD25) is a prehistoric Archaic and Woodland site on the grounds of Chippewa Nature Center." A general overview - illustrated - From -
The Wolf Site (20MB1) __ "The Wolf Site is thought by some to be the only archaeological evidence in Michigan of a very particular culture that moved into the area from southern regions, possibly in response to a period of absence of other tribes in this part of Michigan." A general overview and links to additional resources. - From Unknown -
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